Conscious Presence while Cleaning our House

Not so long ago I was involved in a big house clean. For context, I live in UniMed Brisbane’s heritage listed stately home (usually called a Queenslander), which basically means it is a 2 story dwelling, made from timber, that has large balconies that surround the majority of the home. It is a large building covering around 1000m2 of living area, including over 10 rooms and is all white, so invariably twice a year requires a clean as part of its upkeep.

Unimed Brisbane Clinic
Unimed Brisbane Clinic

The very generous Steve Leca, who owns and runs a cleaning business, comes to assist us to conduct this clean of the outside of the house, along with his team and many from the Brisbane Esoteric Community. It is a really fun morning, with many hands making what would ordinarily feel like a huge job become a seamless and very achievable task.

Once the house had been high-pressure water blasted, and so that the white walls didn’t dry all streaky, we were asked to wipe down all the walls from the very top to the very bottom. This required getting up and down a very tall ladder in order to reach from the 12-foot-high roofline to the verandah.

Lesson in Conscious Presence

Raegan Cairney
Raegan Cairney

From the moment I started to climb the ladder, I could feel how important it was for me to take my time, ascending the ladder, each step with conscious presence. The circumference of the house I was wiping down was about 140 metres, so I was up and down the ladder approximately 70-80 times over a period of a couple of hours, climbing a ladder that was 2 metres tall.

Everything was wet, my shoes, the verandah, the ladder, the house walls, so each time I allowed myself to feel my feet, each time I placed my foot on the ladder rung, I felt my hands, the gentleness in my hands as I held the ladder and supported myself by holding the house wall. This enabled me to go about the process of what I needed to do, but with such an elegance, a joy and being completely present with my body.

In the past I would have jumped straight into the ‘doing’, the task at hand. What did I need to get done? I would have been up and down the ladder a million times without any awareness of my feet, where they were placed, how was I cleaning, what it felt like to be cleaning and more importantly, not even having a clue about whether I was present or not. I would have just been totally focussed on ‘getting it done’.

Blessing the House with my Movements

Setting myself up this way, being consciously present and connected with the cleaning task at hand, I was able to wipe down the walls of this beautiful house with such a grace and tenderness, I deeply felt how the house was then being blessed by the way I was moving and going about wiping it down. I felt the love in my hands and the quality of that each time I moved.

This felt natural because of the quality I live in and how I move each and every day, with grace and tenderness with myself – it didn’t just turn up the moment I stepped onto the ladder. Each day when I wake up, I feel with conscious presence the qualities I hold in who I am; when I am walking, it doesn’t matter where, I feel my feet and when I touch things, opening doors, picking up things during the day, I feel my hands as I go about these everyday tasks.

It is finding and holding conscious presence in these everyday tasks that has helped build a love and consistency within me, which I didn’t ever think I could. I had previously been overly anxious, a totally ‘in my head’ person, who continually had multiple streams of conversations with people going on in my head at any one time. So the exercise of cleaning UniMed Brisbane was an incredible marker for me to say, “wow, what a confirmation of my daily choices.”

I would not have understood and learned what I have without the dedication and inspiring work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

By Raegan Cairney, B Comm. Adv Dip Counselling, Brisbane, Australia

Related Reading:
Connection to Self through Conscious Presence
Self Acceptance and Appreciation brings True Presence
Mental Awareness V Conscious Presence

439 thoughts on “Conscious Presence while Cleaning our House

  1. This says that every intricate movement/detail to our everyday living is important, “Each day when I wake up, I feel with conscious presence the qualities I hold in who I am; when I am walking, it doesn’t matter where, I feel my feet and when I touch things, opening doors, picking up things during the day, I feel my hands as I go about these everyday tasks”.

    If we lived from these moments more and more, wow can you imagine where the world be at? Less exhausted in the doing and rushing around and not relying on stimulants either.

    Much to ponder over this sharing…

  2. Caring for the house with love and delicateness is a blessing for all who enter and all who see it.

    1. Mary spot on, when we walk into a house that has been cared for and loved, it can be felt as you walk into every room, it feels solid of love…

  3. When we move in a way that has a flow and a presence, all around us gets to feel this and gets our natural expression reflected to them. When we move in a jarring way and with lack of presence, then the opposite occurs. Either way we offer a reflection to those around us and can inspire another by this.

    1. I was looking at a very old dance video I have, the flow and presence of the young dancer was simply gorgeous to watch and feel.

  4. Going up and down a ladder and especially with wet shoes and surrounds does require a certain amount of focus and presence. It is like those times when we are first learning how to drive a car or play the piano or another musical instrument – we need to be very aware of how we move and what we do – and sometimes we can find this apparently ‘tiring’ when in fact it is the most natural and beautiful way for us to be.

  5. Raegan thanks for your beautiful sharing – and yes I certainly know all about the headnoise thing – that constant chatter that can be going on in the head when the body is trying to do other things or even when trying to sleep. It is amazing to feel how this head noise can be reduced over time as we focus and support ourselves with conscious presence.

  6. Every action has an equal and deepening-blessing for those who choose to be connected to their essence, so when doing anything in true energy we all get the blessing.

  7. “I would not have understood and learned what I have without the dedication and inspiring work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.” I feel the same, conscious presence is something I am still learning to be consistent in, however it’s such a big change from how racy, in my head, and disconnected to myself I used to be.

    1. Conscious presence is very powerful when held consistently, something I too am learning to hold.

    2. Melinda Knights, I agree with you that conscious presence is something I am also working to be consistent with, again like you the chatter in my head is getting less as I’m able to feel me in my body more. None of this would have been possible if it wasn’t for Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. Humanity has been led to believe that it is mind over matter but actually it is the complete opposite. It is matter over the mind, as the ‘matter’ is the connection to the universe which holds a vastness of intelligence beyond what our minds can think. we have chosen the alignment to be lesser rather than the magnificence we naturally are.

  8. I love cleaning and performing tasks in this quality, when I look at a job after it has been done in presence I always get so touched by the outcome – it feels beautiful & lovely to have done it.

    1. viktorisstoykova it was so much fun to work alongside you and a team that had been put together to support a venue that was taking place. It was abundantly clear that the people at the venue really enjoyed themselves due to the amount of people who throughout the day kept coming up to say how much they were enjoying themselves and how much they appreciated how the staff were taking care of them. It was an absolute pleasure to be there as part of the team and showed me what can be achieved when we get ourselves out of the way and attend to what needs to be done.

  9. With conscious presence we bring a quality and flow to our movements, the difference is felt and clocked by everyone.

  10. How wonderful and life-changing it would be, if all children were taught the very simple art of conscious presence, not to hold them back in their natural love and enjoyment of life, but to simply make them aware and appreciative of their amazing body. I see so many adults, and I was one, who live their lives in their head, seemingly disconnected from their bodies, which suffer immensely in the process. Being consciously present when I am doing things, like climbing a ladder, has certainly brought much change into how I move throughout my day.

    1. Well said Ingrid, though I would say we would learn a lot from children who naturally have that conscious presence already from birth – and so how amazing it would be to allow this and learn from it as adults in terms of feeling their reflection and being reminded of how we too were once as children.

  11. There is so much to be said for being in conscious presence because we become far more aware of what we are doing and what is going on around us, and we don’t tend to get exhausted either, physically tired from doing the job yes but we don’t get drained by the effort, because it become effortless.

  12. “This enabled me to go about the process of what I needed to do, but with such an elegance, a joy and being completely present with my body.” The shining photograph of the house is a reflection of the love and attention with which it is cared for.

  13. How we move makes such a difference, there is a world of communication in our movements. That is why we can feel pushed out of a group just by how people move around us and with each other, no words needed. And so too can we bless places by how we move, how we hold things and walk.

    1. Lieke Campbell you have made a great observation that it is our movements that convey what is truly happening, this is a topic of conversation we do not have with each other but if we did we would all be able to say that what we feel is overridden by our minds. That if we allowed our bodies to communicate with us, life would be very different. We deliberately shut down the most important aspect of us because we have been educated to believe that our brain/ mind is at the epicentre of our bodies, when actually it is our heart. The heart knows before the brain this is a scientific fact.

  14. Things done with presence and love are felt by everybody. As a marriage celebrant, when I married 2 people last weekend, one of the younger men said to me how much warmth he had felt during the ceremony and that is was different from other weddings.

  15. The power and the effect of conscious presence are out of this world. Our body loves it and start communicating more and it doesn’t have to be so loud and our movements align to the natural flow of the body. Also everything done with conscious presence is done with love and offers love for everybody to feel.

  16. We can get so caught in the activity of what we are doing but not be present with our body while we are at it. Not sure how we do that, it actually sounds very complicated, but we do it somehow, far more often than being consciously present. Something must be quite off for that way of being to be seen as more normal.

    1. Or we can connect with our body and feel it as we do our jobs, ‘each time I allowed myself to feel my feet, each time I placed my foot on the ladder rung, I felt my hands, the gentleness in my hands as I held the ladder and supported myself by holding the house wall.’

    2. Fumiyo Egashira the pressure to not be in our bodies but to continuously look outside of ourselves is very strong because once we start to understand how much we have been lied to and make the steps to reconnect back to our bodies the consciousness that we have aligned to feels the pull away from it and so increases the pressure so that it doesn’t lose it’s grip. We have yet to admit that there is an energy that keeps us in the constant distractions which keeps us all in an emotional soup which it feeds off. If we lessen the emotional soup it is starved of its life force, so it makes sense that the consciousness is not going to just give up, of course it will intensify its energy to keep us in the all consuming distractions of life. We only have to stop and look around us to see the set up we have fallen for.

    1. I love looking at the photo of this gorgeous house – it certainly glows. A beautiful example of the fact that how we do a job – the energy we do it in – is of the utmost importance, for that is the quality that shines through once the job is complete. And the quality of the cleaning of this house shines very brightly.

  17. Whenever I read this blog I love the appreciation Raegan has for herself because of the choices she has made. It is incredibly beautiful when we express appreciation towards others but especially towards ourselves because in society we are not encouraged to do so because of the ideals and beliefs we hold within ourselves.

    1. Appreciation and confirmation are important to bring into our daily schedule, ‘the quality I live in and how I move each and every day, with grace and tenderness with myself – it didn’t just turn up the moment I stepped onto the ladder.’

  18. Recently I have been helping a man whose wife has passed away, to clean and clutter clear his home. It has been a wonderful process of gentle change which I approach in the same way you did while cleaning this beautiful building. I too realise that the more love and presence I bring to each movement I make in the home the more it is felt. This was confirmed to me when after two weeks off with an illness I returned to do some more cleaning. As I was about to leave this lovely man said to me – ‘the house has missed you’. That definitely was a smile moment.

    1. Gorgeous sharing Ingrid. When we are connected to our body and move with love, this naturally offers healing wherever we go.

  19. It’s very beautiful that we can bless a building by the way we move in conscious presence and the quality that we bring.

    1. This shows how powerful we are when we stay connected to our body and it is through our body that our Soul can work through us to bless the world with God’s light.

  20. We are so used to that sense of disconnection between heart body and mind that this is become the norm. Just imagine what would happen if we lived in the way that this article proposes.

  21. “totally focussed on ‘getting it done’.” This is a beautiful example of how we and a task feels when we merely focus on ‘getting it done’ and when we make every move with love and that love is reflected back to us and everyone else.

  22. Conscious presence keeps us connected to our body so all our moves are focused on the moment at hand – thus there is no escapades of our wandering mind distracting us so we lose our purpose.

    1. Such a simple technique and this can be applied to everything we do and the magic of this is that we then bless everything we do with love.

    2. Spot on Suse, and to take it one step further, it is not a mindfulness thing which would be something along the lines of saying to oneself “I am washing the walls, I am washing the walls, I am washing the walls…” and hence having one’s mind full of the thoughts of ‘washing the walls’. Rather conscious presence is that part of us that is acutely aware of the body whilst we are doing the task, feeling one’s posture and adjusting it as needed, smelling the fragrance of the soap buds as one washes, feeling the warmth or the coolness of the water and feeling the softness of the sponge one is using – there are so many things to delight in and feel that there really is not space for distractions and letting the mind wander.

  23. A great article Reagan, and a confirmation of how you have been living with conscious presence feeling the beauty and joy of gentle movement in your body throughout your everyday life.

  24. This is a cleaning job that looks like you are having so much fun then with the end result of being present and the joy in participating in something that is community based, is it any wonder the building is glowing.

    1. Working together can be so much more fun, ‘the joy in participating in something that is community based, is it any wonder the building is glowing.’

  25. “In the past I would have jumped straight into the ‘doing’, the task at hand. What did I need to get done? I would have been up and down the ladder a million times without any awareness of my feet, where they were placed, how was I cleaning, what it felt like to be cleaning and more importantly, not even having a clue about whether I was present or not. I would have just been totally focused on ‘getting it done’.” I can really relate to what you’re saying here. I have done this with housework many times. I go into anxiousness about getting it done, so I complete it with no presence or real care. Your experience reminds me of how to approach all activities with a much deeper lever of presence and appreciation for me. Doing the ‘doing’ and not feeling me within the task, is so laborious, whereas it could be so much more of a celebration of me.

    1. So true Irena, getting caught in the rush of doing we can totally lose our presence.

  26. “This enabled me to go about the process of what I needed to do, but with such an elegance, a joy and being completely present with my body.” This feels great because, through doing this job, lovingly, you now have a new marker for all other activities undertaken, no matter how big or small.

  27. It really is a transformation when we start to do things with connection and awareness rather than that driven doingness that can be and does prove to be so destructive.

  28. When I clean with the focus in getting the job done, I lose myself, my body becomes hard, tensed and aches. But when I connect to every movement of my body, stay in conscious presence while cleaning, then the area I’ve cleaned feels lovely and I feel lovely without any tension or hardness. This reminds me that every movement I make matters and to bring awareness to my body no matter what I am doing is deeply loving and supportive, not only for me but for the people around me too, because it supports me to stay connected to ‘me’, so when I interact with others, I am able to be myself.

  29. When we add conscious to the quality of our movements, we do the same but held in a totally different space. The quality we are holding becomes also the quality of our doing. Beautiful to feel.

  30. You show how very joyful work can be when we do not see it as a must do but enjoy ourself in every moment and actually appreciate what we bring and the togetherness of working hand in hand.

  31. What a great confirmation of how you are living, ‘It is finding and holding conscious presence in these everyday tasks that has helped build a love and consistency within me.’

  32. I can feel your joy and the love in this blog and in how you describe your gentle and graceful present movements while wiping down the house – and yes what a blessing for all who enter, and I love how life just confirms us in so many ways when we live true to ourselves.

  33. “In the past I would have jumped straight into the ‘doing’, the task at hand. What did I need to get done?” Me too Raegan. Nowadays the preparation – which is me living my life in full – brings a quality to any work undertaken.

  34. I totally love cleaning because it helps to bring me out of my head and back down into my body, just by focusing on how I’m moving and the quality of that. I then take that quality into everything else that I’m doing. Being in my body gives me more energy; being in my head zaps me.

  35. This blows out of the water the beliefs and ideals that surround getting a job done, that it needs to be done with gusto and a lot of push and drive and most of all that it can not be enjoyable. Could it be that we don’t enjoy working or doing chores because we are not consciously present with ourselves?

  36. When we work in a group or a team, the work becomes much easier and more enjoyable, and we get through it so much quicker.

  37. A powerful bridge that asks us to be more with our body, in our movements and actions.. And that in certain cases we are being obviously (physically) asked for it due for example danger to fall.. But what if we would apply the same conscious presence for every choice, moment , breath we take and all the actions we do? Would our world be in another state? Great to ponder on – and see our expansion possible.

  38. I completely love the way Regan has explained quality and how working with it feels and is different. What I also love is the connection and honour of her home. What is shared here is not just for our homes or cleaning it is about how we hold ourselves and subsequently others in our every day.

  39. ” Blessing the house with my movements” how gorgeous is that, thank you Reagan for sharing the qualities you have built into your daily life by bringing in conscious presence lovingly into every movement.

  40. What the process of cleaning can actually bring up – the brotherhood that is there for us to connect to and do and work together on things that serve greater purposes.. That is a love filled place such as the Unimed Clinic Brisbane where people come for a healing session.

    1. Yes the quality of energy at the clinic will support those who come for healing sessions.

  41. And what’s great is that being consciously present in every movement does not mean moving at a snails pace. it simply means being aware of your body and the task and not being on auto pilot disregarding the very thing (your body) is doing for you.

  42. What a gorgeous celebration of you Raegan, and the choices and life you’ve built. Very inspiring. I love how you describe how you connect to you and ‘the qualities I hold in who I am’ … not doing with first being, and knowing that it’s the being, the quality that imbues everything.

  43. The power of bringing conscious presence into cleaning, it establishes a really lovely quality to the space we are in and leaves it feeling supportive for the next time. And with the appreciation of this it brings much more power to it and actually re-energises us – even after cleaning. Because the ability to appreciate is seeing that there are multi dimensions with us when we do something as simple as putting things away in the kitchen, but the appreciation extraordinary.

  44. Conscious presence to me is a gift from heaven as when I am with my body in all that I do I can feel the delicateness of my body, how gracious it moves and how spacious it is. And in this grace I do feel to be part of a greater whole, the All that moves in this same grace and precision and in accordance with the plan.

  45. You highlight a great point here Raegan about the power of our daily choices and how this supports us to truly evolve even in the most simplest of tasks.

  46. Discovering conscious presence and choosing it is one of the most amazing gifts we can offer ourselves and everyone.

  47. Thank you Raegan for sharing that experience – conscious presence is so simple and yet incredibly powerful and profound in it’s impact!

  48. And Unimed Brisbane really does reflect and shine with the love that is poured into on and around it as is written about in this article.

  49. Thank you Raegan, for sharing the quality we can choose to live with whenever we are in connection to our essence within. The more we choose connection, the more this becomes natural, returning us to our true way of being through which our presence is always a blessing.

  50. It is amazing how what once was the worst chore of my life, is now something I look forward to in my day! I love cleaning, and even more, I love the feeling after I have cleaned 🙂

  51. “This felt natural because of the quality I live in and how I move each and every day, with grace and tenderness with myself – it didn’t just turn up the moment I stepped onto the ladder. Each day when I wake up, I feel with conscious presence the qualities I hold in who I am; when I am walking, it doesn’t matter where, I feel my feet and when I touch things, opening doors, picking up things during the day, I feel my hands as I go about these everyday tasks.” This is gorgeous Raegan. So inspiring. I feel how blessed Unimed Brisbane is having had you perform this ritual for it.

  52. ‘This felt natural because of the quality I live in and how I move each and every day, with grace and tenderness with myself – it didn’t just turn up the moment I stepped onto the ladder’. It is our livingness that we bring to all we do, beautiful Raegan.

  53. For a start how many accidents would be prevented if we were all just a bit more consciously present in the tasks we carry out on a daily basis. I also find that even the most boring of tasks are far more enjoyable if I am able to stay present with myself.

  54. Raegan a truly beautiful confirmation of the quality of presence and the power of the bodies true connection in every divine movement made. Thank you.

  55. Conscious presence eliminates the thoughts that we are somehow incapable or unworthy. By definition it tells us who we are, and that we are a soulful being within a human body.

  56. I used to clean in a rush and in a head space where I think I need to get a lot done but now, I am starting to clean with more awareness in my body, paying more attention to not using my body in hardness and a rush. It feels so different, the space feels clearer, things get done properly and I feel energised instead of feeling exhausted.

  57. What you describe here is a living from the inside out instead from the outside in. Being in and truly living from the body, feeling oneself and enjoying ones moves. Being one with oneself instead of waiting for the outside stimulation to set you in motion.

  58. I just came back to read my own blog and can feel how much of a blessing (and reminder) I have had for myself, to always come back to the quality of our daily choices. Whether thats make the bed, brushing our teeth or putting away the dishes. Everything reflects everything.

  59. When we are aware of how we are moving whilst doing our clearing out or cleaning there is a marked difference in the quality of the space we have just cleaned – you can’t help to look at it and appreciate what you feel several times. Whereas when we clean with our minds elsewhere the section just cleaned becomes just another finished chore.

  60. It is interesting to hear people share how they do their cleaning on a set cleaning day or vacuum every fortnight leaving this day to get the job done. What you have shared here Reagan is how when we take responsibility with our conscious presence it becomes our natural movement in all that we do so that the cleaning can be done each day, rather than waiting for a given day to show the detail and care of how we can live.

  61. A great reminder Reagan to be in conscious presence in everything we do. I love the way you describe the process involved in this house cleaning and the blessing brought about through your gentle consciousness.

  62. Reagan you remind me of the gentleness we naturally have as children, and how we move with so much tenderness. Your beautiful photo and all of your words all express a return to those natural qualities we are born with. Your blog is also a confirmation of our divinity and multidimensionality – by just being ourselves we bless everyone and everything with every movement.

  63. This is lovely to read, about grace in movement during every day tasks. Because there are no boundaries to having grace in movement, it is available to everyone, all we have to do is choose it by remaining aware of our bodies and how they are moved, and grace will be there.

  64. When we do any task with all of ourselves it transforms it from being a maybe small menial task into a re-imprinting with love. So powerful! Hence it doesn’t matter what we do, but how.

  65. This makes me consider how much we autopilot our day. I can relate to just getting the job done and in that way not really being with what I am actually doing. It’s like at the point you are getting it done you are already partly in whatever the next thing is to do. You run yourself like this and crash at the end of the day or week. I remember people talking to me about lists and how no matter how many things are on your list and how many you do there will always be more. So it makes me wonder then is it all only about quality? We place a lot of pressure on ourselves with time and quantities of things we need to get done but more and more things are there and yet time goes the other way, there is never enough. This places a constant battle within ourselves between the number of things to do with the limited time but what if all this wasn’t true? Not the fact of the things or time but what if our focus on them wasn’t true, what if it was a distraction from where we truly need to be? What if it is all about our quality, as the article presents. I mean think of driving and how many times you have left your garage and driven down the road from your house. You possibly do this without a thought and could do it with your eyes shut but does it make sense to just do something or if we are going to do the same thing over and over wouldn’t it make sense to have the focus on quality? To me things and life have made greater sense when my view is towards quality and not just doing.

  66. Being a cleaner myself, one thing I am so appreciative of is the consistency cleaning has offered me. If I am not present with my movements, my body gets tired the day is long, and the quality I feel when finished is not the same as I know it could be. It offered a micro view of how my life can be in all areas if I was to hold consistency, presence and connection. Knowing that it is all one life, I’m offered a marker to bring everything too. What an incredible blessing.

  67. Part of my weekly work routine is cleaning where I work – I love it, the quiet when the building is empty apart from me, an oppotunity to give back to the space and care for it and in turn every person who walks through.

    1. I love this time to clean also. It is a precious and sacred time and so much can be given to another without them ever realising it. I have been in buildings after all have gone home and watched the cleaners come through and transform the space, then observed the next morning as the employees come back into work. The cleaners have left such a lovely marker of order and cleanliness for the whole establishment. I always deeply appreciated them and their silent labours. It taught me to be mindful of my own space and how I leave it for others.

      1. I agree – and every day is a fresh imprint for the next, once again offering everyone the opportunity to feel the quality that was cleaned in, the respect for the space and be touched. I used to see people suddenly take far more care closing the doors, or how they left their shoes and bags, whilst in others it highlighted a lack of care, without judgement but almost seeming amplified in a space to held by love.

  68. I love the power of people coming together, working for a common purpose but each responsible for the quality they bring to the task at hand. When we don’t turn up for ourselves, we don’t turn up for the all, denying everyone the importance of who we truly are and what we can offer.

  69. You could very easily clean an entire house checked-out or distracted, thinking about other things, stressing, worrying, getting frustrated etc. and the job would still get done, but what you’ve illustrated Raegan is the difference in QUALITY of the clean, something that affects everyone who steps foot in or lives in the home, when we are consciously present and really get into the flow of cleaning service!

  70. Reagan I love the detail and conscious presence you were in whilst cleaning the house, the house now holds a loving imprint for all to be blessed by when they enter the home.

  71. Choosing to be fully present with ourselves in what we do brings in such a joy and enjoyment in moving with ourselves, and everything that we do, is literally blessed by that natural loving quality that we are moving in and with.

  72. How beautiful described Reagan and like you’ve explained it has been the consistency in your daily choices that made your amazing work on that day possible. Whatever we do, the quality of our movement comes first before anything else.

  73. When we are consciously presence we quite literally feel and appreciate each step in what we are doing and don’t get caught in the wave of, and flurry of activity of, the doing.

  74. A lovely example of what and how we’re living directly affecting our every movement which in turn directly affects the impact we have on our immediate environment and those around us.

  75. How beautiful it is to live in this conscious presence and how harsh the world feels when we lose it and just do for the sake of doing.

  76. I have recently been having a lovely time addressing some pockets of clutter still remaining in our home. It has been a joyful experience choosing to remain in conscious presence with my body and how this changes how my hands feel working with the job being actioned. The quality in the house feels more harmonious as I walk in the door.
    “I felt the love in my hands and the quality of that each time I moved”.

  77. When we bring all our attention to all that we do, with appreciation and enjoyment for every sensation, how could we want to skip this or check out? This blog and your words Raegan have helped me realise that every moment can be like a jewel in my life, if I just stop and cease my running around.

  78. I spent some time cleaning today and found myself enjoying what I was doing. Simply being fully content with where I was and what I was doing. Is this not amazing, as it is very easy to want to get something like cleaning done and onto something more fun. As you share Reagan, when we are with our body, everything is enjoyable.

  79. I’ve been returning to your blog Raegan every day for a while. You might think this seemingly simple blog about cleaning a house, might have quickly lost its power. But the opposite was the case. Now I can feel that every move that I make, and every word that I type on this keyboard here has a energetic imprint that ripples out in this world, through the immediate environment supporting or obstructing everyone around. Wow – what responsibility we have to make this world’s quality ‘cleaner’ with our moves.

    1. Cleaning and clearing the quality of the world through movement.. a great reminder that our every movement and thought matters.

  80. Thank you Raegan, we all have the opportunity to bless the ‘house’ of this world with the way that we move. But do we choose this quality or move with clumsy clunking boots, and jerky strokes? Sometimes I feel a burglar would have more care and finesse. In reality, we are the ones who have suffered a theft – the robbery of the joy that naturally comes when we move with true grace. So let us do our part for the cleanliness of our world and make our moves those that support everyone to be true…

  81. No task is too great if we work together… this is true in our everyday and also if we pan out to view the bigger picture and the devastation in our world today.

  82. Reading about this dedicated and delicate cleaning makes me realise I can bring this level of care to my body too. Just as you step with conscious presence in your tasks Raegan, so too can we apply this to all that we do. I love washing my face with absolute stillness and can feel, just like with Unimed Brisbane and you, this quality truly shines though.

  83. When we are present with ourselves as we do the jobs in the house, we observe the tiny details which changes it from a chore to a joy with the quality we are working in. And the result is great confirmation too.

  84. We settle sometimes for streaky marks on the windows, scuffs on the skirting board and blotches on the couch. Yet when we take the time to clean them out, it is remarkable how good we feel. So your words remind me today Raegan that I needn’t ever settle for bits of life that stick and mark. My body and feeling about the day is transformed when I choose to step forward and clean it all up.

  85. This shows Reagan, how we can bring the quality of our conscious presence through and with what we do everyday, how such a task that can be otherwise be seen as something mundane or boring becomes a joyful expression.

  86. Such a simple blog Raegan, but what I can see is if you become someone who also regularly cleans your body and being, just like this house, when you spend time with other people, the quality you bring is one that is also supporting them to clean up their life. And so we lift each other, the clearer and simpler we live in our day.

  87. We all have experienced performing an act or task we brought super care and loving attention to. Whether it was tying our son’s shoe lace, preparing our daughter’s lunch or stroking the hair of a loved one, these moments seem to slow down and transcend time. What stays around is the care we feel, but what if this sense is not restricted to one-off events, but can actually be lived and enjoyed with everything? Your words here Raegan remind me there is nothing special or ‘more’ valuable in this world, except the Love we can bring with conscious presence and appreciation in every move.

  88. Conscious presence, an absolute gift and blessing as presented by Serge Benhayon. And after re-learning it and applying it to everything I do, I remembered that it is the most natural thing and is always waiting for us.

  89. When being in full conscious presence with the mind and body in union together, time has no hold over us – there is only presence with what we are doing in the moment.

  90. Great to have those opportunities in life where our physical being is totally challenged such as being on a ladder in the wet and cleaning but where we do have a choice to be safe and very careful and totally aware of the danger and bring all our attention to our bodies. That choice is about more than safety but about the quality of the work we produce. It is amazing how that choice gives us back so much, which clearly comes across from what Reagan has shared.

  91. This could be a workshop! A morning spent working with others refining our conscious presence. I would sign up…

  92. Your words here remind me Reagan that every part of our life deserves our conscious presence and dedication to simplicity otherwise muck and junk accumulates and gets in the way. The cool thing is bringing our full care to anything has a cleaning effect on everything around. Our quality of energy turns out to be the ultimate spring cleaner.

  93. How could you rush and be hard when you feel your body this way? How could you push and drive through when you enjoy feeling you? What you describe Raegan makes so much sense, and when we are ‘with ourselves’ this way the fact is we clear our body and the space all around. How responsible are we then for our wider environment and how beautiful is that power we possess to change it all with one step.

  94. ” Blessing the house with my movements”
    What a beautiful way to bring love to our homes by moving lovingly and tenderly.

  95. ” Blessing the house with my movements”
    What a beautiful way to bring love to our homes by moving lovingly and tenderly.

  96. Feeling the joy of conscious presence in our everyday tasks is a gorgeous confirmation of our choices.

  97. Raegan, your blog is such a lovely confirmation of all the choices you had made up to that point when you put your first foot in the ladder. No going into ‘cleaning mode’, simply you bringing all of you lovingly, to your day. Very inspiring.

  98. One of the things I love about our student body is that there is such a willingness to come together to support each other when this is needed, like cleaning the house. This means it is not just left for a few and is loads more fun doing it knowing that there is plenty of help.

  99. it really is an extraordinary feeling when we come out of our heads, back into our bodies, and start to have a congruent connection between our bodies and our hearts our minds and our movement.

  100. It is easy to settle for a certain standard of quality in your life, as we do with cleaning where we say ‘thats clean enough’. But when it comes to conscious presence and the Love we can bring to everything, there is no half-way house, or ‘just enough’. In my experience, anything less than the full package leads to a lot of a mess in your life. Thank you for the gorgeous inspiration Raegan to continually bring this care and quality to my life.

  101. Not only is conscious presence of help to myself, my health and flow of life, it supports – by way of reflection – all around me to connect to their innermost. In the end it is a way of connecting humanity.

  102. It is amazing how different we can feel the same tasks when we make them with conscious presence. A boring or exhausting activity becomes playful, creative and enriching. The difference in our perception depends on the choice of being present = being lovingly with us in every movement we do. Simple and life changing at the same time.

  103. I love when I bring full attention to my typing. It is gorgeous to feel my fingers gently touching the keys, it feels graceful, super feminine and enjoyable …. I’m not tempted to go into ‘drive’ mode when my I’m aware of how my fingers touch the keyboard.

  104. Many hands really do make light work. I experienced this at the weekend where normally only a few people clean a building after courses have been held and it takes quite a while, however this weekend so many more people helped it was unbelievable the time we got it done by 💕 it felt so lovely and a lot more joyful too ⭐️

  105. This is such truth that it is something that we have to integrate into our daily lives being consciously present as it is not something that magically happens. I have learnt it requires consistent focus and dedication which creates a way of being that feels spacious and wholesome.

  106. There is something very special about paying attention to and being responsible for the quality in every moment. Not only is life more fulfilling in this way, it opens the door for true magic to happen.

  107. I have spent a lot of my life cleaning at home and at work….it is not an exaggeration to say I Love cleaning. I appreciate now that I have a deeper understanding of why this is the case – I feel it clears or confirms the energy of what we clean and when we do it with purpose and love I feel that it supports our movements when we are present in cleaning. It is humble, supportive for the all and brings order and a natural flow in life, much to enjoy. I have also learnt to be more in my body and understanding of life cycles through cleaning. Cleaning never ends….there is nothing lineal about it, we make a mess, we use something, something gets old and tired and we clean it up….then it comes around again…I Love that reflection in life…how do we respond to the cyclical nature of cleaning?

  108. Working in a team and really going for it in terms of responsibly playing my part at the same time as observing and appreciating the activity and commitment of others, makes what I have previously perceived as mundane jobs really inspiring and a pleasure to be part of.

  109. I just have to echo some of the gorgeous comments already here – what you describe Reagan is the enormous gift of caring for the smallest detail, tending lovingly to the little things and in doing so, there is nothing mundane, there is only grace in every movement that we make which has a ripple effect on everyone and everything.

  110. Living life with conscious presence no matter what we are doing or where we are is energising and offers others a pull to do the same.

  111. Being consciously present changes everything. We think we have to do all these things, have all these issues and need to work on and all this stuff, when really, as I am learning, as to be honest I live from function and doing a lot, coming back to our body, our movements and being very aware, present and exact none of this is there, I can feel the joy and lightness that is me, and always there – I feel me. That beats getting caught up in life or other people’s issues hands down.

  112. It is so easy to jump into doing tasks on autopilot, just thinking about the end product, or even thinking about a whole load of other things. Yet I too have noticed a depth of power and quality whenever I choose to simply be present with a task, far surpassing the times when I do not have a conscious presence. And everything is so much easier and more enjoyable. Thank you for sharing your experience and the insights Raegan.

  113. ‘From the moment I started to climb the ladder…’ Embracing responsibility and the opportunities on offer in each moment is a really life changing way to approach my day – this article is a beautiful point of inspiration – thank you, Raegan.

  114. Staying so aware of all your movements whilst cleaning clearly dispels all the usual mind chatter and brings a beautiful quality to the activity. Thank you for your lovely conformation of the joy of conscious presence Raegan.

  115. There is a huge difference between what is called mindfulness and what is called conscious presence, even though they appear on the outer to be the same philosophy. Both ask you to be present with your movements, to bring your mind into focus with the present. However, the one fundamental difference is that conscious presence is asking you to be conscious of the quality of your presence in that moment. And that is a huge revelation. It is not enough to be present with your body. That on its own changes very little, although it is a huge shift in awareness if one is not used to being present with their body at all. The huge shift, however, occurs, when you bring in the aspect of quality. Are you harsh, or gentle. From that simple awareness, your growing awareness around quality of being starts to develop. And you realise one form of movement leads to disconnection, whilst another quality of movement leads to a deeper form of connection with self, with live, with all. And that quality starts with gentleness. Although it is worth remembering that gentleness on its own does not bring about the connection we all seek. It simply offers to put an end to the disconnecting movements that we are all so familiar with, and in that offers a platform for the way forward to a truer sense of movement.

    1. Yes there is a vast difference between mindfulness and conscious presence. Thank you for your very clear explanation of the difference. Just having mental focus on something is clearly not enough. Being aware of the quality in every moment is key. The deep connection to self it brings snowballs to a greater connection to everything. And it also promotes the expansion of the quality itself. Quite magnificent.

  116. Raegan, what a great change from the racy you focusing on ‘getting it done’ to the one who now does the job with quality and presence. As you say, presence ‘didn’t just turn up’– it is built by consistently practising conscious presence and when we do anything in this quality it does ‘bless the house’.

  117. This example of cleaning a big house over a day in conscious presence is a great example of what happens the more consistently we move and live this way. From the first choice to be present, there is a domino effect that keeps expanding and making it easier and more natural to stay with your body. Without all the distractions of our thoughts and life, that’s when feelings like joy and lightness can be felt.

  118. I find it amazing how conscious presence can turn a rather monotonous job into something enjoyable. Feeling my body as I move, I am always surprised by what I find there – and it’s fascinating to delve deeper into that feeling and let my body run the show instead of my mind!

  119. I love this big old house that has been so well cared for. The ornate high ceilings, the wide halls, the massive detailed windows and just it’s sheer size overall. What is also striking is the colour it’s painted, it’s like the perfect colour for the house, classical and yet modern, soft and yet sharp. I have only visited it once but the memory is like it was yesterday and the feeling has stayed with me. It’s great there are people living there taking such great care of such a piece of history. You don’t see houses built with this detail and quality anymore. This house wasn’t built to a budget or from a kit, it was truly built for people to live in it and so everything was done with that in mind and it’s grandeur is there from the moment you see it from the street.

  120. WOW the photo here of where you live is marked with the care and love that those living there take. How gorgeous to see and feel. And how you are able to explore conscious presence is certainly a gift.

  121. How beautiful to put so much energy and presence into cleaning your home. I know that cleaning is still one of the things that I avoid or delay, but once I am actually cleaning I love it, and everything feels so much clearer and lighter when it’s done, including me! If I focus on the quality with which I am cleaning and also the purpose and focus of the task I feel great in my body while I’m cleaning, so why would I ever try to avoid it?!

  122. I just have to echo some of the gorgeous comments already here – what you describe Raegan is the enormous gift of caring for the smallest detail, tending lovingly to the little things and in doing so, there is nothing mundane, there is only grace in every movement that we make which has a ripple effect on everyone and everything.

  123. I had never really understood why I enjoy particular tasks such as cleaning, hoovering, painting (not the arty type) ironing etc. and yet now can clearly appreciate that when I do these things in presence and bring quality to them I imprint them with this. Amazing to feel that how I iron my shirt the night before can help support me for the next day etc. This all gives a whole new appreciation of the significance of those who sweep our streets.

  124. What is evident from this blog is how when we bring conscious presence to a task the quality and what is left behind and felt changes. As well as our attitude to doing it. Cleaning for me, I have always seen as and felt as the same as doing a massage on a body so it makes sense why ‘how’ I am doing it matters.

  125. With conscious presence the most mundane tasks can become a true blessing for all and oh what a gift for whoever is on the receiving end of the tasks receives.

  126. A great opportunity to practice the dedication of conscious presence and to see first hand the importance of such focus in each step and moment. Nothing like 70+ trips up the ladder for conscious presence training to bring awareness to our movements.

  127. What this shows me today is that we can do something when needed. For example, going up the ladder consciously as it had an element of danger. But what you have explored here, is that we can actually do this all the time if we look at the quality of energy in which we run our lives. If we build up overtime, self-care and self-love, and bring in more tenderness and delicateness (even typing these words brought in more delicateness) then we can bring in more conscious presence into all of our movements and not just the ones where we ‘know we need to’. Because in reality, we need to do it all the time. The world needs to be graced and blessed by us being full present in our actions.

  128. I used to find cleaning the house was such a bore, because it gets dirty again quite quickly, and I was always doing it fast because I wanted to be somewhere else. I checked out of me as I checked out of the cleaning job. What you describe Raegan, blessing your house with your movements, shows me that Everything has a purpose, an importance and gives a reflection. We want everyone to feel the Love we feel in our homes, therefore we can imprint that as we clean, what a great purpose that is.

  129. The power of consistency is immense. It may look like a mundane thing or task, but the simple task done daily with consistency moves mountains and clears energy. Consistency in a person also builds trust in another – one thing many of us have lost in the world. In this I can feel how important living consistency is. It’s one of the many things that will support us to rebuild brotherhood and community in this world.

  130. With such a wet environment and going up and down a ladder, it is wise to be very aware of how one moves and where one puts their feet and hands etc. But what you have brought to this is more than just an awareness of the body, you have added the element of the quality in which you move Reagan! And this is what gives the beauty to the whole experience and which then shines out of the house walls till the next clean.

  131. We like to think of cleaning as literally wiping away the dirt from the walls but in my experience there is another whole side being present brings. When we move and touch and sweep and stand connected to who we are, we clear the energy that is around us all. So when we choose to live with Love we clean everything in every way. Its important to appreciate ourselves for this quality. Thank you Raegan for polishing up this subject.

  132. The sparkle of a house cleaned with presence is a grand sparkle that goes beyond what the eye can see.

  133. I use to put really loud music on and dance round when I cleaned, I suppose we all do our own odd things when we clean our house! What was always more challenging though was staying with myself, off my phone and allowing the feeling that may arise while I clear out the house to come up without any distractions.

  134. This photo of the house is spectacular, I love looking at it, for me it says a lot about how it is cared for, it shines bright. Cleaning is not just a matter of the physical act, it is how we do it that matters, the quality we are in.

  135. Recently I have started walking up and down our street as its the only place I feel safe to do so as around the block is not desirable. What this has revealed has been an amazing opportunity to be consciously present as I walk as the scenery is not changing per se so my focus is not on where I am going but rather how I am travelling. I am yet to walk the 1min one way without checking out but am enjoying the experiment and the reflection it is offering me.

    1. This feels like a playful way to commit to developing a relationship with being present in our days. The simplicity of the same morning route and therefore the commitment to attending to the quality of travel.

  136. I can feel Raegan how much you blessed the house with your movements in conscious presence, and I can feel how we bless all other spaces when we are in connection with our bodies and all the wisdom and grace that flows through them.

  137. “wow, what a confirmation of my daily choices.” This resonates very much with me as lately I can feel how much I am being confirmed by my choices to deepen my self-care and self-nurture, and it feels awesome.

  138. I love this blog it confirms the fact that we are never “just” cleaning – because “everything is everything” our movements are always communicating something so much bigger.

  139. Focusing my mind in line to what ever I am doing is a moment to moment discipline that has supported me to not be so checked out. I was heading towards dementia before I put this into practise. It would have either been dementia or the nut house!!

  140. When I hold myself in conscious presence I observe that I am also held supportively by the people around me. No wonder that you get so much support with your task of cleaning the house! And yet, it IS a wonder, a wonder of God.

  141. Every single time I choose to be with my body and ground the quality of movement from that held connection, it brings a new appreciation of who I am and what life is about. Our connection to our bodies the most simple ongoing revelation to enjoy. So natural to us as children and so foreign as adults, it really does expose the complexity we have made life into.

  142. Every single time I choose to be with my body and ground the quality of movement from that held connection, it brings a new appreciation of who I am and what life is about. It is the most simple ongoing revelation to enjoy. So natural to us as children and so foreign as adults, it really does expose the complexity we have made life into.

  143. What an amazingly supportive way to feel and be in our bodies – carrying out this kind of physical task. In the past I had no awareness of the importance of the quality I move in, now though as I live in a way that is much more conscious I feel I am living life much more responsibly.

  144. This blog keeps on coming back to me. Just with the beautiful way that Raegan tends to her home without putting any strain on herself. It is like she is living the responsibility of quality of life in and through the form of life, through objects and tasks, never forgetting that the quality of her presence is what makes all the difference. Beautiful to read and such a pleasure to appreciate.

  145. It is quite amazing how much we can achieve by staying present with ourselves and what we are doing, and at the end be vital and energised… so opposite to the ‘doing’ in nervous energy when we end up exhausted and don’t achieve a great deal! Conscious presence is a whole other way of being in life that is truly inspirational.

  146. Great blog. It reminds me to be consciously present when I am working on the computer as well.

  147. Thank you Raegan. I am amazed by how joyful you are doing such a huge job. Many would find a task like that overwhelming and would avoid doing it at all, letting the dirt stay where it is. I have seen many grand homes deteriorate and become ramshackle as a result.

    It is clear that Unimed Brisbane is held with great regard by all that live and work there and it feels like you blessed both the house and your own body with every move you made while cleaning it.

  148. I just love the feel of this amazing house – it emanates clarity, love and true care. It sparkles!

  149. Recently I have noticed how very little I am going into my head and the feelings of anxiousness disappearing. I feel a lot more committed and focused on what I am doing but need to be more present with how my body is feeling and the quality it is in.

    1. Thank you for sharing Caroline. I have come to a point where I have realised that the only way to deal with the busyness and anxiousness I feel is to become more aware of the way I feel rather than less. Up until now I have chosen the short term comfort and numbing offerrred by food and drive. Raegan’s post shows that investing in our awareness every day can lead to profound changes.

  150. I relate to your old pattern of ‘get the job done’ which has very much also been mine. What I have found is that when I drop the ‘doing’ and am more in the ‘being’ of the activity ie being very present with myself as I work and moving in deep appreciation of my body, the workload feels so much lighter – my lightness of being is reflected through my work which becomes a joy to do.

  151. Your insight Raegan offers us a whole new insight into taking responsibility for how we live – and for how we enjoy life. I have spent my life wanting to get the housework ‘done and out of the way’ of me enjoying life, rather than allowing myself the time and space to connect and see how self loving it is to create a space to support me as I live life to the full, appreciating myself and what I bring when I take care of myself and my home.

  152. “Each day when I wake up, I feel with conscious presence the qualities I hold in who I am; when I am walking, it doesn’t matter where, I feel my feet and when I touch things, opening doors, picking up things during the day, I feel my hands as I go about these everyday tasks.” The quality that you talk about here Raegan is almost tangible, and is something that I too have come to know through learning to be consciously present with whatever I am doing.

  153. The house does indeed look blessed. How lovely that a team of you worked together cleaning it. When we work together the whole amounts to more that the sum of the parts.

  154. I really enjoyed reading your blog Raegan as it is such a great confirmation that doing any task in conscious presents makes it far more enjoyable and less of a task. I have many jobs that can be repetitive and a bit tedious but staying present with it is just so much better.

  155. Since reading this article, I have marvelled at the significance of, ‘up and down the ladder approximately 70-80 times over a period of a couple of hours’ and been inspired by the reflection of commitment, consistency and presence – this is like exercise, developing fitness in being present and open in every day life.

  156. I have been so inspired by this blog and have been very aware in how I move with my body in the past few days. I am starting to feel a deeper appreciation of who I am rather than focusing on what I do. Thank you for writing such an inspiring blog.

  157. What trips us up time and time again is the subject of our ‘doing’. What I mean by that is that because we categorise everything, we get trapped into deciding from our heads as to whether what we are involved in, is something that is enjoyable, worthwhile, productive, for us, for someone else etc, etc and all of this is purely smoke and mirrors to distract us from the fact that it is the quality of our being that is the one thing that can change every-thing.

  158. Thanks, Raegan. I love the way you describe the relationship you now have with your body, as I can feel how much joy there is in being present with every little movement and detail.

  159. I appreciate the community coming together and blessing this great house of service on that day. What you are sharing Reagan is not only significant for Unimed Brisbane, it is significant for the whole of Brisbane as well. It is a great reflection to me of what can occur when a centre is acquired and lovingly held by all.

  160. I enjoyed the simplicity of your sharing Reagan, and this is conscious presence, very simple…and with consistency it we begin to feel our inner awareness and a quality of being is nurtured to be lived.

  161. The analogy of our house being our body has always been a great reflection of our bodies. The problem is like most houses after a few years we run out of cupboards to hide our stuff in, so we build sheds or put extensions up. Then we put shutters on the windows and seal all the gaps to keep the cool out. But in fact, we are just future isolating ourselves from the world and become insular from everyone else. When we have our spring-cleaning it is our opportunity to open the doors and windows and throw out all the stuff we have stored for just in case we need it sometime later and that room in the cellar we hid the things we never want to see daylight, this is the room that bonfires are great for. It is amazing how light one can become again just by having a good clearing out!

  162. It is awesome to read how you have been able to change the way that you approach a task like you did, with the fullness of you, by establishing a way of living within yourself first. This is really where it all begins.

  163. It is so easy to jump into the doing when there is a big task to be completed. It is a sort of ‘just getting this done than I can have some ‘me time’ or do something else’, mode. Instead of making every moment and everything we do time with ourselves and the choosing the quality of what we bring in what we are doing. Which is a blessing to ourselves and to all that receive that work.

  164. Awesome sharing Reagan and wow the power of every moment and the momentum you had built is very inspiring. Being consciously present is something the requires consistent dedication and it feeds us back in more ways than were realise. Bring it back to our bodies, the way we move and the quality we choose is the only awareness that I want. Sometimes thoughts come in but clocking them and bring myself back is very empowering.

  165. What a great example of brotherhood and community. That home is so blessed by you all.

  166. Raegan I love the appreciation you bring here; recognising that you make different choices now that have ultimately led to a very natural way of self care and self love that makes so much sense. They way you cleaned the house and took equal care of yourself in doing so says a lot. You are redefining what it is to clean and that how I am with myself is equally as important as how I am cleaning something – everything has equal importance.

  167. Raegan, I love how your sharing reflects that every job or task we do is equally important, and how it is completely irrelevant whether it is cleaning or e.g. holding a presentation – what makes the difference is the quality we hold ourselves in while we do the job.

  168. It’s amazing how it’s the everyday, could-be-considered-boring tasks like cleaning that help us build our rituals and the strength of our presence and help us build a solid foundation upon which to move forward on.

  169. In your sharing I can feel how you allow yourself the space in this simple job of cleaning, Raegan.
    There comes a stillness with this, what we normally do not allow, when we go into racyness. I feel it as a gift to have this option of either going into racyness and the goal of getting things done quickly or allowing space and be consciously present in what I do.

  170. This is inspiring to read Reagan. Confirming how you have embraced being in conscious presence by the quality and purpose of your movements is worth self appreciating and the appreciation of all those who work and go there for sessions. It is also wonderful to read of everyone working in harmony together to get the cleaning completed. Brotherhood in action.

  171. Reading this blog, I can’t but reflect on how things would be if we actually affirmed such connection and presence with our own bodies from day one, extending our conscious awareness of this very much into our education. We have become so functional, outcome-based driven…
    As you’ve described being up and down the tall ladder Raegan, how easily a mishap could occur, if we were not so present with ourselves, and then, one can’t deny the difference made in such a job done, when true presence and care is brought to the equation. UniMed Brisbane must be a shining presence in the landscape!

  172. Raegan, I love how you’ve described feeling “the love in my hands”. Our world is so centred around our getting things done, with little regard to how we may get them done in so many instances…
    I have also discovered (and continue to discover) profound changes in the way I go about doing things, via bringing attentiveness, presence, and yes, love, to the way I move and go about what I do. This has transformed my vitality levels and the way I feel in my body enormously…

  173. I’ve set aside some space to clean my house, a job I enjoy doing to bring order into my life. reading this confirms cleaning my house can go much deeper where each movement I’ll be living with – no different to how I drive or work at work.Cleaning my house will be great practice to get out of the doing, task orientated way of getting through my day to being in a quality I reserve for those moments I pause and then drop in favour of the doing. Why I re-choose the doing is a great question to explore.

  174. How beautiful Raegan blessing the house with your movements, by being you in your movements, consciously present in everything we do. I agree absolutely climbing a ladder is a great lesson in conscious presence.

  175. “I had previously been overly anxious, a totally ‘in my head’ person, who continually had multiple streams of conversations with people going on in my head at any one time. So the exercise of cleaning UniMed Brisbane was an incredible marker for me to say, “wow, what a confirmation of my daily choices.””
    I love that you included this part, as its so easy to put being “consciously present” down to a person that is calm and finds that type of thing easy. I go into that “doing” energy all the time and a part of me just can’t imagine being able to get a task done without it. To hear how far you have come makes me feel it is possible.

  176. love the photos as they reflect an equal sparkling beauty in both the ‘cleaner’ and the ‘cleaned’.

  177. Cleaning is commonly seen as a chore and something that needs to be done. But is needn’t be so and you have demonstrated how.

  178. What a great lesson in conscious presence Reagan, thank you for sharing. When I have become driven, even slightly, I can feel an edge and tension running in my body that keeps me away from the gorgeous feeling of completeness and harmony I have when connected and in conscious presence – and when every movement feels like an act of Love.

  179. When I can be with myself, it totally changes my day. No more exhaustion, a greater sense of completeness at the end of the day, my food is easier, my interactions with other people are better. Amazing!

  180. I am understanding that my relationship with women has been colored by the love I did not get from my mom. I have had many wonderful real connections to woman(compared to men), but their was always a sense of incompleteness that I did not understand. Through my work with Simple-Living Global I have been able to feel the anger (sadness) that I have been holding on to, that gets triggered when I see a woman. This has allowed me be in a real relationship with a women.

  181. The mundaneness of life transformed into the expression of the rich and blessing qualities we carry inside.

  182. Thank you Raegan blogs like this stay with me and are very practical. Every time I climb a ladder now I have a marker too.
    I climbed a ladder today and not so dangerous as your situation however climbing a ladder I find is always awkward and I cannot imagine any other way then to be in conscious presence. These days it is not a ‘hang on with your life’ but a whole bodily experience of feeling your hands, fingertips and feet. It is a movement with all of you and as Raegan expresses if this movement is carried out throughout your whole day as best possible your day becomes glorious with an undeniable confidence.

  183. In true presence we realise that the joy in living is not so much in the doing but in the being. In that revelation, we matter it does not matter what we do. It is – essentially – all the same, and whilst that may sound boring, it is actually incredibly freeing to have such a revelation.

  184. Conscious presence is super important to redevelop a relationship with our bodies and to connect to our inner truth. We can begin to build this every moment – with our every movement and gesture offering an opportunity of focus as to the periods we stop and are at rest.

  185. One of the most supportive things I feel we can do when we are out of sorts or disconnected from ourselves is to undertake practical tasks with gentle presence. This supports with a deepening connection to self which therefore allows for a deepening self appreciation and expression of love both in movement and word.

  186. Focusing on the quality of the work rather then getting the job finished is key with anything we do.

  187. “It is finding and holding conscious presence in these everyday tasks that has helped build a love and consistency within me, which I didn’t ever think I could.” I love the simplicity which lay in your insight Raegan. That there are not only the big things in our lives we have to change but also the small and simple everyday things that in truth are changing our way living.

  188. Beautiful to read Reagan I loved it and a reminder that every time we move with presence and tenderness it is building into life a consistency that leaves a loving imprint with all that we do.

    1. Absolutely Chris, it is time we started to see that all of life is equally delicate with super damaging consequences for us all with each careless step we take. Walking forward with care, conscious presence and tender understanding for every slip we make.

  189. That clinic photo looks AMAZING, so bright, clean and inspirational! It captures everything you share Reagan when you talk about imprints being left on places.. this imprint full of presence and zing…like it’s speaking to you through its grand communication!

  190. Our lives are full of cycles that are there to help us develop and grow in our relationship with ourselves. Whether it be repeating an action every day or once a year, these repeated or familiar tasks can be great confirmations of how far we have come and also markers of what is still to learn.

  191. Being present with what we do is so important with allowing us to bring the right quality through. When we do something new, or something that requires an extra amount of focus, it is like we are almost forced to pay more attention – just like you Reagan with having to focus more with the wet floor and shoes and wet everything else! It is kind of like when we learn how to ride a bike for the first time or learn to drive the car, every moment has to be focused on how we do it. But then when you get the hang of it, so many of us would begin to ‘check out’ – lose the focus, and go on autopilot. We may laugh about this and shrug it off, but the actual auto-pilot mode can be super detrimental – for this is when many accidents happen, but more importantly so, it is when we switch off to the quality that we bring to what we do. Reagan you talked about being very present in your cleaning, but more so you talked about being very gentle with every move. This is the quality that is then felt by anyone and everyone that walks past the house, that people feel when they step up onto the verandah. We do get to be blessed by someone presence and actions in gentleness, hence the power of being with ourselves and choosing to do things with a quality that supports all around.

  192. Your story is a beautiful sharing Reagan. I have never been to UniMed House in Brisbane, but I have no doubt that the quality in which you and others have cleaned the house, the same quality in which you live every day can be felt by everyone who not only enters UniMed House but those who drive or walk past it. A quality that is lived day in and out emanates out and is a blessing for all to feel and see.

  193. Thank you Reagan, what a difference it makes to bring conscious presence, as you have done, to everything daily. Focussing on the quality of your walk and how you use your hands building the consistency and stability so that anxiety does not play out. It is profound the effect these simple changes can bring. I too had very bad anxiety which focussing as you have on conscious presence reduced this right down so it is now only occasionally rather than all the time.

  194. I read this blog this morning and then spent the day presenting at a conference where I was left to pack up on my own. The level of conscious presence in the process left me feeling steady and not in an exhausted state as I moved chairs and tables at a steady pace. As I left the venue I turned to check that I had left everything as it was and realised that I was leaving an imprint for the next person and people who would be using this space the following day.

    1. Natalliya, this is beautiful, for we do leave a space for someone else to come back to and how beautiful is it when we have taken the care to leave the space not only looking lovely but feeling cared for and respectful on all levels.

  195. It is so common for us to be goal-oriented, to want to get to the destination of completing something, while forgetting the process is what leads us to the task done, and what you have shared Raegan brings us back to the importance of every single step, what quality we move in will invariably bring us to the completion with the same quality.

  196. There is a huge awareness you are claiming in enjoying being consciously present while doing jobs. Instead of missing the chance to just enjoy the experience by being in haste or resentment, you are allowing your self to feel the flow…. and the blessings are multiplied for you and all those around you as well as the recipient of your consciously present care.

  197. love your sharing Reagan. It would have been a real lesson in conscious presence especially because everything was wet increasing the chance of slipping. It just goes to show that working is about quality and not getting as much done in a small amount of time.

  198. There is so much to appreciate in what you have described here Reagan, living in constant connection to our quality within brings a reflection of the love where we come from for all to feel, thank you.

  199. When you describe building conscious presence here Reagan I can feel that it so much more than just being attentive and mindful. Rather it involves a a flow of movements which we bring all that we are to.

  200. “It is finding and holding conscious presence in these everyday tasks that has helped build a love and consistency within me, which I didn’t ever think I could.” – this is such a great confirmation of the love and consistency you have built in your life Raegen and something to deeply appreciate.

  201. Raegan it is utterly gorgeous to actually feel through your article the grace and conscious presence that you blessed the house with. What that then demonstrates so clearly is the grace that is available to all of us if we choose to be conscious with our gentle movements. Life really does have the potential to be a continuous blessing rather then the continuous struggle that so many of us choose.

  202. This is gorgeous. Doing physical work with conscious presence is very fulfilling and often great fun just feeling the continuous nuances even when the work remains very similar.

  203. It is those ordinary things in life that we do that either evolve us or keep us stuck. A simple clearning job can, as it has with you Reagan, bring great insight and awareness.

  204. It is amazing how, just looking at the picture, it is possible to feel the precision and the tenderness with which this building has been cared for, the feeling is exquisite.

  205. Wow, quite a task at hand to clean and wipe down this large, intricate, beautiful building. The togetherness and connectedness in which you all worked shows what can become simple (with ease) when there’s a common purpose and a willingness to connect and work together.

  206. Conscious presence and feeling the quality of every movement offers a new way of being, instead of being driven by the mind and its ideals and beliefs which do not even consider the body and often abuse it.

  207. Mastering the art of conscious presence with the body takes work – we are so used to living ‘from our heads’, with little or no connection to the body. As the awareness deepens, everything changes – the way we move, walk, stand and sit, the body is treated with more care and the re-building of inner confidence and a solid inner foundation becomes a reality.

  208. The light and splendour of this magnificent building is shared by so many through the presence and love of its care and dedication to cleaning it by you all so lovingly coming from connection and true purpose . A sparkling reflection for all and very beautiful to read.

  209. We can see cleaning as a task and a mundane chore yet when we are totally with ourselves in conscious presence cleaning becomes something so much more. Like you shared Reagan the house got blessed and those that walked into it got blessed too…how powerful is that.

  210. Raegan, it is very beautiful to read this article, yesterday I cleaned my house but I could feel that there was a drive and raciness of ‘trying to get it done’, the quality that you cleaned the Unimed Brisbane house in is beautiful, this is very different to just ‘getting it done’ and leaves a loving imprint, next time I am cleaning I will be more aware to feel my feet and hands and be consciously present and so grace my house as I am cleaning.

  211. What you have shared with us Raegan is awesome, from being so anxious and mind driven to re-claiming your innate grace and tenderness through the quality of your movements and choice to stay present in the moment. This is the hallmark of Universal Medicine, a quality that is felt in so many who study and apply the ancient teachings as presented by Serge Benhayon, a Master of Living Grace.

  212. The joy you write with Raegan comes shining through as you share the quality of how you worked in full presence whilst cleaning and that this was a reflection of the quality you live every day.

  213. When we are present with ourselves, and enjoying making our homes clean, it feels nurturing on the inside and the outside. This then changes from being a chore needing to be done into being a daily rhythm of flow of life.

  214. This is a great reminder for me – I may feel fantastic after a session or a workshop, but it actually is my everyday choices that builds, confirms and develops how much true light and love I can reflect to the world. It is all about my commitment in taking responsibility.

  215. The more we practice and get to know conscious presence the more we see and understand the dimension of ‘presence’, the many levels or possible depth of presence. It is not just presence of mind or ‘mindfulness’ but presence of beingness that expresses through the whole body. Here it gets interesting to explore the quality of presence being lived.

  216. I love how clocking in when we are doing a physical task confirms the choices we have been making recently. When we are connected and still, simply enjoying the process and space with no time pressure and so on it suggests that leading up to that point there has been a natural flow in rhythm – however if unsettled and not so present there is a confirmation that there needs to be a deepening of loving choices or that something is coming up to be looked at and dealt with.

  217. Reading your inspirational blog was so timely as yesterday I decided to wash down the front of my house, a wee bit smaller than yours Raegan; thank goodness! But even so I approached the task ahead committed to remaining in conscious presence as much as possible so I would not place any undue strain on any part of my body. What I found was that even though I loved the feeling of being totally with me as I hosed and washed, quite often I would find myself thinking about something and that lovely connection to me would be lost and I would end up cleaning on automatic pilot. Instead of giving myself a hard time when I did I just made the choice to return to being present and as a result the task that often leaves me tired and sore had no ill effects on my body, and my house, even though I only washed the front, already feels so light and fresh.

  218. When we are conscious and present it brings a whole new meaning to everything we do. I have to say cleaning and especially washing up did not used to be something I liked doing, now I am learning to be more present and not just check out wanting it over I am starting to enjoy it. Some days I love cleaning and washing up and this all depends on my choices in how I approach it.

  219. Conscious presences is definitely one to keep coming back to, the way we can build it into our every day as you say the way we feel our feet on the ground, the way we close the door or how we brush our teeth… With so much going on in the world and things that we need to get done being able to keep your presences in the moment and feeling the quality in how we feel and move is something that I know can deepen and deepen.

  220. Our relationship with our house is really no different to any other relationship, it offers a marker of how we are in that relationship. The house may not react, but equally, it does not hide it’s hurts,instead, it bares all, openly offering a constant reflection on how we are choosing to live in the relationship with it, and ourselves, and in varying degrees, all our relationships.

  221. You highlight how important it is to be consistent with our conscious presence, not just for this job or that job but every step we take in between, so that by the time we get to our next task, we are already present and ready to go with tenderness and care.

  222. That is awesome Raegan thank you for sharing. Something I have learnt from Universal Medicine is that it is not what I am doing but how I am doing it. And so any job or task no matter how small or meaningless can have purpose and because of the purpose is enjoyable. Without something having a point or meaning then yes it can be dull but as soon as you appreciate and look at the knock on effects what you are doing is having – it makes sense and suddenly a ‘dull’ task becomes fun!

  223. Very inspiring to read this Raegan – a beautiful confirmation of how important it is to bring conscious presence to all our movements and then every move we make will be a blessing – playing in the fields of the Lord.

  224. The photo of the UniMed Brisbane clinic is so so gorgeous. The feel is so deeply stilling and holding. A clear (!!) testimony of the conscious presence and dedication to love. Thank you dearly.

  225. This is awesome Raegan. I too have been someone who has always been ‘in my head’, and whilst I still very much operate in that way, slowly but surely I become more and more aware of my movements all the time. Thank you for being more proof that it is possible to develop conscious presence with everything.

  226. A gorgeous blessing for the house, and awesome confirmation for you Raegan… your grace and loving care will be felt by all who stay and visit UniMed house.

  227. I’m so impressed with how many people are willing to help clean such a huge house, and not only that, twice a year! I love the very fact that many hands make light work. Whilst perhaps not intended, one of the things I’m taking away from this blog post is that it’s ok to ask for help, and that those seemingly huge tasks are absolutely achievable when a band of people come together, and effortlessly at that!

  228. This is beautiful Reagan and so true that our daily choices is what builds the foundation that we then meet every moment with. I can relate to often being driven by mind to ‘get the job done’ regardless of how body was feeling, actually with no awareness of how my body was feeling or if I was aware, disregarding how my body was feeling. Whereas now I have discovered that being present with me and my body, there is another far greater intelligence to be guided by. Through choosing to develop a loving and honoring relationship with myself and my body I now have a marker of what is loving and what is not, and as such am guided more and more by my body to move in a way that honors this love within.

  229. I read your blog yesterday and throughout my day I often thought of what you’ve shared Raegan. I have known about the benefits of moving and working in conscious presence for a while now but often I forget and don’t choose to connect to my body in this way. So, yesterday, I noticed every time I chose to be aware and chose to be in conscious presence, I felt this warmth inside and it felt lovely. I realised by choosing to be in connection to my body in my movements, I let go of any distractions, doubts and overwhelm. Being in conscious presence brings much more focus and joy in what I do and my day. I am able to be more aware of my body and connect to how I feel. Also by allowing myself to feel my movements makes choosing to be in gentleness and tenderness with my body much easier.

  230. Very inspiring Raegan. We have the opportunity at every moment to be completely present with what we are doing and be joyful in our every activity.

  231. “it didn’t just turn up the moment I stepped onto the ladder” A great reflection that the quality we live, is what we bring to everything we do.

  232. I have moved many times and a few years ago I was cleaning a unit that I had lived in for 9 years to move into a house. It was the first exit-clean that I had done since coming across Serge Benhayon and after discovering the whole world of energetic quality. When I have done an exit clean before, it was definitely in the energy of ‘just get it done and do it good enough to get the bond back’. This time was different, I could feel the call to clean the house in such a loving way that I was saying thank you to the house for the service that it provided me and to prepare the house for the next person. To leave a loving imprint for them. And as I was doing that, I thought what if everyone cleaned like this, to lovingly prepare the house for its next inhabitants. It was an incredible marker as you say Raegan.

  233. “I would have just been totally focussed on ‘getting it done’.”
    Before i met Serge Benhayon every task had a beginning and an end – it felt functional and dutiful – today my focus is brought equally to all parts in the middle, my life is less compartmentalised more steady and in this infinitely more harmonious.

  234. I remember spending many years of my life in my head with little or no true openness to what my body was truly saying to me. I now know myself and my body so much more and realise the greatest joys in life is simply living from what it is sharing in a way that is truly loving and honouring for all. It makes even the simplest and mundane of tasks such as cleaning the house so much more fun!

  235. I love how the cleaning was shared within the community and that in working together in presence and in support of each other, there was a natural flow, rhythm and magic beyond the physical actions of cleaning.

  236. I can feel how the house must have been absolutely gleaming and smiling inside and out after you had all finished this wonderful spring clean. Anything we do in this loving manner fully with ourselves feeds us and everyone else back a thousand-fold – great investment and way to live and would solve the world issue of exhaustion.

  237. Fascinating that doing things with conscious presence and the loving quality you describe nurtures the sense of being oneself without falling into the trap of identification with what one is doing, ie not being identified with the doing but knowing oneself in the doing.

    1. I agree. It gives us the best chance to stay aware throughout and that feels particularly nice. Whenever we wander off in our mind we can simply come back to our physical activity.

  238. I love what you highlight here that you didn’t just suddenly switch on being very consistent and with yourself when you were on the ladder, it was something you had built up over time in your daily living choices. It shows how each little choice matters and how it builds on top of what has gone before. Thank Raegan.

  239. We go for an job interview today to see if we will be care taking a small neighborhood. I feel this article is a timely confirmation for me, that I too can bring blessings with the conscious presence I’ve been developing, into all that I do.

    This world is so crying out to be touched with loving presence and with true care; it is high time I start being the love I feel and know is missing in our lives, in our communities and in the world.

    The more I live it the more I know that developing presence and self love is for everyone and it is the power-full healing we all need.

  240. It is true Raegan that being present with your body can feel Amazing and the simplest of tasks can be very playful and invigorating.

  241. What you describe feels like being in ceremony with the task of cleaning this beautiful house – a celebration of it and of you and your movements all at once.

  242. What I love about this sharing is that you come together as a community to help each other and naturally then enjoy the time spent together. To come together as a community without any dire need due to disease or disaster is something very rare in our (western) society and yet it is something so very supportive and makes life joyful. We are not alone, there are so many helping hands always willing to help. We all have that naturally within us.

    1. Great point Esther too often we wait for a disaster or disease before coming together as a community or even coming together with ourselves as in conscious presence. No need to wait we can always live that true and joyful way.

  243. We are so conditioned to take short cuts wherever possible. Conscious presence is the remedy for this condition and brings back an appreciation for every movement.

  244. Cleaning I once really demised even though I was really good at it and organizing and ordering. Now, it’s part of my weekly rhythm. It’s a part of my commitment to life and myself. As Raegan expresses it is so very confirming and provides a solid support in the way I live. Cleaning is so great for your health and wellbeing.

  245. This is so beautiful Raegan – “Each day when I wake up, I feel with conscious presence the qualities I hold in who I am”. How wonderfully joyful life can be when we connect to the body and qualities that then emanate out to be shared with the world, just by simply being ourselves.

  246. Wow for a start what an amazingly beautiful building and what a pleasure it must have been to be able to clean such a building with such love and presence. I’m not great at staying present with myself as my mind still has a tendency to wander but when I am consciously present my day is so much more enjoyable and I often wonder why I choose otherwise.

  247. It is great to bring focus to our whole day and our every movement – bringing conscious presence to all that we do.

  248. It’s amazing how even the simplest things, that we could ordinarily think of as tedious, can turn into something that is extraordinary. You can come and clean my house any day Raegan!

  249. Without conscious presence there is actually not much quality possible in how we are with ourselves or in what we are doing as without presence we are not aware of ourselves and thus cannot bring the very quality that makes or is who we are by essence. Conscious presence = first being than doing.

  250. There is nothing like being present in all that we do whilst allowing a surrendering quality. There is an exquisite openness and settlement in the body that releases anxiety and held tension. Feeling this change from tension to openness is heaven in my view!

  251. I found, when I am focusing on the end result, on the outcome of my actions – like in your case, have it clean – instead of the moment I am in, like feeling my feet while I am claiming a ladder, I have accidents and the missing presence brings in a emptiness which is at the end also reflected. But when I bring me, my focus into the moment I am in right now – the outcome is guaranteed as in how much love I am living. Because we are love and if we live it, then we bring this love into our movements and so into the action we do. This is felt afterwards. There is a fullness, a light that does radiate and inspire others. So, no matter what we do – how we do it is the key.

  252. Gorgeous blog Raegan. Cleaning with conscious presence re-imprints the whole house. “It is finding and holding conscious presence in these everyday tasks that has helped build a love and consistency within me,”

  253. Conscious Presence – when this was first presented to me, living from my head, the two words didn’t compute. As if the concept of what conscious presence is completely alien. The only way I have an understanding of it comes from my feelings and living from the quality of these feelings and taking my movements into account. Being in my head, moving to mental pictures and ideals I am rough, bump into things and tire easily. Being consciously present is being with my feelings, how my hands feel as I type, how my body feels walking slow or fast etc. I feel more calm, steady and able to handle what life brings even if it is opposite or ignoring of the mental ideals I have held onto.

  254. It makes such a difference choosing to stay with the body instead of purely focusing on the task at hand. By staying with the body we can focus on the quality with which we are choosing to move, and therefore the quality in which things will be done. It makes a difference to our own body and a difference to everyone else.

  255. I love your reminder, Raegan, to be mindful of the quality of our livingness, in all that we do. What am I bringing in each moment, in each movement, it’s either loving, or it’s not.

  256. I had a similar experience recently when we were closing down a business premises and I had to spend 10 hours cleaning and redecorating it to prepare it for the next tenants moving in. I did feel a pressure of time to get it finished, and if I allowed my mind to wander or went into this, then I felt my whole body tense up, especially my right arm and my body started to ache and become sore. When I let go of this and just came back to my body (which I had to do many times) my body felt completely difference and the soreness and tension was not there. As a result my body managed to complete this large task with much less soreness than it would otherwise have had.

  257. Raegan as someone that spends a lot of time in front of a computer screen it can be easy to phase out and not be present, I am working on it but what i also love is when I get the opportunity to do things like cleaning, real practical stuff that feeling very fulfilling and nurturing of my body. What I can really see though is that its the conscious presence that I love most and to bring this to each moment will further change everything for me again.

  258. It’s quite easy to go into all the jobs we have to do in our busy lives and do them all superficially, only to have to repeat them again properly. I used to constantly flick the dust away in my house, but brought that superficial quality with that action. I am learning the quality of all we do brings a reflection so when we focus our attention on something like cleaning, we can apply that focus of importance to everything we do and it is felt by everyone who comes into contact with us.

  259. Having conscious presence when we’re cleaning or doing things around the home allows us to appreciate the space we’ve designed for ourselves to live in and how this area can support us.

  260. If I am out, conscious presence is only one breath away – I am back in my body within a fraction of a second – that’s a sort of medicine that is there on offer for free for everyone. How much less would we burden our health care system if each of us claimed this medicine.

  261. It is a daily practice, I love that we are supported with moments that confirm us along the way and how we are steadily returning to a way of being that is present with the All.

  262. “Everything was wet, my shoes, the verandah, the ladder, the house walls,” This alone is an accident waiting to happen, all it needs is for our attention to wander and one slip. What is really awesome here is that you weren’t taking this level of care in order to avoid an accident, there is no anxiety present. It is very evident that you were taking this care in honour of a quality you have been re-establishing within your self and within in your life that imbues the environment with a precious graceful love, that special ingredient that leaves a lasting shine where ever you go.

  263. I have found that conscious presence is like Scalextric slot cars. Most of my life was about motion, and the challenge was to push the forces of nature to go as fast as I could till I would come off the rails and crash. Every day started a new race that had become just part of the normal rat race most of us have experienced. I now have a conscious presence in everything I do, which will always be a work in progress. Life is no longer a race for me. It is a journey with myself.

  264. Beautiful, Reagan. What a confirmation, indeed. Our daily moment by moment choice does count and conscious presence is a fantastic way to build a foundation which very often reminds me that not consciously making choice is already a choice.

  265. Tasks that appear huge and daunting “become a seamless and very achievable task” when many people join together to tackle it. What a joy it will be when humanity works together for humanity rather than at war with each other.

  266. Beautifully expressed how we can bring stillness into our everyday movements and duties and how this changes the energy of everything around us. Stillness is what transforms and leaves us joyful and not exhausted.

  267. We tend to give certain jobs more importance than others but this is a lovely example of how being present in every moment supports and benefits us. From a practical point of view, I can imagine the potential for many accidents with everything being wet and slippery.

  268. Reagan, a powerful life metaphor of how to make the seemingly mundane and a routine into something much more just by how we are. You imprinted the building with love, beauty, grace and light and this choice is open to us in every activity and each time we meet another.

  269. Raegan, I love the symbolism of you climbing the ladder in conscious presence with wet feet in order to get the job done. We are here on Earth to ‘get our feet wet’ so to speak in order to arise (as symbolised by the ladder) back to a way of living (as symbolised by the house) we departed from long ago but that still lives within us all. In order to re-turn to what once was lived, we need to prepare the surface (clean, purify, remove the mud) and tend to our physical form (our ‘house’) so that we can live in-full, the truth of who we truly are.

  270. So simple and so practical, Raegan, you have made our being present and responsible for the quality we live in every moment a totally every day thing. You have also addressed the fact that no task is more important than another; they all deserve and require our equal attention and care.

  271. It is so beautiful to read and to feel the delicateness that comes with being conscious present as you described being cleaning the house. There is such a grace in being conscious present that to me I can say it is divine and is a way of bing that is so urgently needed being seen and experienced in our everyday life, to share this way of being and inspire other people to connect to it as well is a way to return heaven on earth.

  272. This was really lovely to read Raegan. Appreciation of yourself and of how far you have come is so important in confirming the power of the choices you have made. You are indeed the end result of your choices and the quality you then blessed the house with.

  273. Very inspiring Raegan especially as I am about to move house. I am celebrating you too and the glory of Unimed Brisbane having so much love poured onto it!

  274. That’s the thing isn’t it, we feel all of the time, so even if something looks just gorgeous, clean and organised on the outside… there is no mistaking the quality that it has been done in. I remember running around, completely overwhelmed trying to tidy the house as quick as possible and make it all ‘look good’ because someone was coming over, and then be so full of anxiousness by the time they arrived that I was hardly able to focus on them. How different it is when we enter a space that has had presence, love and honouring brought to it… such places for me are UniMed Brisbane and Universal Medicine in Goonellabah.

  275. Building conscious presence is something I am aware I need to be aware of every moment as I still find myself slipping away with the fairies and need to check in with myself and bring myself back regularly throughout my days.

  276. This is a valuable reminder of how easily we can bring a living quality to all that we do through every movement we make. I also found this a little exposing as I know that I do not have this commitment all of the time and can slip back into the ‘doing’ fairly easily in certain situations.

    1. Michael it’s so great to read about the “living quality” you speak about, because it keeps things simple. Being present with what we are doing, taking care of our movements is something we all have the power to do. Yet I am with you in the fact I don’t use that power all the time and the question is why.

  277. The space you created by being consciously present with the cleaning and your body would have been so much more enjoyable and alive, compared to running yourself ragged, being unfocussed and in your head and racing against time.

  278. Yesterday I was supporting friends to move house. Such a big day and I was tired at the end of it, however the quality of movements and the way in which everything flowed was without a doubt due to the love and care with which we held ourselves in each moment throughout the day. A great reflection Raegan!

  279. I like how you describe that you didn’t have to try to be graceful or tender as such because these were natural qualities that came out when present with your body in what you were doing…

  280. Wah feels amazing Raegan, washing down the house, feeling the rinse effect and joy of how that all feels – just reading it makes me feel fresh, clean and not just the water blasting but through movement too. Wonderful.

  281. I can feel the blessing for the house, for all those who visit, the local community, the city, the country, the planet, the Universe we know and all those we don’t. “Nothing is nothing and everything is everything” as a very wise man had said on more than one occasion.

  282. It is very simple to do work or to face daily life when it is a rhythm and quality that has already been established, so this quality simply naturally brings us to whatever that comes to meet us every day. And yet, life is never stagnant, and neither is our development, so when we feel how we have moved and the foundation we have developed require more deepening, there is a lot to appreciate that wow we have come to the next level, and let’s see how we can deepen more with ourselves. During this period of deepening, we may observe and feel it to be more challenging, but this re-correction is to be deeply appreciated too.

  283. I love when there are many people involved in big projects, how much more seamless it feels to work with others to get things done.

  284. I loved reading what you have shared here Raegan. Yes I was very good at getting the job done, but to feel the quality shift when you are connected to your body and every move you make, well there really is nothing better.

  285. When I look at photographs of Unimed Brisbane I can feel the amount of love and dedication in every wall as a result of the way people live and work there. I felt this the very first time I visited this place around 6 years ago too. Thank you for providing this profound insight into Unimed Brisbane and conscious presence Raegan.

  286. Absolutely inspirational Raegan, beautiful name by the way, and what a different learning for us all, to come from presence, our own connection, and not just our minds (that we know so well). Thank you Raegan for being who you are and showing how to move from being present with yourself (in connection).

  287. I love how being connected to ourselves can change everything we come into contact with. Things just feel so much more alive when I’m present with all of me!

  288. Thank you Reagan for sharing your experiences. To me you’re sharing that building conscious presence is not something we do in one day or in a short period of time. It’s a daily commitment – moment to moment – that slowly builds the movement of conscious presence. You’re a shining example of the light and love we are and can choose to be with.

  289. Beautiful to read Raegan, and much to appreciate when you look at how far you have come to be as present and honouring of yourself and your surroundings as you are now. The ‘just getting it done’ feels to me much like exercising and pushing through the pain because that is what you do. I know which way feels lovely in the body and leaves it not exhausted!

  290. What a beautiful article to wake up to this morning. You certainly did bless the Unimed Brisbane Clinic with your movements, Raegan, and your divinity, along with everyone else who was there to support in the clean up. Before I even started reading what you’ve shared, I was struck by the loving glow radiating from the beautiful house, it’s evident for all to see and feel how much love and tenderness goes into the caring of this home.

  291. I can really relate to what you are saying about conscious presence Reagan. I have struggled with rampant thoughts and inconsistency in my life. With the help of Serge Benhayon I have become aware what conscious presence means, how to develop it and how it helps build self-love within me and consistency in my life. It is of course a work in progress but a path so worth going down.

  292. I chuckled when I read how you explain about the gorgeous way you were while working that “This felt natural because of the quality I live in and how I move each and every day, with grace and tenderness with myself – it didn’t just turn up the moment I stepped onto the ladder.” My pattern in the past has been to want to focus on the things I put more value on and ignore the other areas of life, and hope that I can deliver something very special in those areas. However you are do right, it doesn’t work that way. I can see that all the careless and neglectful behaviour in other areas start to creep into the ones I want to be amazing and if I am being amazing then I will take that quality everywhere and into everything I engage in.

  293. There is a current trend for ‘mindfulness’. But what is really required is ‘bodyfullness’ – wherein the activity of the mind is totally in sync with the body and its movements; where the mind is not doing one thing, and the body another as is so commonly the way. Thanks to Serge Benhayon too for this pearl of utter wisdom.

  294. ‘This felt natural because of the quality I live in and how I move each and every day, with grace and tenderness with myself – it didn’t just turn up the moment I stepped onto the ladder.’ – everything offers a reflection and this activity offered confirmation of the love you bring everyday to your livingness and to others. It is gorgeous how something so ordinary and possibly a task that could have been viewed as burdensome was transformed into a loving confirmation of who you truly are.

  295. I had a similar experience in the garden with a mountain of mulch to be spread over garden beds, it also involved a steep driveway. I was present to the movements I made with each load and 80 or so trips left no sore or stiff muscles, but a deep appreciation for the energy chosen and the movements that supported the body deeply, definitely a marker of the support we are offered through a body in connection.

  296. Conscious presence changes everything. We can either go about our days in grace and flow as described here, or in tightness and driven-ness. What quality would you want for yourself – and everyone and everything you touch?

  297. Its in these actions that we feel the quality of how we live, and when we don’t we got to ask the question why. Life is about constantly learning and reflecting about how we are in our everyday activity.

  298. Beautiful to read your celebration of the choices you have made to be in conscious presence – very inspiring! Conscious Presence seems so simple on paper, yet it’s quite a challenge to master, especially with the drive we have to “do” and the endless thinking that distracts us away from the body.

  299. I can feel in reading your wonderful sharing Raegan how conscious presences blesses us all in the everyday movements that are essential in our lives.

  300. It is a pattern to be consciously present in the body – as it is a pattern not to be consciously present in the body. One pattern needs to be learned and repeated thousands of times to get it right, the other pattern is innate. Which is which? It is easily seen in babies. They are absolutely in conscious presence, innately so.

  301. It is so easy to launch myself into a task, especially if there is a lot that needs to be done and I agree Reagan, to come back to conscious presence and be with myself in each movement takes the rush and the pressure out and makes the work so much more enjoyable and such a blessing. It is something we do not get taught but we really should talk about this more as in fact this way of moving decreases anxiousness, sleeplessness, exhaustion and so much more.

  302. Hello Raegan and it’s great to see the power in the simple tasks. Often we see mundane or every day things as not important or because we’ve done them before we don’t take much notice of what we do when we do then. It’s only when we get to the ‘more important’ things or something we haven’t done before we choose to step back in and regain a focus. What if as you are saying Raegan that everything is everything and so how we are in walking up a ladder will have an impact on how we are everywhere else. There is no on and off switch, behind closed doors, in front of a camera, in the car or in the bedroom it’s all apart of everything else. It is only us that think we can divide the world up when in fact we know it’s not true. Go figure that one out, we act in a way that allows us to see that Monday is Monday and doesn’t effect Tuesday and yet even at school we are taught and shown that this isn’t true. More and more we are all talking about these facts and more and more people are opening back up to the facts. No matter what you are doing the important thing is to have you in it, in other words be conscious of what you are doing even if it’s only walking to the car it’s all important.

  303. Doing any task with conscious presence, being aware of our body and the quality of movements we make brings back the joy in simplicity. It is lovely to feel and appreciate all you are sharing from your experience Raegan.

  304. Thank you Raegan for sharing your joyful experience with us. Cleaning will never be the same again, by taking the conscious presence way that you have shown us, we can all experience a connection to our bodies that in turn is reflected in our homes.

  305. Brilliant blog Raegan, it shows how we move can be healing or harming, ‘Blessing the House with my Movements’, so, when we move with conscious presence be it in cleaning, cooking, working, communicating or getting from A to B we have an effect on the space, objects and people around us with our every movement. This inspires me to be so much more aware of what I contribute energetically, my choices and my responsibility to move in a way that is a blessing.

  306. I came back to this blog this morning as a gorgeous reminder of staying in my body when I do things, from the simplest of tasks, rather than escaping into my mind. Thank you Reagan.

  307. Reagan, a house certainly reflects the care and love that is lived inside its walls, but also as you have shared the care and love that it is maintained and cleaned with. To see these pictures of the UniMed House and you involved in cleaning it is a joyful occasion – the glow of both you and the house is fully palpable. Thank you for sharing this as an experience, with pictures and all. And with the way you have written this, it feels like you were here reading it out to me and sitting here with me. I am loving the connection!

  308. Great to read this today as I have been giving this subject a lot of thought lately. You are so on the money because I have been catching how I am when I am cleaning or doing a big task in the garden – I so go into robot mode and switch off any connection to me and my body and just get the job done. Be that mopping the floor, or pulling weeds out, cleaning windows or removing massive palms from my garden. That pattern of checking out is quite ingrained and slowly I am changing it to more of what you write about. Being far more present and clocking the quality in which I am doing it. There are quite a few benefits but one of them is far less bruises and scratches from the bumps and knocks!

  309. No matter what task it is that you are doing, be it the dishes, folding laundry or wiping down the house what I find is that the whole experience is totally different, and I actually enjoy what I am doing versus the act of just getting it done and it feels lovely afterwards. The end result may look the same, but can feel completely different.

  310. The house was blessed for sure! Thank you Reagan. The way we live does have an impact on the way we do things and that does have an impact on the thing we do. It is great to realise this and with that commit to bring that quality to our work that will bless it and this is priceless.

  311. This is a very inspiring read Raegan I can feel the quality you are talking about in the words – everything is felt. Great piece on appreciation!

  312. Thank you for sharing this inspiring story Raegan. I too usually jump straight into the doing, how lovely to know that there is a different way, a way that we can be joyful and present in our bodies with any task that we are doing. Also great that you didn’t fall off the slippery ladder.

  313. ‘What we have to clean all that? Isn’t there an app for that?!’ – There are so many everyday jobs we take on and push through that really we don’t want to do. I love how the cleaning you did Raegan was transformed completely by the new understanding of what it brings. For when we move and treat every task with Love it polishes and shines life up in an amazing way, it emanates strength just like your words here which sit here bright and spacious on this page.

  314. When I clean my house in drive and in the “doing”, it looks great afterwards. But when I clean it in a caring and loving quality, akin to how you described, my house looks AND feels amazing afterwards.

  315. An enormous task made easy by working together to get the job done and in doing so I can feel how much joy was brought to what otherwise would have felt like a daunting task. Why is it that so often we struggle with asking for the support that is needed?

  316. It is so much more satisfying doing a job when connected to your body and in a true quality, than when you just “get the job done” with no concern for the quality you are in.

  317. Yes love what you’ve shared Raegan… the power of conscious presence comes alive when it is coupled with the quality of being you describe.

  318. I absolutely love cleaning the house with conscience presence! It turns what would otherwise be a chore into an absolute joy and what’s more, it truly is a blessing for the whole house and all it’s occupants and visitors!

    1. Inspiring Joshua, I am learning to clean with gentleness, joy and conscious presence. I notice recently how easily I go into hardness and a push to get the job done when it comes to cleaning. This blog and your comment is really inspiring me to bring connection to myself first in all my movements and tasks. Understanding and knowing the imprints my movements leave behind reminds me to continuously check in with myself, the quality of my movements and my thoughts.

  319. The beautiful Brisbane Clinic reflects the love and care in conscious presence and joy that it has been cleaned with. Thank you Reagan for sharing this detail in cleaning.

  320. What you share is so simple Regan and with anxiety and exhaustion on the increase practical everyday tasks give us all a chance to check in and see how we are going.

  321. This is a confirmation that no matter how anxious, racy or how in our heads we might live, more often than our bodies – that there is always an opportunity and a choice to change and know with absolute certainty we can live from our stillness, steadiness, deep knowing and grace.

  322. Thank you Reagan. A totally gorgeous sharing. A celebration of your choices and how they were reflected in your task of cleaning the house and all your movements up and down the ladder. What I also loved was how you could appreciate the blessing your movements had on the house. And really a blessing to each and every person who visits Unimed Brisbane.

  323. even the most mundane things, become miraculous explorations when done with presence and purpose.

  324. What a beautiful opportunity for you to re-imprint such a beautiful building which serves many on a daily basis, and to take this away with you to do the same, highlighting the fact that everything you touch, and the quality of which you touch, makes such a huge a difference to the quality of your surroundings and everything and everyone in it.

  325. There’s such a noticeable imprint left when anything is done in awareness and with connection to our body. The quality of that imprint is always noticed when we return back to it, confirming to you that everything indeed is energy…

  326. Very inspiring read Reagan and a great confirmation for how you have been living in your day to day. Who would have thought that cleaning a house outside could be so joy-full.

  327. What you bring to the fore here is that life is not about the end result as such but about every moment lived, and lived equally so. i.e. in equal quality and care.

  328. I know that stream of conversation and ‘head talk’ that rules at times. It’s great to know that it can be dissolved and that the mind can be at one with the body and what it is doing. All it takes is the consistency to make the choice to be present. Thank you for the reminder and success in your experience Reagan.

    1. Great point Rachael. I have been in my head so long it sometimes feels impossible to be free of the constant chatter and distraction I create in there. Raegan’s sharing reminds me that living from my head is a choice that I make when I refuse to check in to my body and I can just as easily choose to connect and be consciously present in my movements.

  329. I loved reading this Reagan,
    I could feel the ceremony in your movements, tenderness and presence. What a magnificent choice you have made to bring such divinity into what many would find an incredible chore.

  330. When we have a large task ahead of us it is easy to go into the doing of it and I love the way you have approached each step lovingly and with full conscious presence. The quality of how we are is in everything we do and as a result of your tender care, everyone entering the building will receive that same blessing.

  331. Love your choices Reagan! And love the radiating light of Unimed Brisbane Clinic.
    To confirm and to celebrate our choices which are made in love is so profound! It makes us solid.

    1. That ability to appreciate and confirm our quality as Reagan shared she does each day is so important and inspiring. Although I appreciate the quality I bring and am, I am going to be more lovingly vigilant to do this far more regularly as I know how supportive it is.

  332. Every tiny choice to connect to our body and the quality in which we move it, leaves their affect both in the body and in everything we do.

  333. It is indeed a celebration of what we can truly bring, when we bring the all of us and when we work together with each holding their part in full – working in true harmony – this is true joy.

  334. Reagan, thank for your sharing, it’s lovely to feel how you have developed a deeper level of love and in your movements have built a beautiful foundation where you are allowing joy and love to be in every daily movement. This is reflecting in the way you are cleaning your house, the love is deeply felt. We all have it in us to create this level of quality by simply bringing it back to our movements of conscious presence.

  335. What a great way to clean a house – what a great way to do anything – to be there in full. I love this sharing Raegan and how you really have appreciated the way you have chosen to be present in what you are doing.

  336. Thank you for sharing your appreciation for how the grace of your movements blessed the cleaning of the house. It is a beautiful confirmation of how building the quality of your foundation supports you in all your activities.

  337. Raegan – you have highlighted so much in this blog about how we are and the importance of holding presence in all we do. Your comment – ‘ I deeply felt how the house was then being blessed by the way I was moving and going about wiping it down’ has invited me to feel the life/energy in Unimed Brisbane House and how the loving embrace it has received from all the workers deeply supports it.

  338. Timely reminder to be present in all I do. Conscious presence is so important in all I do. I am constantly reminding myself to be with my breath in all I do.

  339. There is quality in the way you worked Raegan which could be felt as I read and it is lovely to read also of your appreciation of this.

  340. You present something here very important Raegan – how every movement we make and everything we have contact with, we leave an energetic imprint, which will either support and bless the person or object we are with, or not support and degrade it. The quality of our movements and therefore our moments, determines the quality of energy we are leaving behind for others to experience.

  341. Love the team work that has been written about. As the saying goes many hands make light work.

    But this case it goes one step further not only were there many hands but many hands working with quality and purpose.

  342. True, this quality does not just turn up, “This felt natural because of the quality I live in and how I move each and every day, with grace and tenderness with myself – it didn’t just turn up the moment I stepped onto the ladder.”Although it is always there available it is something that we can nurture and build and live from with more commitment and awareness. I have found that I am refining and going to a deeper level of awareness concerning conscious presence, alongside an increased commitment to build it from within.

  343. The joy in reading this and feeling the amazing cleaning done effortlessly with conscious presence from the way you live and the movements you make is a real testament that there is another way to live with ones self and ones body that is not just about getting the job done and allows the joy, flow, quality and harmony as a way of being .Inspirational.

  344. The UniMed building was blessed to have you there cleaning Reagan. We tend to dismiss cleaning as a chore and a ‘have to do’ rather than seeing what we can truly bringing to a building or a home, when we bring our full livingness to it.The photo shows just how much a building can gleam when the cleaning is done with love and appreciation.

  345. Hi Raegan thanks for sharing, I love the way that you approached the cleaning and the fact that conscious presence really was the only way. I noticed yesterday whilst looking after my daughter how much being in conscious presence is really important, if not the movements are jaring and even when cooking things could get dropped. Somehow I felt an incredible shift in the care I took with my movements simply because I was holding a baby, now its time to treat myself with that same care and presence.

  346. ‘So the exercise of cleaning UniMed Brisbane was an incredible marker for me to say, “wow, what a confirmation of my daily choices.”’
    Amazing Raegan to feel the culmination of your lived choices, confirmed in this process and to have this then confirmed energetically back into your own abode feels pretty spectacular – indeed we are blessed by the understanding and wisdom that has been bestowed on us by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

  347. What a beautifull house! It does make things like cleaning so much easier when you have a team of people working well together. I really understood what you have shared here ‘Blessing the House with my Movements’ only through what I have learnt from Serge Benhayon, the Benhayon family and Universal Medicine with regards to concious presence and how this and the quality of our movements affect everything. This is still a lesson I am learning as only the other day felt many times I go to ‘automatic pilot’ mode and forget to consciously be with me in all that I do.

  348. When there’s any big task at hand such as cleaning a large house from top to bottom, if we go into a drive and try and finish it as fast or efficiently as possible it’s easy to totally forget about the quality of how we’re cleaning it. Then when we’ve finished, we can temporally celebrate that the deed is done but of what quality were we in during the time it took, and what effect has this left on the house?

  349. The house looks and feels amazing. It’s the kind of building that envelops a warm welcome and that you can be held joyfully by – a testament to the fact of the loving choices you have been making!

  350. By reading your blog I could just feel with how much presence and love you have cleaned that house. Each of your moves seem to confirm not only your choices but also what you bring to others/your surrondings. It shows me once again that it is all about movements. So simple, yet so overlooked as key to our daily lives. Thanks for sharing, a great reminder!

  351. Bringing all of us to whatever we are doing, whether it be drying a large house or closing a door, is a beautiful recipe for a life of expanding awareness. Working with our mind and our body in harmony allows us to be fully aware of what we are doing and reduces any chance of any possible ‘accidents’, both to us and to others.

  352. Reblogged this on vivvybutler and commented:
    The clinic must have a big smile on it’s face. What grace to clean the building with such joy, and conscious presence, Raegan, and that this comes naturally from you.

  353. This is totally true. Universal Medicine ignites a way of doing things in togetherness that is totally awesome in what we can achieve in group work in a beautiful quality.

  354. Raegan, this is gorgeous to read, ‘when I am walking, it doesn’t matter where, I feel my feet and when I touch things, opening doors, picking up things during the day, I feel my hands as I go about these everyday tasks.’ I love the simplicity of what you have written here, it makes conscious presence very practical and very lovely, it’s great to read this at the start of my day and to feel my feet and hands as I go about my daily tasks.

  355. It’s so simple what you share about conscious presence that it could be easily dismissed as not being important. But from your sharing it’s easy to feel the benefits and how we can feel in ourselves daily when we apply this simple, but not always easy task, staying present in all that we do.

  356. Raega, this is a great example of how we can still complete life’s simple, or in this case really big, tasks by being and not doing. Sure, there is an action, but it is done first by being totally connected to yourself. It’s yoga – union. Connection to self in action, what a beautiful way to go about life.

  357. This is beautiful, Reagan, and is very inspiring. Everyone and everything gets a blessing when we hold ourselves in conscious presence.

  358. Gorgeous blog Reagan. I used to be very much in my ‘head’ when going about my day with no connection to my body whatsoever. I would focus on getting the job done so I could move on to the next but this is changing due to the inspirational livingness of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. It is work in progress but the more I connect to myself and enjoy being with me the more I am content with myself when doing the tasks at hand. It is a very different way of being to how I used to live but when I do make this choice to be with me and my body, it feels so loving and nurturing and I don’t end up exhausted!

  359. I’m going to read this one again Raegan! I once wouldn’t have ever thought it possible to clean that big of a job in full presence and appreciation of you and thus of all the love and grace you brought to it all. I completely relate to the auto-pilot mode of needing to get it done, especially if the task looked a lengthy or physically tiring one; but what I have learnt from your experience is that the tiring part really comes from not being present in the first place – working one’s body without actually feeling what it needs and pushing it further or faster than is honouring of its limitations. Great example of conscious presence in action, totally showing the world that it’s not only possible but advantageous to every aspect and to the one true flow that life was harmoniously meant to be.

  360. This wonderful blog says to me a lot about the word commitment. I love how you have lived committed to being present in your body, and how that commitment has carried on through an enormous task of cleaning the house. What strikes me most is how this commitment is not wavering according to the task, so there is no on or off switch depending if you like the job or not. Your commitment to yourself and to being present is a constant stream running through your life, which is very inspiring to read. Thank you.

  361. Working in connection to our bodies completely changes the quality of our work. I used to spend 100% of my day in my head and then feel tired, stressed and exhausted by the end of it. Things are very slowly starting to change, the more I remember to focus on my feet on the ground, and how my body feels as I type emails: am I racing through my day, trying to get everything done, or am I focusing on the quality of each movement in every moment? The more I focus on my movements and not the to-do list, the more I find there is space to complete what is needed.

  362. Raegan, when you bring this quality to your cleaning the house, it is felt by everyone before they even walk in your door. We can all feel the energy of how anything is done by anyone and this care and love for yourself before the job you’re doing is palpable in this writing.

  363. The beauty and blessing of consciousness emanates from your writing, Raegan. Thank you, it is truly beautiful to read.

  364. What a grace to bring to what would otherwise be a challenging job Raegan. What is so gorgeous to feel here is the awareness and presence you brought to every part of this task, including your body, your feet, the ladder and the house, a true blessing for this beautiful house of healing.

  365. It seems to me that when we understand conscious presence every moment matters and then the quality of our presence transfers into everything we do. My experience is that life takes on a new level of richness when we are fully present in what we do – and even mundane tasks can feel joy-full.

  366. What you have shared here, Raegan, is definitely worthy of celebration – to live connected to the body and the quality of its movements rather than being bombarded by thoughts and pictures of how life should be. I too am enjoying the freedom from the mental onslaught and the expanding inner space to just connect and be me.

  367. What a beautiful confirmation of you Raegan in how you are living and what you are choosing. It is important to nominate when we are confirmed so that we can appreciate ourselves even more. Thank you for sharing.

  368. I find that it is within the most simple of actions – opening a door, wiping a wall – that it is so powerful to really commit to connecting to the presence that you talk about. Oh so easy to do these things in ‘robot mode’, or totally distracted as I think of something else. But I am finding that if I can bring a real presence to these moments then it supports my presence and concentration in other areas of my life. What I am seeing is that it’s all inter-linked – switch off in one area and it affects the all.

    1. I agree, Otto… the switched on moments give me a sense of alertness and space in my body that then inform the next moments… the switched off moments seem to shrink me and time.

  369. Moving in this way makes everything yummy and delicious. The best diet ever!

  370. I find it particularly difficult to stay with the one movement after another when its a particularly big job that needs doing as the default will be to start rushing / driving to start getting the job done. But if one movement guarantees the next, then being able to maintain that throughout, as well as the joy of sharing the task transforms it from a chore to be finished, into a dance to enjoy!

  371. Beautiful, the building is shining in reflection of the love with which it has been cleaned and cared for.

  372. How lovely to feel the value of living this way and being able to be in full appreciation of it.

  373. Imagine that, being aware of how we clean a house, or polishing a mirror. Usually we just do the task and the focus is getting it done. Imagine if we were to put this into practice a bit more. Then we would get our car fixed by hands that loved what they had just done, or our hair done with hands that loved what they were doing. And I love this, bringing quality back into life. This is something we all crave more deeply than we realise.

    1. Spot on Matts – something so simple to do, yet something we often neglect to put all our focus and efforts into. But you have said it so beautifully that this depth and quality is what we all crave in life far more than we realise, and so it is now a choice for us to bring back into our lives, in such a gorgeous way and something we all ‘deserve’ to choose and live with.

  374. Raegan, what a gorgeous celebration and sharing of the love you have developed for yourself which allowed you the space to feel so joyous and present when cleaning your home. I love the reminder that this presence and quality doesn’t ‘just turn up’ but reflects a quality and way of living every day. I’m observing this more for myself as well, so that when I’m ‘not’ consciously present, I have the opportunity to be aware of where else am I ‘not present’ in life, and when I ‘am’ present to appreciate the care and love I am developing for myself that allows me to feel this connection to my body.

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