True Expression – Our Superpower!

There is something glorious about a person letting themselves out and letting their natural expression flow. In fact, could our true expression be our superpower? It is powerfully inspiring to see true expression in action. What follows here are but a few of the many examples of people bringing themselves to the things they do that have inspired me of late.

Recently I witnessed a classroom of Grade 2 students ignite as their teacher brought all her natural spunk, joy and wisdom to the act of teaching their lesson. The age-old task of teaching became pure poetry in motion when combined with the unique expression that this teacher brought to her work.

I know a guy who spent an hour teaching me how to use my Mac laptop… and what an hour it was. This man is style, delicateness, strength and wisdom rolled into one – oh, and he brings the fun and joy wherever he goes.

I know what you’re thinking – delicateness and strength existing together, really? Yes, in this man they do (and in truth in all men). How could I but learn what he had to share about computer use when he shared all of his gorgeousness first?

Have you watched children as they download their imaginations onto paper with textas and crayons – imbuing the paper with their natural confidence in what they have to share? That is a lesson right there for every adult who has ever felt pressure to perform, to get it right, or do it perfectly within their work.

Would you think that the key to the tastiest, creamiest guacamole was order, stillness and precision? I know a lady who brings these three qualities to her cooking and her guacamole is unmatched. I know a man who captures the true essence of his subject as a photographer and anchors it with his own stillness… and somehow you can feel the sparkle in this man’s eyes coming through his pictures.

I know a guy who brings his innate tenderness and care to the art of teaching swimming… and I’ve seen reputedly ‘tough’ and ‘difficult’ children melt when he shares this with them. I once attended a healthy eating workshop where the presenter was an exquisite mixture of sexy, sassy and one of the ‘realest’ people I’ve met. It was pure delight to learn about eating for your body from someone who so openly celebrated her own body.

I know a woman who is grace in human form. When she walks, talks, waves, sits, stands, you name it, it is like she leaves a trail of pure grace in her wake. And when she smiles… wowzers!! It’s double strength. In truth, all women have this grace even if it is buried deep, deep within. Just by being in the world, this woman is reminding other women that they too have a natural grace, while schooling them in how to live it.

Have you ever wondered what it is to be a powerful woman, in truth? There are many interpretations and conflicting understandings of what it is to be a strong, powerful woman… but I know a woman who answers this question and then some.

From this woman I have learnt that a woman’s true power is in her presence and living her amazingness on the outside – no tongue stud, motorbike, taekwondo black belt or boring black pantsuit in sight; these are just not needed when a woman knows who she is and is prepared to let the world see.

I know two brothers who know joy. These guys could go all day pouring their spunk and wit into their expression. It is in the tone of their voices, the words they speak, the smiles that transform their faces, their utterly spectacular laughs that hit you straight in the heart. It is achingly beautiful to watch these guys in action and when they share this with you along with their innate gorgeousness, you are gone… These guys are kryptonite to the most hardened heart – a true superpower!

I have met a woman who knows love so deeply that when she smiles you see all the grandness of the universe in her eyes.

I know a woman who is sassiness incarnate! Couple this with an endless capacity for fun and a laugh so glorious that hearing it ignites the joy buried in the deepest recesses of your heart… and you’ve got heaven walking on earth: a gift to all who know her.

People bringing themselves to what they do is mesmerising and powerful beyond measure. Just by being you and letting others see, you truly have the power to change the world. When you walk you, people notice… when you speak your truth, people hear.

When you let a person see the real you, you are showing them that it is safe to do the same. The true superpower is not invisibility, the power to fly or anything else that would enhance our physical capabilities in life: way more powerful is letting ourselves out and letting the world see – this is the impetus of true change!

Serge Benhayon is another man who imbues all he does with his true expression. Because this man has been prepared to share his wisdom, spunk, wit, deep care, unshakable knowing of truth, alignment to purpose – and I could go on all day – with the world, thousands of people worldwide have now been inspired to unlock their own true expression.

One workshop, one conversation – heck, one pass of this man in the hallway is enough inspiration to transform lives and see miracles happen… and for many, many people, this is exactly what seeing Serge in his full glory has led to.

By Kathryn Maroney, Speech Pathologist Gold Coast, Australia

Further Reading:
Communicating with, and Talking to People – No longer Calibrating my Expression
Trusting our ‘True Voice’ and Expression
“Expression is Everything” – How I Feel About Myself, the World and Other People