The Power of Choice

I would like to share an experience I had a while back that made me realise just how powerful our choices can be.

I was in London for the weekend to attend the Esoteric Developers Women’s Group, a group that explores what it is like to live as a woman in today’s society. The group presents Women’s Health from a different and non-imposing perspective where taking responsibility for our own wellbeing and our choices is part of the key topics presented. 

As I left my hotel in the morning I noticed it was very warm and humid outside. I had my whole life struggled with humidity, it made me go warm headed, sweaty and really uncomfortable. I would say I was extraordinarily sensitive to it and it has always had a huge impact on my wellbeing.

So my first thought was “Oh! this is going to be a sticky day”. The next moment I wondered “where did that thought come from?” To be honest it felt like a bit of a curse! As if at that moment I purposely chose/demanded of myself to step into a world of well-known discomfort. I could feel how it automatically made me go into hardening my body, as well as feeling a subtle but nagging anxiousness. I could literally feel how my body braced itself to make it through the discomfort.

By the time I got to the event, this profound realisation (the fact that I actually had activated the discomfort myself by choosing an old and very negative spiraling thought pattern) made me feel very uncomfortable (so double discomfort at this point…).

And I acknowledged that I AM NOT the discomfort. I am the precious woman that left the hotel a few minutes earlier feeling truly lovely! What I realised was how up until this point I had identified with the discomfort and given it fuel in the form of negative thoughts that made it grow bigger.

So, there I was, having realised and acknowledged this self-made setup, and I could either choose to keep myself trapped in that crippling pattern or I could choose differently: which was to stay empowered and connect back with myself and the loveliness that I felt in my body before I chose to comply to this old pattern.

I chose the second option.

In order to truly connect back with my body and not make this a mind thing, I chose to go for a few minutes walk down the Hyde Park promenade. Walking is for me one of the major ways to bring myself back to me and my body when I find myself hooked in by the mind, by emotions or by anything coming from outside of me. In this particular case I was walking with acceptance, as taught by Serge Benhayon.

When I am walking with all of me, all of who I am, no holding back (no doubt or fear, no judgement or arrogance etc) – just plain and simply ME – there follows a natural acceptance of ME and an acceptance of ALL around me that is deeply felt and known.

It’s a feeling of simplicity and grace.

Instead of staying trapped in the old pattern of reacting to the physical discomfort and hence hugely magnifying it, I allowed myself to not only connect to who I truly am but also with that, connecting to everyone and everything around me equally.

Did the discomfort change? – Completely!

It was amazing to feel how easily the presence of myself was regained. It was no big process; it just felt lovely, natural and totally uncomplicated.

The humidity hadn’t changed, but how I responded to it had changed.

How can something so incredibly uncomfortable not only change, but turn into something completely different so easily??

The answer is simple – THE POWER OF CHOICE.

Forever and deeply inspired by the Esoteric Women’s Health as well as the entire work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine

By Eva Rygg, Norway


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