Life and Its Gifts – Appreciation

Have you ever been presented with a situation and then looked back and wondered why?

Why did this happen, why did they say that? A situation that you later have appreciation for!

Life is continually presenting so much to us. Do we ever truly stop to feel what we are really being shown?

I have had many occasions in my life where something has happened to me and I have gone into the “Why me?” scenario! This has not always been in a ‘good’ way – I have often seen what has come my way as an inconvenience.

However, recently someone shared with me how life presents little packages, and these packages are presented to show you, to reflect to you a part of you or your life. By observing these packages you are able to feel that there is more to life and what happens around you.

For example, some of the packages that I have been presented with have allowed me to feel that there is an area in my life that may need more attention and a change in the way I am – within myself, my life, and with the people around me.

Recently I was presented with an encounter where a person was astounded by how different I looked today compared to the last time they saw me. Knowing I had not long ago had a baby they couldn’t believe that I was naturally carrying no extra baby weight and that I didn’t look tired but was looking great, and even younger.

It was a great confirmation for me to stop and appreciate how far I have come in my life since introducing different choices and making a lot of changes in my life and the way I live it.

As so often happens, at the time I did not really feel what had been said until that night when I got home. If I chose to, in that moment, I could have felt and appreciated how much I had changed and how that change radiates out.

Of course I knew I had changed, but I still had not accepted myself as I am now, or how I now allow myself to be me.

Not long ago I was part of a ‘before and after’ presentation at a Universal Medicine event: I was one of the participants sharing about the way I had changed. I got up on stage to share a few words about where I was at and where I am at now, not realising until I got on stage that I still did not accept and fully appreciate myself or how far I had come.

I realised that it was not just for another to see and feel, but for me also. During my life I have had compliments from others, whether that’s being told how great I looked or how well I was doing with things in my life. Never was I comfortable accepting or appreciating what was said to me, instead choosing to brush them off thinking I was not good enough to accept compliments of any sort. I have always been presented with opportunities to help me to grow, to see the areas of my life that were amazing and the areas that were not so amazing and needing attention. Of course, some I chose to see and some I ran a hundred miles from. This is something I am now more appreciative of and willing to look more and more at. I now see these opportunities as blessings that help me see what needs to be looked at in my life, or simply what needs to be accepted and appreciated.

Have you ever had life present a situation to you where you never bothered to stop and consider that maybe there is more to it than what you have allowed yourself to feel?

With love and appreciation for Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine and the Way of The Livingness for all they share and represent. It is through this sharing that I have been able to reconnect to who I truly am. I now accept myself for who I am and how far I have come.

By Nicole Serafin, Tintenbar, NSW, Age 41