Acceptance – A Choice Present in Every Moment

When it comes to the nitty-gritty of daily life, I’ve been discovering that acceptance is a choice we have that is present in every moment and with even the smallest awareness of this choice, the grandest love opens up.

I used to think of acceptance as something reserved for obvious things like accepting invitations, offers or requests, but presentations by Universal Medicine (UniMed) and Serge Benhayon inspired me to pull back the curtains on acceptance and I began to see that there was much more at play.

For example, when…

  • I complete a task at work and it has gone so smoothly and effortlessly that I feel like I have not ‘worked’ on it all.

I can accept this and say: YES how great am I, if that was simple, what more could I do?

Or I can reject it with a dose of doubt or self loathing: you’re obviously not working hard enough, you better check it, something must be wrong, things are never that easy. You’re nothing special, a monkey could do that.

  • I have a moment where I feel I am enough, it matters that I am here, there is something I bring, equal but different to everyone else’s something and just being me is all that is needed.

I can accept this and say, YES – let’s go for it.

Or I can reject it by recounting my shortfalls, mistakes, all the not-good-enough, shameful, guilty things that prove I’m not that good yet and I need to try harder to make myself better and more… acceptable.

This is how
I accept or reject the love I am,
every moment, every day.

It’s like having two taps to choose from to fill my bath – acceptance OR rejection – each choice I make turns on one of these taps and I end up swimming in the awfulness of doubt and abuse OR the silk of my knowing it’s not about being perfect, it’s about reconnecting to the enormity of love within and accepting it – now, as I am ­­– and living in a way that honours that precious wisdom.

As I allow myself to become more acquainted with acceptance, I come to understand that nothing just happens to me, rather everything in my life comes from what I choose to accept or not.

The more I accept the love within
the more love within there is to accept.

Like in the examples above, present in every moment – no matter how it might be disguised – is the same singular invitation, presented over and over again: to accept or reject the love I innately and incorruptibly am – and that we all are, equally. To accept this love, to say YES – that is me, is to allow the ever-unfolding, ever expanding, mighty, without end or diminishment, Way of Love to be.

Inspired by the work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

By Adrienne Ryan, Brisbane, Australia