A Home without Compromise

Over the years, I have certainly compromised my own feelings – for others, for situations, to fit in or be liked – but whatever the reason, it was a choice made to settle for less than what felt right for me and honouring of me, overriding what felt loving, supportive and settling for whatever amount of love I thought I deserved at the time, an amount always measured by my own measure of self-worth. But when I am full of self-worth, when I know how beautiful I really am and there is absolutely nothing to be measured, then the love I can hold myself and others in and even my home, is immeasurable and without compromise.

Recently whilst searching for a rental property, my friend and I discovered that not only were we looking for much more than a roof over our heads and an address to call ‘home’, we were committed and open to learning more about ourselves, the ideals and pictures we have carried around about our houses and the unending depth of self-healing and self-development that was presenting great opportunity for change.

There were many homes which ‘would do just fine’— almost completely supportive and comfortable homes – often however, with one seemingly small thing that didn’t quite fit: the interior was new, but the street noise was loud… only a hop and a skip to work, but next door was a building site with a crane hanging overhead… or the simplest feeling that we couldn’t put our finger on, that ‘something just didn’t feel quite right’ – so compromising on our feelings did not feel to be an option.

Trusting What We Feel Without Compromise

We could have easily allowed ourselves to be swept up in the time frame we were subject to, or boxed ourselves into specific suburbs that we thought we liked or knew: we could have settled for a house without a dishwasher (because ideally that could be seen as a luxury to many people) – but most importantly as no home is perfect, we could have easily compromised and accepted and settled for a new home that didn’t feel right for us both.

How many times have we done this… and in all areas of life? How many times have we gone along with something or someone, even though there was a feeling in ourselves that was asking for the space for our honesty, to trust and to honour our feelings? Perhaps completely different choices would have been made.

What we were able to expose for ourselves in our house-hunting was just how comfortable the pictures really are of where we think we should be and what we think things should look like, but how the pictures can actually leave us feeling restricted or stuck in our everyday living, out of harmony in our otherwise natural flow and development within life and held back from our innate yearning to evolve ourselves and be more of who we truly are.

What we found in our new home was that nothing needed to be physically perfect but that saying yes only to what we knew felt right was saying no to compromise. By doing this we found a home that felt truly supportive of us and our daily routines, rituals and rhythms.

In finding a new home that feels supportive and practical for our family who will live and visit there, it is clear to see that a loving home is simply a reflection of the quality that is being lived between its four walls. When I connect to the warmth and love that exists vibrantly within my own heart, I know what loving choices I can make to support my everyday way of living – to bring that warmth through my livingness each day, to my home, my family and far beyond without compromise.

Through being inspired by the presentations of Serge Benhayon, and Universal Medicine I now know that my true home resides in my inner heart and daily it guides my every way. When I hear it I know just what I feel, but when I truly listen – I know a love and a joy that won’t settle for anything less.

By Cherise Holt, 31, Nurse, Brisbane

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