Healing Hurts

Reading a blog by Anne Hishon ‘Feeling Vulnerable – Feeling me, I found myself totally agreeing with her words: “When I make a choice to bury how I am truly feeling, I miss an opportunity to heal the hurts/wounds that are sitting in my body and that just does not make sense.”

I saw that in the past when I have been emotionally hurt I would put my tail between my legs and try to ignore it by hiding from the source of the pain.

With physical hurts, surface wounds and aches, I immediately attend to them, seek some form of medical attention, be it a band-aid, antiseptic, visit to the doctor, medical practitioner, dentist or whomever the professional is that I feel is the most suitable for the required treatment.

There is no way I would just let the hurt go uncared for, as I know this would leave the ailment to fester and make me feel very unwell. So, why wouldn’t I ‘treat’ myself in the same way with my emotional hurts and reactions?

I am now realising that I can attend to them immediately, as I would a physical hurt. The treatment I’ve discovered is to lovingly support myself, very gently, and stay with what I am feeling.

What I choose may be as simple as giving myself a little space to ponder and be with me, or speak to the person with whom the hurt has come up and open up to them about how I am feeling. It could be that I seek wise counsel from a friend or professional as required.

The main point is that I don’t turn it on myself and continue to compound the hurt by adding the fuel of uncertainty, self-doubt, self-criticism, resentment and anger toward myself or the other person.

We are so worth caring for, healing all our hurts, emotional or physical. There is no separateness to how we truly benefit from treating ourselves and each other when it comes to caring for our wellbeing.

We are precious beings that deserve the utmost love and attention at every moment, in whatever way is needed.

With a forever deepening appreciation to Serge Benhayon,  his presentations and the sharing of life, love and wellbeing.

By Sandra Williamson, Brisbane Australia, Hairdresser

Further Reading:
We Are Not Our Hurts
Giving Power back to Love: Making the Choice to not be Dominated by Hurt

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