The True Test of Science is How it Faces the Unknown

Long before the discovery of bacteria, people were getting infections of many kinds and foods would still go rancid. Science didn’t invent bacteria, neither did it understand it for a long time… until it had the tools to measure it with.

Long before the Geiger counter, the uranium rock carried radiation, as do other minerals and foods. Science didn’t invent radiation, neither did it understand it for a long time… until it had the tools to measure it with.

Long before the discovery of the atom, atoms existed, as did the solar system that we inhabit, the possibility for ultra-violet radiation emitted by the sun to contribute to skin cancer, the possibility for X-ray imaging, and the movement of the tectonic plates of the earth as a cause of earthquakes and volcanic activity. It is fair to suggest there remains much in life that is unknown to science.

So how does science approach the unknown?

In all of the above cases, the default position was for Science to dismiss or even ridicule what was being proposed. Science is great at many things but it continues to fail when faced with aspects of life that it does not yet understand.

The reality is things have always existed outside the current understanding of science. Yet somewhere, the assumption is made that because science does not understand something that this thing doesn’t exist or that it is folly to suggest that is does.

It is a bit like a traveller that wants to understand a foreign country but dismisses the locals as stupid because they speak a different language… but on a brief tangent, isn’t this what most colonising countries did!!

To truly understand something (and someone), you need to learn the local dialect and customs. There is a whole world of nuance and understanding that is lost when someone is not willing to admit the tools (in this case language) they have for understanding are limited.

There is so much that science can and does contribute to the world, and there is no doubt we need science and the scientific approach. Indeed, science is not limited in what it offers humanity, its only limit is the tools they use to understand life.

However, rather than embracing different dialects (tools) that can broaden understanding, science seems to take its limited understanding very, very personally. Science prefers to ‘own’ and even control the path to understanding. The result of this position is that alternative ways of understanding are dismissed, rejected or ridiculed as a threat to their ‘ownership’.

Surely what is important is not who owns the path to understanding but what might be learnt from it? Surely the true scientific response to the unknown is to find someone who can demonstrate a hypothesis and then back that hypothesis up with replicable results over a period of time, across a range of conditions: thus a scientific approach, just using a different dialect.

One such example is the cardio-centric approach to life presented by Universal Medicine since 1999. The Universal Medicine hypothesis is that the dominant way of understanding the world is currently through our mind and that understanding can also be achieved through our body, more specifically our heart, and more specifically again our inner heart.

So, let’s break this down. The body receives information from all its senses which is transmitted to the mind for processing. From here there are a series of automated and decision based actions. We automatically regulate our body temperature with things like sweating and shivering, and we choose various responses to the world based on our mind’s interpretation of what we see and feel. This is important; in the mind driven approach to understanding, we feel, we interpret, THEN we respond.

In the mental approach we develop beliefs about life through our experiences, then we start to filter our experiences through these beliefs to make choices about our response. It is the ultimate self-affirming cycle, of interpreting life to fit our internal picture of what we are seeing. Someone that sees the World Trade Centre crumble that holds a set of beliefs that says the people in those towers are evil will respond differently to people who see fathers, mothers, children etc. in the towers.

Society has tried and championed this mental approach for decades and the result is a more divided society than ever before. Through this approach we have created enclaves of ideology, fortified by the fact that we are able to filter what we see in the world and thus interpret everything to fit what we believe.

Enter Universal Medicine, and their suggestion that more understanding can be achieved through the body than through mind. They are not the first outfit to suggest this, but nonetheless they are an organisation that has put a methodology behind this hypothesis and enabled people from across the world, across cultures and demographics, to test it for themselves.

Hypothesis: The cardio-centric approach offers a different way of understanding life.

Rationale: In both approaches we receive millions of messages and inputs from our senses all day, every day. The cardio-centric approach suggests that it is possible to learn to understand what is felt BEFORE the mental interpretations of our beliefs kick in.

Who hasn’t walked into a room where other people are gathered and felt that something was happening, even though there are no verbal or non-verbal cues to suggest it? Regardless of education, geography or religion, we all seem to have the capacity to feel what is going on around us. Not only feel, but accurately interpret as well.

It is also true that we have the capacity to override this feeling, misinterpret the feeling or be oblivious to what we feel around us, but there is a difference between overriding, misinterpreting and being oblivious to what is felt and to not feeling it in the first place. In fact, we can’t override or dismiss something without feeling it first on some level.

The cardio-centric approach suggests that any choice to override, misinterpret or choose to be oblivious is a choice to NOT feel what is truly happening – or put simply, we are reacting to what we feel.

What if we could learn to not react to what was felt but stayed with that feeling? What if we can understand what is going on through the body rather than dropping into the mind and following the interpretations offered by preconceived ideas?

This ability is called conscious presence and it is developed through the Gentle Breath Meditation™. Of course, like all skills, it is a process of development over time and not an on-off switch.

Why is it called cardio-centric? Because to build this ability (conscious presence) requires the fostering of our connection to our body, and more specifically our inner-heart.

Why inner-heart and not heart? Because there are at least two layers of body awareness.

Layer 1Feeling based on the mind’s beliefs and imagery. Spend 2 minutes thinking about the most juicy, ripe lemon you can find and then biting into that lemon and your body will respond to that imagery like it was real.

This is the first layer of body awareness and many will swear what they feel is true and in many ways, it will be true because it is what they feel, BUT is it a feeling generated in response to the imagery of the mind?

Layer 2Feeling what is felt FIRST, before and beyond our body’s reaction based on the images of the mind. To highlight this differently, Universal Medicine uses the term inner-heart.

Methodology: Build conscious presence through the Gentle Breath Meditation™ to develop a greater awareness of feelings that are either are driven from a mental construct or/and those that are simply felt from the world around us.

Over time, learning more about the images we project onto our lives and determining if they truly support us or not.


  • The more you live with conscious presence the more energy and vitality you have because you are not driving your physiology from your mind’s ideas of what is happening or what might happen, but rather responding to what is happening.
  • The more you live with conscious presence the more you notice the gap between what is felt and how our mind interprets these feelings.
  • The more you live with conscious presence, the less reactive you become to the world around you and the more connected you feel to yourself and others.
  • The reality is, there is far more to learn from the cardio-centric approach to life than can be written about in a single paper.

These results are reported and replicated by people from around the world in various cultural, socio-economic and geographic backgrounds. Of course, in scientific terms these would all be considered subjective experiences.

However, for the people living these experiences, they are very real. They may look and sound strange to science because it is a different language. But it is a dialect that can and does explain life in a different way.

As with all discoveries before it, the initial response to a new dialect may be scorn, mistrust or even ridicule. However, the truly scientific response to this difference would be a willingness to explore any tools that would offer a deeper understanding of life.

What is there to lose?

By Joel Levin (Western Australia)

Further Reading:
What Is Science?
This is Science
Connecting to a Body More Intelligent Than The Mind

731 thoughts on “The True Test of Science is How it Faces the Unknown

  1. “The more you live with conscious presence the more energy and vitality you have because you are not driving your physiology from your mind’s ideas of what is happening or what might happen, but rather responding to what is happening’ – wow what a statement. Could we live from here more often? Yes, the possibilities are there but it’s also a choice by the individual to make too. And would science be open to this? Probably not, as science is often based on proving something, there has to be an answer.

    We have more to learn and live with not only conscious presence but, living from the heart. We cannot deny that we can feel when things aren’t right, its in within all us. We just need to get out of the way and allow what innately is within us to come forth more and more. Then we develop a fitness to live from conscious presence more and more, and life certainly be different.

  2. Can we also say that it is not only Scientists that dismiss or even ridicule what they don’t know or understand but the general public too. We have witnessed throughout history how easily the general public can be whisked up into a frenzy of hysteria or fear by the ruling people of the day, without stopping to consider the possibility that they are being controlled by an energy that doesn’t want them to wake up and find out just how controlled they are.

    1. But that just goes to shows, people believe what is presented whether through social media, TV etc. No doubt many things can be edited and only the so called juicy bits to either provoke fear or panic are often exaggerated. We live our lives from this than anywhere else that cannot be denied and yet we continue to ignore…

  3. Yes, more understanding can be achieved through the body than through the mind, ‘The cardio-centric approach suggests that it is possible to learn to understand what is felt BEFORE the mental interpretations of our beliefs kick in.’

  4. Science is understanding what is already known. Dung beetles were rolling dung long before humans made the first wheel.

  5. We are all walking science laboratories, and for main stream science to ignore this is to me like cutting off our nose to spite our face. They do not hold all the answers but our bodies do.

  6. We feel things all the time and this cannot be denied. And so it is for us to give permission to feel this, and then honour it which means to act in accordance to what we have felt. Simply stated but often not how we act or behave.

    1. Absolutely Henrietta, we feel things all the time, ‘Regardless of education, geography or religion, we all seem to have the capacity to feel what is going on around us. Not only feel, but accurately interpret as well.’

  7. Objectivity is all about looking at something without forming a prior opinion or belief about it, and about taking the facts as what is observed. This is something we can all learn to apply to life and comes best from our capacity and ability to hold ourselves steady and… breath gently.

    1. Being more open makes sense, there is so much we do not understand, or are aware of at this point in time, ‘It is fair to suggest there remains much in life that is unknown to science.’

    2. Yes, having no pictures or beliefs, just observing with an open mind/heart, ‘Science is great at many things but it continues to fail when faced with aspects of life that it does not yet understand.’

  8. Thank you Joel – I love how you have made the analogy of Science as a language and approach and compared it with someone visiting a foreign country and learning the language. With this we need a openness, an inquisitivity but also a humbleness and willingness to learn. This is not always found in the scientiic communities though at its core is one of its key values.

    1. We do need an openness, an inquisitivity, along with a humbleness and willingness to learn, ‘It is a bit like a traveller that wants to understand a foreign country but dismisses the locals as stupid because they speak a different language… but on a brief tangent, isn’t this what most colonising countries did!!”

  9. How different are we from the “brainwashed” religious people if our belief in science does not let us see outside of the realms of what is already “explained”?

  10. “The result of this position is that alternative ways of understanding are dismissed, rejected or ridiculed as a threat to their ‘ownership’.” I can really see this in science, and in addition there is now the corruption including research based on agendas for profit – a science that has been hijacked for self and not for the benefit of all of humanity. Science has definitely lost its purity for the time being.

    1. I feel that as the grip of religion is loosened on society science is taking its place as another force that wants to control. So I agree with you Melinda when you say that science has lost its purity for the time being.

    2. There is so much corruption in our world, science being one area, ‘the corruption including research based on agendas for profit – a science that has been hijacked for self and not for the benefit of all of humanity.’

  11. A true test of a wise person is one who is forever open to deepening and expanding their wisdom. Insisting that there is nothing further to learn beyond the current perception is a mark of a fool.

  12. Science likes to own because then it can control and we have witnessed throughout history what happens when institutions control people’s lives. And still we allow ourselves to be controlled …why?

    1. We all have so much to learn and understand in life, we are forever students, ‘Science prefers to ‘own’ and even control the path to understanding. The result of this position is that alternative ways of understanding are dismissed, rejected or ridiculed as a threat to their ‘ownership’.’

      1. Lorraine I agree it is all about ‘ownership’ and also control, it seems to me that Science wants to own and control, but actually we don’t own anything and we definitely cannot control Nature this is proven to us daily. When it comes to the forces of Nature then we are revealed in our ignorance and arrogance and how little we truly understand.

  13. If true science is about understanding life then the science we have today that controls the results to suit itself isn’t true science. Having a result that suits you and yours isn’t understanding life, it’s padding out a picture of how life should be.

  14. Only that this willingness is not there because the truth of the matter would severely rock too many boats and put too many comfortable mis-truths at risk, especially the ones that the pillars of society,i.e. religion, education, health, culture and nationalism, are based on.

  15. Joel I love your analogy of a truncated version of science that is not open to understanding the universe and the explorers visiting a foreign place and deeming the inhabitants stupid because they do not speak their language. How limited a perspective can we take and live as humans when we deny the bigger picture on offer.

    1. Denial of the bigger picture has become one of the hallmarks of sponsored science and thus, we keep turning around in the circles of our own narrow making.

      1. Sponsored science pays for the results it wants…My first thought was “Then truly how much of science can truly be called science with the definition Joel has shared?” and “Even if the science isn’t sponsored is the ignorant attitude affecting others?” Not really a question because beliefs and ideals following into every part of life, not just one.

  16. At one level there is so much we don’t know about the world and life, but there is also so much that we are choosing not to know.

    1. Yes, like when we choose to not feel, ‘The cardio-centric approach suggests that any choice to override, misinterpret or choose to be oblivious is a choice to NOT feel what is truly happening – or put simply, we are reacting to what we feel.’

      1. LJ have we been set up to react by an as yet unseen energy that uses our reactions as an energy source? If it were possible to not go into reaction, I wonder what the outcome would be?
        I am only just beginning to understand just how much I react to almost everything, my reactions have become as normal to me as breathing.

  17. There is a HUGE difference between looking to science and knowledge with arrogance as a ‘betterment’ which sets us above other people because of the information and understanding we are privy to, and being forever humble and open to life bringing a deeper and more expansive view from whatever angle it comes. One has us doggedly defend an outlook even in the face of much pointing to its fallacy, and with the other we move wide-eyed and open-hearted ready to observe, reflect, learn and expand with life itself.

  18. What you present here Joel, absolutely challenges the belief, which many have, that they can’t feel what is going on around them and in them – “we can’t override or dismiss something without feeling it first on some level.” You have certainly given us much to consider, for if we were to accept this truth and began to explore it for ourselves, I, for one, know that life will begin to change, and we will soon realise that the holes of disbelief we often choose to stay stuck in are totally of our own making.

    1. Ingrid I remember being told I can feel, I was convinced I could not feel anything, not understanding that was because I was so shut down under layers of protection. Is it possible this is when we can override and dismiss what is before us, when we live from our minds we can dismiss what we are being shown by our inner heart because we do not want to retrace the steps of why we shut down in the first place. For some it is too painful and so they will dismiss and even ridicule what they know in their hearts is true because there is a part of us that cannot admit to being hoodwinked, lied to, or led astray by an energy that has controlled and dominated us for eons. So as you correctly say we often choose to stay stuck in the holes of our own making.

  19. The definition of science for me, is the putting in to words what is already happening in life. So the activity comes first and then the words are used or invented to describe it. this is what pure and simple science is to me.

  20. Thank you Joel… I have always felt that the true scientists… So to speak, ended up in quantum physics where there is always an open admission of how little is understood.

  21. Joel, Science still dismisses what it doesn’t know or what it cannot fit into a box. We seem to like putting everything into a box and then labeling it. But I have found that ‘Mother Nature’ cannot be tamed it cannot be put into a box and the arrogance of the scientists is such that ‘Mother Nature’ will bite them in bum so to say.
    If they cannot see this coming then in my opinion they are blind as well as arrogant.

  22. Having a large group of people living in conscious presence all be it to varying degrees would make a great scientific study because what is felt in the body can be described with clarity.

    1. What do we notice when we live with conscious presence, ‘The more you live with conscious presence the more energy and vitality you have because you are not driving your physiology from your mind’s ideas of what is happening or what might happen, but rather responding to what is happening.’

  23. “What if we could learn to not react to what was felt but stayed with that feeling? ” – the more I do this ie lessen to loose my reaction and live my life being about energy first, the more life becomes understandable.

    1. So beautifully said Zofia and a great point too that I am working on in my life as well. Sometimes I cannot stop the reactions, but as soon as I can catch it, provided I have the willingness to look deeper at what is happening then so much more opens up for me and this is an amazing way to deal with life and understanding it more.

  24. Brilliant. This explains so well how we have been retarding ourselves all along by getting in the way of what is so tangibly felt as our innate ability to connect and understand the unknown. This drive to own and control whatever is ‘out there’ – be it a person, a land, a religion whatever we perceive as ‘them’ – is what destroys relationships. Amazing how the concept of ownership and control came into creation to bastardise Oneness.

    1. Understanding and acceptance are important and have value, ownership is not, ‘Surely what is important is not who owns the path to understanding but what might be learnt from it?’

  25. Science and scientists are only limited by what they accept as proof beyond any doubt, yet there is a vast amount that is open to science to discover if they took one step further and realised that some things are true but not provable in the same way.

    1. Just imagine how the scientific world would change if scientists, as a whole, made the choice to open their eyes, and their hearts, to what discoveries might be possible, instead of narrowing their view by the refusal to accept what they do not currently understand. It seems to me that so many scientists are either driven by their own agendas or they have narrowed their view of the world so much so, that in the process they are missing out on the marvels, the magic and the true medicine the universe is always offering us.

  26. It seems the human brain works in a way whereby new information is compared to already processed and stored information in order to categorize the new into familiar files. Obviously that limits our openness to anything new and unknown, it is a bias that reduces not only what we perceive but also the awareness and capacity of who we are. But it is not just the brain and or a biological restriction, much more it comes from the energy or consciousness using the brain and actually the body in such a reductionistic way. As long as we are run by our nervous system and the flight and fight mechanism life will be about survival and thus security, hence the need for familiarity and thus a limited openness to what is unknown.

  27. On a very practical and personal level it is very beneficial to explore not just the unknown but also the known (or seemingly known) every day with a freshness and openness as e.g. seeing a familiar person with fresh eyes instead lacing them with past experiences and thus an attitude or expectation for them to be ‘again’ the same as last time. We tend to give things and people fixed meaning and form, but ignore that everything at any moment in time is what the energy expressed through it makes it what or who it is, hence a fresh reading of the energetic quality presented by them or it is required and in that sense ‘scientific’ as in being open to see and understand with as few preconceptions as possible.

  28. “The reality is things have always existed outside the current understanding of science. Yet somewhere, the assumption is made that because science does not understand something that this thing doesn’t exist or that it is folly to suggest that is does.” – Perhaps it is not science as such that has the issue, but rather that the issues come from the way it is approached and the narrow mindedness that certain people apply to science. Which leads to the question of how much are we missing out on by limiting our approach like that? Serge Benhayon does offer a way to break through so much and open up the world of science in ways that brings back its original beauty and universality. For science ‘belongs’ to us all, in our hearts.

  29. “The Universal Medicine hypothesis is that the dominant way of understanding the world is currently through our mind and that understanding can also be achieved through our body, more specifically our heart, and more specifically again our inner heart.” – The cardio-centric approach holds much truth for us all, for it isolates not a part of the body yet starts from the inner heart to include the all.

  30. The ‘science’ of the human mind understands what it can ‘prove’. The science of the Universe holds the wisdom of the All.

    1. Beautifully said Mary, ‘The science of the Universe holds the wisdom of the All’. This makes complete sense that we don’t know everything, ah, the arrogance of the mind, but science is showing us the way, not the other way around.

      1. The arrogance of the mind, or the wisdom of the body, ‘The more you live with conscious presence the more you notice the gap between what is felt and how our mind interprets these feelings.’

  31. I have been practicing the art of response, rather than reaction. It is a life’s work, from the heart, and this offers the beautiful opportunity to live life experimentally, learning along the way, be a scientist, a student, a teacher held in the knowing we are divine. We all hold wisdom and we all can learn and our bodies do not lie, and so exploration, refinement and religious ‘reconnecting’ commitment are purposeful and enriching choices to consider.

    1. Responding to situations versus reacting is so much more lovely for all involved, ‘The more you live with conscious presence, the less reactive you become to the world around you and the more connected you feel to yourself and others.’

  32. “What is there to lose?” Or what is there to gain by being open to the expansion of our awareness of the energetic truth of everything.

  33. I feel that the imposing mental way science is currently being taught or even dictated as in our education system actually makes many turn off from ever wanting to embrace it and much less make it something practical and simple in our everyday life.

  34. Science is a field where the battle between spirit and Soul gets revealed. Major breakthroughs came from people connected to their Souls. The brought into light very important matters and usually they have challenged deeply the status quo because it (the status quo) was not true. Yet, most of the people working in science are not connected to their Souls. Their spirits reign and fight fiercely any insight that is disruptive of the House of Lies, that comes from the Soul. Science is only one scenario where the spirit is fighting the Soul with everything it can count on that it has created to back it up.

  35. This is indeed the true test Joel… And so far, there are so few who pass this test and allow their horizons to continue to expand beyond the visible.

  36. The present state of the world – corruption, increasing illness and disease, self-abuse, drugs, worldwide conflict (practically) etc. – is evidence that the ‘scientific’, mind based approach to life is not working. “The cardio-centric approach to life presented by Universal Medicine since 1999” offers a different way to be and live and the lived experience of those practicing it shows life does not have to follow the same path presently being walked by society in general.

  37. We have glorified science and it’s research with evidence based ‘facts’ for a long time, and still do. We give so much money to fund cures for illnesses when perhaps it would be more sensible to be studying the preventative measures we can take that would minimise our chance of contracting whatever it is in the first place

  38. When science connects to the universal intelligence that is available to us all, scientists will feel how limited and reduced science has become, because in truth it is constantly expanding and evolving far beyond what out minds can ever see.

  39. There is alot for us all to ponder on in what you have shared here Joel, great blog.

  40. Reading this today gave me such a clear understanding of how we can respond to mental imagery or in fact feel what is going on in our bodies very different … so more conscious presence to support feeling from the body without the interpretations of the mind.

  41. Interesting how the criticism of others can be broadly accepted as true, when that person has no understanding what it is that they are criticising.

  42. The is a difference between a true sense of wonderment and openness to what is not yet understood and accepted and true and then having a opinion that is owned by the ‘science’ of the day. With the word ‘evidence’ very big in scientific circles, I question the meaning of this word and the result of refusal to examine what is ‘new’ because of the lack of evidence.

  43. It is important to name the arrogance and suppression of actual exploration and curiosity in science these days. The need for proof is stunting us as human beings, as grand things have been built such as the Great Pyramids that have science and universal understanding in their makeup that should not be there is testing and proof are needed. What has been known in ancient times without machines and tests far exceeds what we now know from evidence based science.

  44. When I try to work things out with my mind I become further lost in the issues, however when I connect to something deeper within me- all of my next steps are known.

    1. it is well known that the mental approach does not work, we know how we can remember events or incidents inaccurately. It can so falsely influence us if we rely on the mind. But as we develop and focus on our relationship with the body, we get all the true information we need.

  45. When first learning and even still today I find the mind is the one that has a commentary of shunning any other way of understanding life. Often dismissing the wisdom of my body that time and time again comes out more truthfull and truly supportive.

  46. Any scientist, reflects upon how little is truly known of the universe, when looked at through the eyes of even the most advanced science, must, given this pause of reflection, contemplate that there is so much more that is hidden to eyes That are hardwired to the intellect

  47. To Me Science has taken over from religion, just as Religion strove to control humanity and it is now on the wane, Scientist have stepped in to take up the mantle of control and dominance. They will find that true science cannot be owned, just as Mother Nature cannot be tamed.

  48. In any job or career the more tools we have to do the specific job the better, most look for new ideas and ways that will not only make things easier but also more cost effective, obvious stuff but science seems to have always taken a different approach with its need to own things and keep people in the dark. Add this cardio-centric approach and science would leap and bound without bounds.

  49. Great article Joel. ‘The reality is things have always existed outside the current understanding of science. Yet somewhere, the assumption is made that because science does not understand something that this thing doesn’t exist or that it is folly to suggest that is does.’ This assumption (like so many assumptions we have about everything) is so widespread and infects the connective tissue of our whole society – an assumption that is actually a kind of armour against the fear of the unknown, and ultimately the fear of evolution. It is a form of control implemented by the human spirit who wants to maintain ignorance for fear of losing its identity.

    1. Superbly said Lyndy, and the more we hold onto comforts the more we deny the Truths in our life that would otherwsie offer us a deeper understanding of ourselves as well as the Universe.

  50. “The cardio-centric approach suggests that it is possible to learn to understand what is felt BEFORE the mental interpretations of our beliefs kick in.” This makes more sense to me than the way scientists need facts and proof and do hundreds of tests before they accept that something exists, when through our feelings we can simply know the truth.

  51. The trap of the mind: where we have an image and we find the feelings or in case of science the evidence to match it. Yet if we truly feel our body and see what is there, we allow ourselves the opportunity to understand and see more of life, we, and science can seriously benefit from this approach. And given that our existing approach of staying within the rigidness of the mind is not working, why not give this a go.

  52. We see what we expect to see and what fits into the way we have pieced our view of the world together; science is no different, it follows the same route and is thus closed off to anything that falls outside the prevailing paradigm that it defends with all its might and at times brute force.

  53. ‘The reality is, there is far more to learn from the cardio-centric approach to life than can be written about in a single paper.’ So true Joel , but you have also done a awesome job of unpacking awareness of this in this blog. in it’s rigid and finite way of analysis, science can often put a full stop to, a delay, or a deviation away from the true and infinite expansion of awareness.

  54. I love it when a teenager comes up with something that makes sense and cannot be disputed, without having all the umpteen letters behind their name and scientific reputation.

  55. “In the mental approach we develop beliefs about life through our experiences, then we start to filter our experiences through these beliefs to make choices about our response. It is the ultimate self-affirming cycle, of interpreting life to fit our internal picture of what we are seeing. ” I can relate to what is said here, when I first came to Universal Medicine, what I was being presented with I would run it through my mental pictures of my beliefs and try to find something that matched what i believed, so my mind could take hold of something. Gradually as the beliefs started to be dropped a clearer understanding of what I was feeling instead of what I was thinking began to emerge, and an understanding of life in the truer sense began to unfold.

  56. It is not just science but for everyone to be open to the unknown in the sense that otherwise we impose what we know on the unknown in the attempt to understand it but actually we then are blind to recognise and understand the unknown for what it is and thus keep our awareness of the vastness of life limited to what we consider familiar.

  57. Life looks different in many ways if you go around the world. Life also plays out differently in different part of the world. Yet, inside a strand of life, life repeats very much itself all the time. So, life offers us constant living experiments that have specific characteristics. Science has done a lot to register them and to catalog and understand their trends, their differences and similarities. In that sense, science has served as well. Science has helped us to answer some questions, but not all the relevant ones. We need to answer them and to do so, we have a problem that is called science’s paradigm. A scientific paradigm admits a series of questions and a series of answers but everything that falls outside of its agenda gets a hard time. One of the reasons for this to happen is that any scientific paradigm assumes that it asks THE questions and get THE answers. Of course, we all know that a scientific paradigm lasts what it lasts to be replaced by another one that does the same, even if it asks different questions and see life from a different angle.

  58. Our inner-heart respects our body, is there for our body sharing its wisdom, whilst the mind does not care what we do with our body or about our body.

  59. What you share in this blog Joel, and what Serge Benhayon shares makes so much sense, ‘understanding can also be achieved through our body, more specifically our heart, and more specifically again our inner heart.’

  60. There is so much we still do not understand, we all know at some level that there is more to life, but science continues to ‘ dismiss or even ridicule what was being proposed. Science is great at many things but it continues to fail when faced with aspects of life that it does not yet understand.’

  61. As we already feel everything deeply, to override and pass over, to ignore or even deliberately go against our true feelings is, in reaction, shying away and denying ourselves our divine right –  the beauty and truth who we are.

  62. When I was little I had a natural curiousity and enthusiasm to see that what we know is limited and that there is much more to understand in life by living it and experiencing its ways beyond what is currently measurable. What limits our willing and openness to exploring what is deemed unknown is our stubbornness to hold on to what we know is comfortable and familiar. What if the truth that could be ‘discovered’ actually shows how irresponsible we have been both as individuals and as a collective? That’s a hard pill to swallow.

  63. Yes society has become so much about our mind our ideals and beliefs so when challenged with a situation we have a range of thoughts to go to to analyse it, even though we can feel way more straight away in our body, not needing the whole thought process to begin with… The key is to indeed learn to feel our body again.

  64. Surely true science is void of ignorance and arrogance or it is not scientific. It may be of interest to distinguish between science based on a knowing or on knowledge; the first is spherical and open for exploration and expansion, the second is linear and open for exploration to a degree but seeks to stay in its established confinements and thereby reduces reality through its limited perception.

  65. ” ….. the truly scientific response to this difference would be a willingness to explore any tools that would offer a deeper understanding of life.” Absolutely but it would seem only the ‘what is currently known’ is accepted as fact. Is it due to fear that what may be presented will rock the foundations they have built so far?

  66. This is such a short sighted approach to life
    “the assumption is made that because science does not understand something that this thing doesn’t exist or that it is folly to suggest that is does.”
    The scientist does not hold all the answers and it is a huge arrogance on their behalf to think they do or that they can somehow control Nature. They cannot control Nature or our Universe and some of the things that have been allowed under the umbrella of science should not be allowed at all. Humanity will one day deeply regret the meddling that is currently taking place in the name of ‘Science’

  67. It’s astonishing the hold arrogance seems to have on science, that man can conquer and own the physical world because of knowledge, when in actual fact our planet is really like a grain of sand in context of the whole universe. It is so big and we are so small, just a part, you would think that alone would encourage openness and humility – two qualities we really need to truly connect to science.

  68. Science seems to be used to rationalise things or make statements or document it as research. And yet we seem to lose the truth of science by using it this way. I can say that my body is a constant ongoing science experiment that communicates with me all the time, the variable being my choices.

    1. So true, I love to do my own experiments feeling my body in different ways, how it feels with eating certain foods, how it feels when I swim or walk compared to how it feels when I am in a hurry or stressed. This is true living science experiments we can all do to understand science from the body instead of the mind.

  69. Imagine if creative thinking was the foundation of all scientific study from high school on, imagine if we simply stayed open, developed our awareness of the energetic interplay of the universe right from the very start, …. Where would science be now.

  70. Today I experienced how stupendously incredible it is to walk fully in conscious presence with my whole body in total harmony and I do not need any scientist to come along and tell me how great it was for me to do that as my body is telling me loud and clear.

    1. Maybe one day scientists will embody what they know and not be seperate to the knowledge – now they would be amazing scientists! In the meantime every person is a student of the science of life, we may not have the moniker “scientist” but we are all scientists in our own explorations.

  71. The fact that we choose to not feel life from this cardio centric space, raises an interesting question, what is revealed or exposed about the so called intelligence of the mind that we do not wish to see?

  72. A beautiful test and way forwards for science to be explored honouring who we really are and all we feel from within our inner hearts and our inner knowing and the reality of this.

  73. Yes, true science can only start with humbleness. How to have access to the unknown then, if we think we know it all first?

  74. Yes, true science can only start with humbleness. How to have access to the unknown then, if we think we know it all first?

  75. The connection to the body that the Gentle Breath Meditation offers is life changing. So simple and yet so effective.

  76. There is so much that science still can’t explain. It’s unfortunate that scientists don’t collaborate more. They are all so secretive because they want the recognition for being the first to discover a new thing or patent a new drug.

  77. Imagine being told you were never going to understand something until someone invents a way to measure it?! We would all be lost and essentially lost sheep. The feeling we get when we feel changes in energy can’t necessarily be explained by a machine, because we feel it in our body and translate it based on our experiences, what is one feeling for one is very different for another. Science will need to understand that we are each tools that offer a deeper understanding of life and are therefore each worth studying.

  78. Science can incredibly distinguish the difference between this cancer and that cancer, one disease and another, even one minuscule atom and another, but what would be interesting to explore is WHY a person might have this particular disease and not something else? WHY their cells act in this way, and that a ‘random mutation’ configured the way it did…

  79. Just imagine an organization of any sort.. standing up and proclaiming forth … OK we don’t know about 95% of what our business is about but if you challenge us we will ridicule you, humiliate you and render what you say naught… would you trust this organization to lead you forth? I think not

    1. Yet because they don’t proclaim it quite so blatantly and in fact they promote that what they do is ‘it’ then we believe them when it suits us to not discern for ourselves.

  80. Surely what is important is not who owns the path to understanding but what might be learnt from it?
    Humanities need to own knowledge is the crux here, the separation and mistrust that has ensued has consequently delayed the might that is possible through our equal connection & purpose.

  81. We all know from personal experience that when we come across someone who absolutely refuses to be open to new ideas and new concepts comes across as rigid and dare I say a little idiotic.
    I don’t mean this in a judgmental way, I to have my own moments of doing that. What I mean is that we all know that this is not a wise stance in life.
    So how on earth have we ended up allowing our scientific understanding and exploration become limited in such a way?

  82. “The reality is things have always existed outside the current understanding of science. Yet somewhere, the assumption is made that because science does not understand something that this thing doesn’t exist or that it is folly to suggest that is does.” So true as I have scientist academic friends who defend their known science for all its worth. Yet I thought science was about being open to new ideas and frontiers. We certainly don’t know it all and our world is proof of that. – otherwise why would highly intelligent people do stupid things to and with their body? Perhaps there is another Way…?

  83. When reading the title of the writing ” the true test of science is how it faces the unknown ” but we come from that unknown I thought , so therefore all is truly know , as there is nothing that is not known. And brings it back to my science days in school and the history of the periodic table of elements by Dmitri Mendeleev where he drew up a box chart and left , boxes empty on the chart where he knew but had no tangible evidence that an element would fit . So as time went on the spaces got filled with newly ” discovered ” elements , but the elements always fitted into the space that Dmitri had set aside for them with the way he scientifically configured the chart . Now thats science of knowing the unknown.

    1. Great comment John. Mendeleev knew he didn’t know it all at that point, but knew to leave space for it to be filled at a later date. An inner knowing and no arrogance there. I agree ‘Now thats science of knowing the unknown.’

  84. A developing relationship with humility is opening up a whole new world of questioning for me; a willingness to explore stuff and question things that I have avoided or not given the time of day for before. A lot of this has been based on a false arrogance and belief that I want to come across as knowledgeable and that it is important to have things concluded in some way.

    1. I can relate to that false arrogance too Matilda. Science is an observation, a learning to take a new idea and view it openly without prejudice or judgement. Who knows what unfolds when we don’t slam the lid on it.

  85. What a lot of sense you highlight here Joel with all we feel and the way science has its view based on proven facts. “The more you live with conscious presence, the less reactive you become to the world around you and the more connected you feel to yourself and others.” This is so beautiful to know we can live in a more harmonious way with our bodies ,our selves everybody and the outside world around us and this is something we seek underneath the so called acceptance of life as it is.

  86. We have nothing to lose and everything to gain – seeing the mess we have created globally and locally, in all areas of life one would care to mention.

  87. Science can be such a beautiful thing when it comes with a true exploratory and open approach, but often it’s coming with a predetermined head set and can be very controlling.

  88. “Enter Universal Medicine, and their suggestion that more understanding can be achieved through the body than through mind.”

    Since being introduced to this notion, and developing a more loving relationship with my body, I can vouch that the wisdom shared through my body, feels much more all encompassing of my whole body, and of others where as when I am in mind, it is much more about the mind/head only (i.e. eating for taste even though the body is full), and more about me.

    1. Yes it is such an extraordinary thing to be added to present… That our bodies have a wisdom and intelligence that is just waiting to be tapped into… The satnav of conscious presence built-in!.

  89. I read a paper recently that wrote about an enormous disturbance that was happening in the world of physics…. The ‘theory’ that everyone had ‘sort of’ agreed on, that explained 90% of the known universe was possibly about to be debunked…. If we simply sit with this … a lot is revealed.

    1. That is so interesting Chris, so it must have been in the past when the ideas changed, like from everyone being convinced that the world is flat to there may be a new way of understanding something.

      1. Yes exactly Gill… And the enormity of the ‘ not knowing’ and the propping up of ways of thinking with extraordinarily complex theorems is simply staggering… And we, in this era, think that we know so much

    2. I don’t know why this made me laugh – I suspect it is because of the arrogance of thinking we know it all or at least know so much! The more I learn, the more I realise the less I know. And in fact, the more humble I am with that the greater the natural wisdom I see is found outside the arrogance of knowledge.

      1. And the thing is… They take it so seriously… An authoritative paper in an accredited journal talking about how these theories that they have used to explain the universe for the last 50 years are going to be revealed to be simply not true… And then using the same paradigms looking for other theories… Talk about ostrich science!

  90. I don’t need a science project to prove it to me, I use my body and it tells me loud and clear and then I know for sure.

  91. To me Science seems to be taking over from religion in that it wants to own and control everything and the Scientists seem to me to have an answer to something and then work backwards off of that to find the theory.
    The other thing that worries me about Scientists is that they are usually sponsored by the big corporations such as the sugar industry so it was no surprise that the Scientists discovered that eating sugar was good for you. Now of course we know that actually it is very harmful, a poison to the body. Scientists have their place but they should not be allowed to become the dominant voice and control our lives.

  92. Skepticism is a bit like buddhism, the latter of which say detach, detach detach – the problem with which is of course, if you do happen to find “enlightenment”, you probably won’t know, because you will have detached from it. Science, or more precisely skepticism, has become a little like that – whereby we have become so skeptical that we do not even believe things even when they are proven. We simply accept them as the best belief system we have currently developed. The problem with that is when you come across the truth, you are still going to deny it, insisting that it will probably be disproven in time anyway.

  93. “Surely what is important is not who owns the path to understanding but what might be learnt from it”. Such a great question Joel and one that I instantly would say yes to but there appear to be many involved in science who want to own certain paths, consistently telling others that theirs is the right path and discount any other and then keep their learnings to themselves. Surely at the end of the day, each path, and the learnings from them, is a path for the good of all humanity; no one owns them, they belong to all.

  94. The inner-heart knows while the mind pretends that it knows whilst trying to work out the answer. The inner-heart respects the body while the mind does not care about the body. This differences are very significant.

  95. There is a saying that true wisdom comes from knowing what you don’t know – that takes a humility that unfortunately is quite rare in our scientific approach to date. However, what I find interesting is that the greatest minds of our time are all well documented to having a respect for the unknown and the magic that lies therein. These are the people who are stretching into the unknown and realise that while their hypothesis might answer that small question, there are still unfathomable depths that still have no rational explanation….

  96. The foundation of Science for me is curiosity, openness, discovery, observation and hypothesis on an ongoing loop, thus forever expanding, deepening and evolving.

    When we set up institutions to be representative of an aspect of life, then we have people jump on the band wagon with personal agendas and start to limit the founding principles in order to protect their own niche, humanity is trouble. This is the face of science in our current times.

  97. “…The reality is things have always existed outside the current understanding of science….” perhaps evolution is our return to the beginning of time and space…

  98. ‘The cardio-centric approach suggests that any choice to override, misinterpret or choose to be oblivious is a choice to NOT feel what is truly happening – or put simply, we are reacting to what we feel.’ This is vital because we tend to think that we do not, or cannot, feel when in truth we are actually registering feelings all the time but what we often do is convince ourselves that we do not or cannot feel simply because we are not giving ourselves enough space To feel. Slowing down and bringing attention to our breath and the movement within our bodies brings us back to ourselves and this natural ability to begin to feel at a very fundamental level. Building on this we become more aware of what is actually going on. Opening ourselves to this is a wonderful unfolding adventure where we begin to appreciate how much we hold and what an awesome relationship we can have with our body and the wisdom it can offer us. We are no less than walking miracles.

    1. Yes indeed, we are. What a clever world to not make the cardio-centric approach the most logical approach. Giving permission to feel and know that developing a relationship with energy is the most responsible way to live. I suspect we would have less mental health issues if we were given permission to acknowledge what we feel and were called to live with more integrity.

  99. There’s much to be learnt from life. There are forever miracles that transform our accepted ‘normals’ from today. What if life is only truly lived from observation. Rather than reacting and absorbing life. Life is magic and science could (should?!) support this magic to forever expand.

  100. I’m learning to set aside preconceptions about how an event will be – it could be a party or a work meeting. I’ll usually have nerves prior to the event – a physical response to something that hasn’t happened. Sure there are times I know certain meetings may be tricky but I’m also learning that my nerves seem to call in what I’m nervous about -crazy though that seems. But also, I’m not present enough to respond with confidence so what I could have reflected to people is now much lesser. Being open to what is there rather than predicting/prejudging things makes a huge difference to the results or what would perhaps have been considered ‘evidence’ in scientific terms.

  101. What is there to lose for science, and subsequently humanity, by being open to something that may seem different and even unusual at first? Surely, that is the only way to truly evolve.

  102. “The true test of science is how it faces the unknown”- it almost makes me laugh that such a fact needs to be stated.

    Life is forever expanding and we are offered opportunities to learn and evolve. It means we are consistently invited to expand our awareness into what is as yet unknown. This ought to be embraced even more so by those who claim to have a specific interest in science and evolution of mankind. If there is talk of doing anything other than that, we can be certain that there is an agenda at play.

  103. There is a massive difference in understanding something on an intellectual level and trying to regurgitate words, equations or textbook pages for exams and assessments, than actually translating what might be the same information into a language we can connect to on a whole body basis. Exams are an interesting experience because you can really feel the difference between reciting information as opposed to having a deeper understanding for the bigger picture of whatever is being asked and what it means.

  104. I woke up feeling tension on my left ear and nose and it is easy to react to what my body is feeling without first understanding what the messages are. When I communicated with my body what that was about, there is no need then to react and be in protection.

  105. It is necessary for the scientific body to look at the bigger picture and not be marginalized into pockets where it reduces itself so small that it can actually be very misleading. We can feel when something is not true whether science proves it or not.

  106. Funny how we think that things don’t exist until we ‘discover’ them – in fact it is most arrogant. And it closes the door to the ever present Universal Intelligence that is constantly running through and with us.

  107. Being willing to re-connect with and live from my inner heart is the most loving choice I have ever made. Shedding the mental energy by shredding the pictures and de-constructing ideals and beliefs allows for the space to open up and actually support myself to feel what is there to be felt.

  108. There is unfortunately a belief that one must live according to the limitations only of what is proven, which is unfortunate. What is equally unfortunate is that true philosophical thinking and freedom of ideas is only accepted in society whilst it does nothing to challenge the status quo.

  109. Even if we know living from our hearts as we have done it as babies and at very young age it feels like most of us have forgotten about it and accumulated a lot which does not serve us. So we have to let go of all the mess and relearn and reawake to live from our hearts.

  110. Indeed Shirley-Ann but it is with this enormous arrogance that the word LOVE has strayed so far from its true meaning & become so vacuous that no-one really trusts or relates to it.

  111. I offer testimony to the fact hat I have developed conscious presence through a choice to be aware of my body and breathe in a way that supports it, in so doing I have become aware more of what is happening within me and around me, my energetic awareness has increased, and so I know more, I am wiser than when I began, but in a sense I did not learn anything, this has come from a simple physical connection and a knowing has become unearthed….yes science is amazing and we all have a relationship with it, it is not for the select few.

  112. “The more you live with conscious presence the more energy and vitality you have because you are not driving your physiology from your mind’s ideas of what is happening or what might happen, but rather responding to what is happening.”
    And this is the very joy and freedom with which we see our young children move and relate to life.

  113. “Science prefers to ‘own’ and even control the path to understanding.” Consequently it can never be truly objective as it claims to be unlike the cardio-centric approach where there is no ownership, just the illumination of what already exists.

  114. I think the one thing we can all agree on is there is so much we don’t know, so it kind of defies belief when we are unable to be open to what is there for all of us to connect to. The mind is so limited whereas the inner-heart knows no bounds.

  115. One of the things I find interesting about science and ‘scientific discoveries’ is that someone was feeling or connecting to the truth or just knowing what these discoveries were long long before they were ‘officially’ discovered, because science had all of a sudden caught up. The most fascinating thing about this is that those who knew about uranium or the atom as examples here would have been ridiculed, accused of lying (How can this be true?) and even just plain making things up and what’s interesting with this is once it’s found to be true, no-one ever goes back to say oh this person was talking about this very thing thousands of years before hand. What we need to be asking then is well how did they know this then, without any whizz bang instrumentation or equipment etc? In the future there will be people who will find instrumentation to measure energy and more specifically the energy that we are choosing to live from and what this results in and then someone will look back in history and find all the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom and presentations by Serge Benhayon and say how did he know all that then, before we had anything to prove it with? And then find that our body is the greatest scientific instrument of measure there is.

  116. Yes, we place a lot of value on Science giving us all of the answers and accept that it knows everything and we wait for the confirmation of new discoveries and go, wow, that’s amazing. But what about those things that cannot be defined by Science yet, do we discount what we feel to be true from a body that is all about science?

  117. We know from the heart first, as you say, any one of us has experienced walking in to a room and feeling / knowing something is going on, with no words spoken….the energetic equation is a very much underestimated factor in life and science.

    1. Yes and even if you want to play dumb and think you didn’t feel anything when you walked in the room, you know deep inside you did but there may be fear about how you actually deal with what you are feeling so you dismiss it all completely.

  118. Appreciating how the mind filters our experiences through its beliefs reveals how we limit who we are to such a degree that the lives we live are essentially false and do not express who we truly are. This appreciation allows me to throw out all those limitations on myself like I’m this or that – usually negative attributes- or I can do this or that; and open myself up to, well actually what if I dropped all that and allowed myself to be, what miracles could happen then?

  119. I was reading this and thinking of course this is from Dianne T, our beloved scientific raconteur, so imagine my surprise and delight when I found that this was from Joel whose stories are legend. How wonderful to feel Joel your words expanding into other realms… And indeed on one of my favourite subjects… I was just talking about it this morning, How true scientists will always be so open to their ignorance of so much with no doors being shut.

  120. “The reality is things have always existed outside the current understanding of science.” that is so true and if we stay focused on just knowing what conventional science states we will miss out on the answers to the problems we face as a society.

  121. Joel, I’m currently attending a trade show where most of the attendees are staying in the same hotel. And even though, I don’t drink alcohol and go to bed at a reasonable time, I have woken up this morning with a feeling of being out of sorts with myself like being hung over! And reading the part in your blog about how you can walk into a room and feel that something was happening. I can feel how the attendees have been out partying for 2 nights running and the affect this is having on everyone staying at this hotel regardless if they are attending the show or not. Too me this is a perfect example of how energy affects us more than we are willing to admit. If we truly allowed ourselves to feel and read energy then we would have to take responsibility for our own way of life because we are giving off energy all the time.

    1. I can relate to this Mary, as the majority of my life I have not been a big alcohol drinker and would feel the effects of the alcohol as my friends drank, and I agree you can wake up feeling hung over even when no alcohol has been physically consumed.

      1. It is really interesting Julie how this has not been scientifically researched as far as I know, but we know the effects of this from our own experiences. Just as I was reassured many year ago that passive smoking was not a problem, it is obvious now that this is not the case. We have no need to wait for proof when the body gives us the wisdom.

    2. I like that Gill, we may in time coin the term “passive drinking” to explain the effects of feeling hungover around alcohol drinkers when no alcohol has been consumed.

      1. Why not Melinda? It makes perfect sense because we can feel the effects of being around alcohol because of the change of energy that we can all notice when people drink. The true test will be revealed as such, when research is advanced enough to test it, but we already know it ourselves, so is the unknown actually unknown?

  122. Science prefers to ‘own’ and even control the path to understanding. The result of this position is that alternative ways of understanding are dismissed, rejected or ridiculed as a threat to their ‘ownership’.This is a sad face we live under as it closes the door on the unseen and much lived by ways of the universe and its magnification that has its magic in the simplicity of God..

  123. ‘The reality is things have always existed outside the current understanding of science. Yet somewhere, the assumption is made that because science does not understand something that this thing doesn’t exist or that it is folly to suggest that it does.’ So true Joel , science is making the assumption that everything exists only after it is ‘discovered’ by ‘scientists’ – that doesn’t even make sense!

  124. We discount what cannot be observed and yet there is so much more to life and our being than the matter that we can see.

  125. Great blog Joel exposing the capping effect,and reductionism that dominates science and has had over time trying to control group consciousness and bullying .The teachings of the ancient wisdom by Serge Benhayon and Universal medicine this time around and the fact of body based intelligence as vessels and receivers of energy to a much larger source the whole universe infact . This heart based intelligence as been available to mankind for a very long time well before its had tried to be owned by the halls of modern science. The pyramids the classic example with the use of the pythagoras theorem way before pygathoras existed ,proving that it was available to tap into .

  126. Thanks Joel, you’re right about “what have we got to lose?” Everyone is naturally scientific, even as kids we trial, test and observe outcomes. Relying on the current view of what “science” is or on scientists feels very disempowering to something that is so innate and natural for us all in our every day journey of discovery. We can’t wait for science to discover what we already know or to validate our experiences, we have our own authority and can do that for ourselves.

  127. Science requires tests and tools to measure and confirm theories. Our body gives us an instant reading of situations and what is of truth. Whilst we work together with science, there is much more merit to be given to the body and the wisdom it holds – well ahead of its time.

  128. When walking in conscious presence, the body responds with vitality that lasts throughout the day and the walking only needs to be for 10 minutes, and it is beneficial to be done daily. This is a simple science that anyone can do as you walk; simply feel your feet and hands as they move!

  129. ‘The reality is things have always existed outside the current understanding of science. Yet somewhere, the assumption is made that because science does not understand something that this thing doesn’t exist or that it is folly to suggest that is does.’ Yes Joel, one of the foundational pieces that science needs to have to operate in any true way is humbleness – just because it doesn’t know about something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, as you have said. Also there is a Science of Energy that exists before ‘science’ as we know it has come along. The Science of Energy is the greatest science in the world – and we certainly do not need a PhD in it to know it – we have all the instruments that are needed given to us in our very makeup a body.

  130. “…The reality is things have always existed outside the current understanding of science…” This is probably the best and most important point to remember when any science research is being conducted, as it offers the opportunity to first be humbled by the fact that there are multidimensional layers operating all of the time so testing a fixed point and observing its related outcome skews any ‘result’ achieved as in reality, as there are too many variables at work all of the time.

  131. An important question to be asked is what are we DOING with what’s being uncovered through science, medicine and sociology… We know more than ever that we’re part of something gigantic and a much bigger picture, so why are we still playing small?

  132. We can be quite arrogant when we think we know it all, especially when we come from a learning from the mind, rather than from a wisdom of the body. There are many things not yet explained by science that the scientific community dismisses because of the lack of evidence so far, but there needs to be an openness until some of these things are proved. There is so much more magic to be found in our immense incredible Universe.

  133. In my relationship with myself, as a starter, I am discovering that humility is one of the most intelligent and transformative qualities (tools) I have ever felt and utilised. I am shutting the door less and less with the restriction of being right or wrong and the world is opening up to me.

  134. This is such a different way to live, feeling first and then responding. We can be so trapped by our mental constructs we miss all opportunities to connect and let old issues go. I’ve been seeing people recently and responding not from old beliefs but from just feeling and being with people and the connections have been so healing.

  135. Maybe the real magic and fascination of true science is the fact that there is a science in all or behind all of creation even when we are not capable of knowing it all – the AWE factor.

  136. Are we not a living science to be studied, marvel and appreciated for the body follows a natural law and order of harmony, interdependence and unity. And yet it would seem that another part of our being over rides this natural intelligence with a not so intelligent desire to create experiences which separates us from the whole.

  137. It’s so completely interesting that hard science dismisses the human capacity to feel life yet we spend every moment of every day doing just that. Thank goodness for the social sciences, particularly those undertaking research of a qualitative nature, that utilise human responses and experiences in their data sets – our responses to the phenomena that add up to the pictures of our lives.

  138. As we are seeing with Quantum Physics many concepts which would never have been entertained by a scientific mind are now accepted as true because there has been ‘proof’. The more that is discovered in this field the closer we get to closing the gap between science and religion.

  139. To truly understand something we have to be willing to not want to put it in a box that suits our mode of thinking – because when we do that we’re projecting out what we want to see rather than being willing to receive all that is truly there.

    1. A willingness to be open to possibilities that may be beyond our current understanding keeps us open to the world of discovery and learning. This is an inspiring place to inhabit.

    2. Love it, Fiona. We have classified, interpreted and concluded what something is before we even experience it, when what we think it should be becomes more important that what is actually in front of me

  140. When we look at ‘ownership’ we can see that so many areas in life are made claim upon or ‘owned’ through a set of beliefs and ideals that underpin this claimed right. “Science prefers to ‘own’ and even control the path to understanding.” Could this not be said of the many institutions that are held as pillars of society?

  141. ‘The more you live with conscious presence, the less reactive you become to the world around you and the more connected you feel to yourself and others.’ Spot on Joel, experiencing life in this way is a game changer and allows you to feel a deeper connection to love that flows out to all areas of your life – something that science will only begin to understand when they put down their textbooks and choose to live not through their minds but in connection to their bodies where you can access true wisdom and a knowingness that is far grander than anything we have ever been taught.

  142. The best part about living with a cardio-centric approach to life is that life becomes about people and the relationships between us which from this place there is the possibility of genuine unity amongst us all.

  143. “We are reacting to what we feel.”
    Life of most of us is built on reactions bigger and smaller. Reactions imprison us as they are not our innate and true expression. I observed that through the Gentle Breath Meditation I become more and more tender which equals the true expression of myself and this tenderness makes me more and more aware.

  144. ‘What if we could learn to not react to what was felt but stayed with that feeling?’ This would change the world for we would be more connected with what our body is reading and not get swayed by the pictures that any reaction is triggered by which misinterpret what is going on and make us blame ourselves or another, feel guilty or contract. By staying with the feeling, we can read what is truly going on and then we bring understanding to it which allows space for other people to be as they are without judgment. We also then are not so hard on ourselves and our presence helps heal the hurt which triggered the reaction.

  145. Because the unknown is unknown, we need to remain unbiased and open minded until it becomes known and then we will know the truth of something. The problem with science seems to me that it can reduce everything to little bites and not bring the whole. I am realising it may take generations to change anything, but that does not mean we sit back and do not make a start. Whatever becomes our normal will have started as an unknown some time in the past.

  146. “Science is great at many things but it continues to fail when faced with aspects of life that it does not yet understand.” I am starting to see this more and more. With evidence based medicine there is a clash sometimes with what the patient experiences. Being too set in the mind and science can discount the human experience, the cardio-centric view. I love what you share about the need to understand the language first. We can choose to align or not align but to discount before truly understanding is to walk away from the potential solution to so much war, illness, disease and disharmony. That is completely illogical.

  147. Science is discovering itself – what is already there. There is so much more to understand in the endless intelligence of the Universe.

  148. ‘Science didn’t invent radiation, neither did it understand it for a long time… until it had the tools to measure it with.’ Science can provide us with awareness, understanding and a measurement – but only of that which already is.

  149. How is it that we have life so upside down, that we have structured society to believe that for something to exist it must be proved? We have turned discovery on its head to be more of a prison instead of about truth.What have we done with our natural curiosity, that playfully would push and see ‘what are the boundaries?’. It’s time we brought this experimental quality back to show and revel in what our mind does not know, instead of building business cases. Thank you Joel.

  150. I Love science, I used to feel separate from it and not connected to it, because I thought it was for people in white coats with lots of degrees….hello, life is one big experiment and place of learning, life is a science, lets all get in to it and empower ourselves to do research on what is working and what is not. The natural laws are around and within all of us equally, so lets not hold back bringing science in to our every day life.

    1. An important and playful call to become scientists of our own lives and all that we observe; every day offers up new awareness and discovery.

  151. There is much to explore in the layers of feelings we all have. This makes sense to me from the basic knowing that something doesn’t feel right or a room feels heavy as two examples, to the more thorough acknowledgement of what is being felt in conversations, the layers beneath the words. I am learning the importance of putting the body first and understanding the mind is just a part of the greater power that lies in our ability to understand and respond to what the body feels and not dismiss it due to it being unseen.

  152. We would like to think science knows all there is to know, that all the big discoveries have been made, that science isn’t really going to find anything new, and yet there is so much we don’t know about the human body, so many illnesses we don’t know the cause of, so many behaviours we have that are detrimental to us. Science now has to expand its view of the world and look further and wider at what is possible. There are giant discoveries to be made.

  153. “The reality is things have always existed outside the current understanding of science. …” Its worthwhile remembering this statement as it offers a humble approach in the pursuit of expanding the world of science.

  154. We live in a universe that is forever expanding and deepening. How on Earth could we have science books and scientists who hold onto a snapshot perception of this majestic divine flow and claim that humanity has come to a finite answer. This is a tragic example of extreme reduction of the grandness that we are part of.

  155. This will be very powerful Joel when will we wake up and lift these restrictions that we have in place with science at the moment? It is like we are going around like a horse with blinkers on. Science exploration had been reduced mentally to a very narrow field. I love how you write.. ‘the truly scientific response to this difference would be a willingness to explore any tools that would offer a deeper understanding of life.’ The parameters need widening.

  156. ‘Feeling based on the mind’s beliefs and imagery’ or ‘Feeling what is felt FIRST, before and beyond our body’s reaction based on the images of the mind.’ It is interesting to explore just how much our beliefs and thoughts affect what we feel and to understand that those feelings may not be true. Our bodies do not lie, when we allow ourselves to feel first, whatever is there, then we have access to the Ageless Wisdom.

  157. “Enter Universal Medicine, and their suggestion that more understanding can be achieved through the body than through mind” – the easiest way i came to know and appreciate this truth is simply by hearing it — when you hear someone speaking their mind/with their mind, there can be harshness or higher pitch to the voice tone, conversation, and the body misses the ease of fluidic movement in gestures. It switches us off to at times bore, become exclusive and self-interested in appeal. Hearing someone speak from the body, is heartfull, warm, engaging and resonating to include the listener. It switches us on to inspire.

  158. ‘Feeling what is felt FIRST, before and beyond our body’s reaction based on the images of the mind.’ Excellent to put myself on a programme, even for a day, to practice this and feel what is really gong on- unfettered by the images that I can put before me. A true understanding of the world to be revealed!

  159. ‘ Regardless of education, geography or religion, we all seem to have the capacity to feel what is going on around us. Not only feel, but accurately interpret as well.’ And here lies our responsibility Joel, to read and see life for what it truly is.

  160. When we live from our mind, we can get so caught up in what has taken place or what we think is going to take place that we miss the actual moment we are in…hence no conscious presence.

  161. “What if we could learn to not react to what was felt but stayed with that feeling? ” this is a work in progress for myself but the more I commit to feel what is there to be felt instead of reacting, the more I can hold others with the understanding that they too are the sons of God in their essence.

  162. An article well worth publishing in medical and scientific journals, as it asks the big questions and shows that not all answers can be known. But can’t they be felt?

  163. I react a lot because I have expectations of how people or situations should be instead of observing life.

  164. “In the mental approach we develop beliefs about life through our experiences, then we start to filter our experiences through these beliefs to make choices about our response. It is the ultimate self-affirming cycle, of interpreting life to fit our internal picture of what we are seeing.” I feel the is the crux of why science is stuck in its own merry-go-round, unless we are able to see past our own ideals and beliefs which are so in grained, science will never truly open up to the simplicity and wonders of the world.

  165. You offer so much Joel in this cardio- centric way of life and how it is beautiful and so true “The more you live with conscious presence the more you notice the gap between what is felt and how our mind interprets these feelings.” Very revealing and offering a true loving way to be opening up a different and very real world of energy and science communication.

  166. this is beautiful and a long overdue stocktake of the current scientific paradigm that scientists have lost their way in, the current status quo with such massive blind spots that is so arrogantly defended upheld by scientists, and accepted by most people, yet everyone knows is missing out on the whole picture. If we were to reapproach science from humbleness and true open enquiry we would discover the enormous wonders that it are being communicated to us in every moment.

  167. There is much beauty in science – the observing of the majesty and order in life, the joy in deepening our understanding, the love of sharing our insights and the forever expanding awareness we can together be part of – when with we stay humble, open and inquisitive. The moment we think we know all there is to know about something and it is a closed book, we have turned our back to science.

  168. The most truly intelligent people I know are those who do not pretend to have mastery of knowledge, but who have a relationship with life that is wise, humble and always open to learning.

  169. Perhaps the most important point about science is this – we need science. When used properly it is a tool of confirmation that assists us to accept that which is already there and has always been so. When used improperly, it is a tool of confirmation that assists us to embed what we want to believe. Skeptics call it confirmation bias. This is a huge problem, because both processes on the outside look exactly the same. And so science tries to get around this problem by peer review and reproducibility, which is great in theory. But what if you have millions of scientists, in fact millions of people, who in certain fields are capped by a collective bias as to how things are. Then that system, no matter how prolific, is bound to fail. Maslow called it group think. And you see it today in the media. It is accepted as fact that Darwinism is the actual mechanism by which all life evolves. It is accepted as fact that the big bang was the source of all life. It is accepted as fact that genes cause cancer. And so it goes on, and should you seek to challenge such concepts, but have not the finance to fund the appropriate models of testing, suffice to say that the tools to test your theory have perhaps not even been developed yet, then you are simply ridiculed. That is not a reflection of a healthy society, nor a healthy system of philosophy. Skepticism and ridicule are not the same thing, and yet unfortunately the two are rarely mutually exclusive. And it is this fear of ridicule unfortunately that stops the system of peer review being the healthy nursery of ideas and safety net that it could be.

  170. Science has indeed advanced mankind in many ways, however science is missing out on understanding something that would be truly life changing.

  171. We waste so much energy worrying about what may happen in the future rather then taking responsibility for the choices we are making every moment, knowing that we are the creators of our future.

  172. I really loved the playful discussion of the limitations of science. What has been shared about science and the way it puts down/dismisses anything it is yet to understand is very like the way a lot of us behave. We like to think we know a lot and are right in our thinking, and we will do anything to display and defend that stance. It is so freeing to accept there is far much that we are yet to know, to be open to explore possibilities and be humble enough to not need to be right all (or any of) the time.

  173. I am my own scientific experiment. Since embracing a cardio-centric take on life, using the Gentle Breath meditation and above all enjoying the stillness I feel from Esoteric Yoga, I now take these out with me into my daily life, which has resulted in a far healthier, more vibrant me. This affects not only myself but everyone around me. To anyone in doubt, as you say, “what have you got to lose?”

  174. I love how you write about true science being willing to explore using tools to understand deeper meanings of life. Yet new ideas are resisted and people who are ahead of their time are often pilloried and abused. Just because traditional science has said it isnt so doesn’t mean it isn’t true. Many resisted the idea that the earth was a sphere when it was traditionally held to be flat.

    1. Yes. It is amazing how little we are willing to learn from past mistakes – the ‘flat earth’ analogy being a great case – I know I learn the most when I am humble enough to be open to learning.

  175. How is it that there has always been a race to invent and discover new things to assist us in our evolution, that happened in different parts of the world at the same time, without these people knowing about the work of the others and this was 100s of years ago? Were we drip feed what was needed? Are we, now, what is needed?

  176. There is much to ponder here Joel ! Science has always been a bit of a mystery to me but I can see that I have complicated it and instead I need to come back to the heart or cardio- centric approach.

  177. “The reality is things have always existed outside the current understanding of science. Yet somewhere, the assumption is made that because science does not understand something that this thing doesn’t exist or that it is folly to suggest that is does.” It’s ridiculous to assume that because science does not understand something that it does not exist at all. There are so many things that we do not understand on a temporal level. It’s arrogant to claim that we know everything and claim that other things don’t exist.

  178. It is not that science can never be wrong, but we are currently in the position where science will not admit this if it is the fact, and is not open to any other possibility – when science itself is a study of the many wonders of the universe how can we arrogantly assume that we know so much as to rule out all other possibilities.

  179. One of the tests of science is whether it faces the unknown at all. History is littered with science initially rejecting the unexpected unknown. The argument is that over time with mounting evidence science becomes more accepting and that is a good thing but the initial rejection seems a bit too strong for that.

  180. The true scientists of the ages have always kept an open mind and heart and sought to observe and understand experiences, life and the world, and learn in this way, rather than imposing their own ideas and beliefs and assumptions on to whatever was being observed or experienced.

  181. There is an innate wisdom within that is already known, and science it seems is often playing catch up so we can somehow prove that this is so.

  182. I have started to live a much more cardio-centric lifestyle, one that is much more focused on my body and my inner-heart, and I can categorically state that I have a greater and deeper understanding of life. Fact.

  183. Surely a scientist should be the most humble of people, aware of everything that science does not know and what the implications of ignorance are.

    1. I agree that left to their own devices a scientist should be a very humble and awed human being. Science to me means having an unquenchable curiosity and desire to embrace all that is yet to be understood. I suspect that certain things get in the way that hinder this natural disposition, such as security, status and ownership.

    2. So true Richard it every scientist is more aware of the extent of knowledge gathered and the limitations of their own field so it is fair to say a scientist IS “aware of everything that science does not know and what the implications of ignorance are”. So the question is what is it that derails such a person’s original purpose and dedication to science? How do we allow personal agendas and self gain start polluting the fabric of how we relate to life?

  184. Science is simple, we are natural scientist from the moment we are born (or actually earlier) – it starts when we explore the world first by sensing and feeling, then seeing and hearing, touching and tasting, crawling and walking, talking and playing. We cannot but be scientists but what we can do is making it a complicated, reductionistic, mental, laboratory monkey business. In other words, we lace the world with what we want it to be instead of experiencing and understanding it for what it is.

    1. The only way we can limit and reduce such a natural flow and expression of our relationship to life and the universe is to try to own knowledge and try to build our identity with that as we have with the current Institutions of education and scientific community.

  185. We are so much more than what the mind can comprehend so when our pursuit of knowledge comes from the mind only, the limitations are huge.

  186. The science I learnt at school felt restrictive, boring and complicated but the science your shared in your blog Joel is one I want to learn more about because it relates back to life, to purpose, it’s playful, inquisitive and expansive. It is asking us to see that there is more to life than what our eyes and minds can see.

    1. Yes, true science is life – a very helpful way to observe life.

  187. Science will often approach the unknown with something which it does know and so much is and has therefore been based on this that it has to beg the question – what if we missed the point when this all began?

  188. We have become disengaged from the science of our own bodies and what they express, how can we make informed choices if we do not receive our understanding from our full awareness, in that we are fully aware, consider of what our bodies share and offer us. Being lost in the head does not allow us to process what we feel, it allows us to regurgitate information but not deepen our true understanding of the universe. Our body, our vessel, is where we compute what we receive, in that sense, do the scientific community in the world start form this point in their research, the quality of the vessel that is computing the information that is being received. And it does not matter what job it is…is is all about the quality that someone lives with not what they say or do that amounts to the quality of the information and discoveries that are shared.

  189. Surely the results that are shown through people are living proof of the Way of the Livingness and warrant investigation to see what benefits would be on offer for others.

  190. If science can handle the exploration of the unknown, and we are living science, that means we also know, how incredible.

  191. True science is about an openness to life and an understanding of energy.

  192. “The reality is things have always existed outside the current understanding of science. ”

    So could it be that energy is passing in and through us all of the time… And that we’re responsible for the quality of the energy that’s running our body so to speak. Haven’t we got a responsibility to be open to the fact that there’s a science that isn’t currently accepted as science, yet gives us all the answers on why we live here on this planet and why we’ve got so much illness and disease. It could be (it is from my own experience) very true and very interesting? Are we willing to explore the possibility?

  193. ‘Science is great at many things but it continues to fail when faced with aspects of life that it does not yet understand.’ Science does not seem to be open to what is unknown and bring it to the known but to prove only what can be tested, very limiting but not only that very subjective. If we simply connect within and allow ourselves to sense that we know, although we may not intellectually know what that is, it will unfold but its daring to step out of our fixed way of thinking and the way we look at life and how it all works. We may be surprised that there is a ‘magic in order’ which is very much science, but not how we define science to be.

  194. When science comes from the mind it has a force with it that wants to know and explain. When it incorporates the all and brings the heart with it, it becomes about understanding and the wow factor comes in.

  195. Like everything there is Science, and there is Science. Modern day science as an industry has become so corrupt on many levels. Whereas science is about understanding life and relationships, truly magic.

  196. ‘However, for the people living these experiences, they are very real. They may look and sound strange to science because it is a different language. But it is a dialect that can and does explain life in a different way.’ Thank you for expressing this Joel. It is so important not to dismiss what is being shared because science has not kept up with what is being lived now, as of yet. For those that need ‘scientific proof’ before they are prepared to believe or consider what is being shared here, as you so clearly express at the beginning of this blog, the fact that this is real doesn’t need scientific evidence to make it so!

  197. Science and the ideas that the scientific community purport are very persuasive and flush society with something that appears to be certainty, it is not, and if we step back and observe it, this becomes very clear, the many times that the concrete ‘facts’ have been altered, reinterpreted and completely changed is an obvious and very clear example that it is not the wielder of pure evidence that it pronounces itself to be.

  198. Science was once an open exploration, and yet we look down and see the medicine of old house wives as lesser, the understanding of the ancient worlds as lesser than now – and yet many herbal remedies used then are still used and seen as supportive now – despite not having microscopes or labs to test their hypothesis’s.

  199. I agree Joel that science seems to take the approach of applying what they believe they know to the unknown and if it does not fit then it is dismissed as not important or relevant, which when put like this seems a narrow and self-fulfilling process of never being open to the unknown or even never knowing more than what you already know!

  200. Science – exploring and understanding the ‘mechanics’ of how things work. Not, reducing reality and truth to what the limitations of my understanding can grasp or what I want it to be.

  201. I always ask myself, if there is a resistance towards accepting the heart being the centre of communication, then how can there be true communication in the world? As relationship, communication and connection is like breath and blood for a human being in the world, isn’t it not true? And therefore, when the tools of communication are different, there is even more the responsibility to understand all forms of communication, to first take the responsibility to understand another’s way of communication, as ultimately, it is not because of an expectation to have everyone communicate like us that this will happen–it is through connection with others and lots of understanding and never giving up in the deepening of relationship and connection with ourselves, that eventually allows everyone to FEEL what love is, and surprise…true communication has naturally happened.

  202. The ridicule of using the heart as our sensor instead of the mind is age old, and the unwillingness for the world to understand this way of communication is a deterrence towards those who finds this natural. As if and when the world returns to living a cardio-centric approach to life, this is returning to an empowerment that frees us from the pictures and ideals of the world, and therefore, anyone who finds communication through the heart natural, your reflection is deeply needed, as only with our not holding back of this expression will it become a documented science one day.

    1. ‘anyone who finds communication through the heart natural, your reflection is deeply needed, as only with our not holding back of this expression will it become a documented science one day.’ – This is a great point, never underestimate your own reflection, every expression matters.

  203. The reality of science and what we feel when connected to philosophy and true religion brings the all to all of us with the love we are expressed in its fullness.

  204. I totally agree just because we are unable to measure the unknown does not mean it does not exist. Perhaps we need to broaden our intelligence to understand what can not be seen and measured as yet.

  205. Science is part of the all we live in and under. An equal part just as religion and philosophy. These are not just words, but words with a deep meaning. True science expands religion and philosophy, just as the others do with each other and science. When we discover something truly new (science) about life, we relate different to live (religion) and we could also think about what might be more possible (philosophy). How incredible important is true science. A science that is part of life, not trying to own parts of life (either for might or money).

  206. Being consciously aware of what I’m doing has a long list of benefits- more energy, more connection to my body, feelings and other people, and more commitment to life. The energy one is a big one: When I focus on the thing that I’m doing and not thinking about all the other things I have to do, I’m less scattered and so more energised at the end of a task or the day.

  207. We live this experiment every day, it cannot be discounted and it will stand the test of time. When science learns the language there will be a wealth of evidence for it to collect.

  208. Science, philosophy and religion – to me the marriage of the three brings in the ability to see all of life and be open to every possibility rather than shut down and arrogant in our belief we know it all.

  209. ‘Who hasn’t walked into a room where other people are gathered and felt that something was happening, even though there are no verbal or non-verbal cues to suggest it? Regardless of education, geography or religion, we all seem to have the capacity to feel what is going on around us. Not only feel, but accurately interpret as well.’ To me this is pure gold as it confirms that we are already wise and understand much simply by feeling. This turns the thinking that children are empty vessels on its head. We are already born connected and wise and so to ever believe anything different means that our education system has taken us down a long path away from true inner knowing that reduces us and constricts us into a narrow mode of thinking that simply isn’t the whole or full truth.

  210. I admire the achievements of science such as dvd players, jet planes, internet etc…. all of this is something we find hard to comprehend how it is achieved, yet we appreciate the applicability and usability of it into our lives. I do feel science could return the favour of trust, when it encounters something it has no explanation for or experience with. I know the sciences of human connection and the reading of energy emitted by people is not measurable with sciences current tools, yet it is very real and can be done nonetheless, and doesnt need the approval of science to be happening. Why is it that one persons loving choice can then influence another to make a loving choice? its unknown by science as yet, but it certainly impacts and we will keep exploring and confirming this is the case until its well understood by the world.

  211. ‘Science prefers to ‘own’ and even control the path to understanding’ and it is this control that attempts to reduce the relationship we all naturally have with Science. No different to the way in which many ‘Religions’ attempt to reduce and dictate the relationship we naturally hold with God.

    1. Love it kylie, two both very important aspect of how we understand life, being misused

  212. I agree entirely. Using our eyes to calibrate, calculate and measure our world is massively limiting our true vision. Ironic huh! Only with our inner heart can we ‘see’ the full picture.

  213. Perhaps it is the scientists rather than the science. It is the ego, pride and arrogance of man that blinkers us from seeing the truth of science. Science itself is fully transparent and utterly divine – until it is used as a tool of self-identification and as a wall of protection.

    1. Nice distinction Otto, science, a bit like religion, is not what is at fault but rather the way in which people who crave power or pride misuse them.

    2. Agree. And many other things in life. It’s an issue of supply and demand; which of those are most responsible? When we are complaining about various things in life, we normally we blame the supply (media, food industry, politicians….) but actually is it possible that it is the demand – us – that is the one in control of this equation? If we weren’t demanding, they wouldn’t be supplying. Thus it is our responsibility to bring change to the world and we absolutely have the power to do that because without us (the demanders) then they (the suppliers) are rendered zero.

  214. Dismissal and ridicule only come when there is a rejection before the proposal or hypothesis has been openly explored.

    1. That is true, I also find that when someone ridicules something it is usually because it clashes with something they are hanging onto and so because it does not fit in rather than going hang on maybe I do not have it all worked out and be open to possibilities we tend to put the other person down to such an extent and crush them so the proposal does not see the light of day again.

  215. Recently – actually in the last 2 days – I’ve come to know a whole new science. A science that offers me the possibility to connect to sciences that are from the stars. All offering us ways to be more of who we are! We’re supported in so many ways to heal ourselves and live everything we really are.

  216. “Surely what is important is not who owns the path to understanding but what might be learnt from it” Absolutely, when we want to own something we want to keep it to ourselves and we get excited by its discovery and when we do this we loose the capacity to look deeper into what has been revealed and what it really means Learning that we don’t own knowledge is an amazing learning and brings a humbleness and opens up a whole new understanding of how science works

  217. ‘The more you live with conscious presence the more you notice the gap between what is felt and how our mind interprets these feelings.’ Well said Joel. Learning to be the true observer is the key and shows us how much we already know.

  218. Thanks, Joel. When our movements are impulsed by the quality of our being and not from the mind and its eternal grasping, we cannot deny our innate divinity and inner knowing.

  219. Reading your blog Joel reminds me of when I was serving a customer who spoke very little English. Though the language used was very limited, just the odd word here and there, we had a connection there was an understanding and knowing of what they were trying to find out. I felt and read this person and was able to supply what was required.

  220. The true scientific approach would surely be to see the uknown as potential for discovery rather than to just dismiss it as if it didn’t exist because it wasn’t able to be proven to exist as yet. The evidence-based approach of science today is a reduced form of what science truly can offer us.

  221. “The more you live with conscious presence the more energy and vitality you have because you are not driving your physiology from your mind’s ideas of what is happening or what might happen, but rather responding to what is happening.” The depth of this truth is yet to be fully appreciated by science and by modern medicine. Our bodies feel everything around us and they also respond to every thought we have. When we allow our selves to head off into the future or re-visit past events, stir our selves up about things that might happen or revisit old stresses, we are simply pulling the plug out on our internal energy supply. Learning to stay present, responsive and connected with our bodies has a huge and immensely positive impact on our vitality and well-being.

  222. It is one of the true qualties of being human, to known that we do not temporally or scientifically know everything. We have lost our ability to wonder and be in awe of the magnificence of life without having to confine that magnificence into a random controlled trial.

  223. Great examples here of how well our history shows our ability to measure and explain things comes well after the presence of those things in life. In fact this is a no brainer as far as I am concerned; of course something must already be there before we notice it and measure it. Thank you for the tongue in cheek expose of the ridiculousness of the current position adopted by a section of the scientific community who choose to dismiss all anecdotal evidence simply because they have not found a way of measuring it.

  224. I love your comparison of science to someone who wants to know more about a country but will not speak to the locals. When we try to explain something or understand something or someone and we do so from our mind we will always be left short of the truth, magic, joy and constellation on offer. Often science misses the magic and instead the drive comes from a wanting to prove and justify itself which in turn leaves us all short.

  225. I have herd said that new discovery is not finding new things or discovering new lands but seeing something differently with new eyes. To do this, we need to be unbiased, open and willing to be absolutely objective, willing to appreciate there is much to still be discovered from a wisdom that is way beyond our temporal understanding.

  226. What immensely clear and profound writing you offer Joel Levin. The world deserves to hear more and more from you.

  227. ‘Science prefers to ‘own’ and even control the path to understanding. The result of this position is that alternative ways of understanding are dismissed, rejected or ridiculed as a threat to their ‘ownership’.’ – I find it interesting that history seems to have taught us nothing at all – we seem to still use ‘the world is flat’ attitude.

  228. “There is a whole world of nuance and understanding that is lost when someone is not willing to admit the tools (in this case language) they have for understanding are limited.” The limitations are patched over by an arrogance that will not want to reveal that it does not actually have all the answers.

  229. The more I discover and learn about and from life – including people – the more humble I become as there’s much more that I don’t know than I (already) know. Wonderment and curiosity are such Divine qualities and whenever used in science, they contribute to a science that is there to support humanity. Rather than profit.

  230. This truly exposes the intellectual arrogance of man… in complete contrast to the wisdom of our Soul.

  231. After reading this, my feeling is that you offer readers an opportunity to conduct their own science experiment. I think it would be safe to say that most people would live a more mind-centric approach to life and they could take a quick stock of their life and see what ‘results’ they are getting. Then the reader could try the Gentle Breath meditation and connect more to their inner-heart and try living with a more heart-centric approach to life, and then have a look and see if there is any difference for them.

  232. We are quite good at using our body to get us what we want when we engage with the world. We are not that great though when we relate to ourselves and to the body.
    We engage with the world in ways that somewhere deep inside us we know that does not honour us in full and sometimes even dishonour us. The body is the only thing we have to truly learn about life and to evolve. How we relate to it is essential.

  233. Wow Joel… talk about raising the bar of you own writing for yourself… this is superb. I have always loved reading about the most astute and wisest of scientists, and how they are so open with how little they know …how the make up of some 90% of the universe is totally unknown… wonderful stuff.

  234. The way in which we perceive something or our ability to truly understand life is dependent on the energy with which we live in all areas of our life and so our thoughts are limited or defined by how we move through life rather than by our mind alone.

  235. Science if we have a true relationship, it is about love or the cardio-centric approach, which is a religious way of living, religion being returning to the inner-most or being connected via our breath and conscious presence to our esoteric, which is our inner-most. How can science be devoid of love? Could it be love-less, so that humanity is kept in the dark about how true science works, because we are so far away from the cardio-centric or love we do not want to recognise this fact? Once true love is found, then true; science, religion and philosophy go hand in hand, this brings a greater understanding from our innate wisdom. Living with a loving approach is a much simpler life, unlike the spirits way of living, which is so complex, and always seeking answers to create even more complexity. Love is and always has been the way, so being connected, thus being cardio-centric as history has shown brings so many simple answers and all we have to do is feel and connect. Thank you Joel another cracker of a blog!

  236. Connecting to the cardio-centric approach has broken down all the barriers that I had around science, empowering me to realise that, although not academically trained, I am a scientist too. Everyday I navigate my way through a 24 hour scientific experiment, observing some of the results of the thousands of choices I make, feeling how they impact on my body, my health and well being, deciding which ones were truly successful and learning to let go of the ones that flopped.

  237. Perhaps one issue for science is that a substantial and important amount of knowledge is simply not accessible with current scientific tools.

  238. How long ago did we believe the world was flat and hell was a real place? Time and experience are the greatest scientists for discovering that which was always known.

  239. What i’ve come to deeply appreciate since being involved in Universal Medicine and more importantly since choosing to live the Way of the Livingness is that I am a scientist involved in a constant science experiment, the more I am open to this the more amazing details I see in life.

  240. I suppose the main point is, there are two ways to view the world. One is to limit your experiential understanding of the world based on what has been proven, and what you can see before you, and the other is to open yourself to the possibility that our current understanding of the world is actually relatively limited, and that life can be experienced and lived beyond the realm of what has to date been scientifically proven.. After all, the mere fact that something has yet to be proven, does not yet mean it is not true.

  241. Joel this is a brilliant dissection and observation of the two consciousnesses we have the choice to align to: head based or heart based. The former is governed by the human spirit, the part of us that separated from the ‘whole that is the Soul’ that governs the latter. If we are to truly approach life and thus science in a holistic (whole – istic) way, it makes far more sense to come from the part of us that has preserved the integrity of the whole and not the part that has separated from this and reduced its perception to mere fragments that will never allow it, by virtue of this move away, to see the whole picture that it has chosen to depart from.

  242. I said to a child the other day that people used to think the Earth was flat and that if you got to the edge you’d fall off. They couldn’t believe people used to think that. We then talked about science now and perhaps there are similar things now. I realised how much I hold science to be true. There seems to be a belief in society that science has all the answers, but this isn’t the case and need has been.

    1. Yes, we can’t believe what other people were thinking but I have found more than one belief in me where I know people in the future would say “how could he have believed that???”.

  243. Science ought to be the custodian of man’s deep inner knowing, the overriding body of knowledge that brings this universal knowledge into the human, temporal realm and application. This custodianship however is currently lost, lost amidst the rubble of scepticism and demand of rational proof that does away with the grandness of the universe that is there to be understood.

    1. Beautifully put, and man who has the capacity to be a custodian of deep inner truth has responsibility to demonstrate this through science.

  244. One of science’s challenges is that it isn’t possible to identify truth directly as in ‘this is true’. It can only identify inconsistencies and, as a consequence, consistencies. In a mathematical proof it is shown that something is consistent with the starting assumptions – that can get incredibly complicated but it is the starting assumptions that govern the outcome. Hence it is considered a process of discovery but the issue is that assumptions and truth overlap but are not the same.

    1. Great point Christoph. What if science were to start with the absolute truth – the deep knowing from within that is recorded by every cell and bone in our body – and then showed us the how and why this is so, rather than starting with postulations and then having to get them to fit with the picture we have of a ‘truth’ that lies only in the mind’s eye and not throughout the whole body?

    2. So true Christoph, in other words what you have shared is that the cardio-centric approach to life is simple. Only a person connected to their spirit has such a complex approach to life as you have described in todays sciences, where the cardio-centric approach is simpler and is soul connected. As I get closer to God through my soul, life definitely has become simpler. Not have any desires to find an answer to life, allows our ‘innate curiosity’ without any trying to find an answer, will bring and understands of what life is all about. So lets all get back to expanding our consciousness and life will, like an apple will always fall from a tree, simply drop in the answers, aka Newton, Galileo, Pythagoras, Leonardo and Einstein along with other great people who were soul connected or cardio-centric.

  245. The most fascinating science I know is the study of energy, feeling and sensing oneself, people, environments, states of being, atmosphere, ‘spheres’, dimensions … It is the unknown that becomes the known again when the hindrances that keep our awareness reduced are discarded and we return step by step back to an awareness and knowing we once left behind. Indeed, it is in how we approach the unknown that is only unknown because we have chosen to not know it, excluded it from our awareness.

    1. That is true – using ourselves as an instrument as that instrument in some areas is far more powerful than any physical instrument.

  246. For a while it’s been clear to me that we have life a bit inside out. We’ve managed to turn it around the wrong way, and seem to think the bottom is the top. So it’s not surprising to hear Science typically operates the same way today. Rather than operating based on what we know and actively defending this against those who say it isn’t necessarily so, shouldn’t science stand and claim just how much more there is to life than we are currently aware? What if it actively encouraged us to go beyond the sphere in which we currently live? Well then perhaps as you suggest here Joel, this would translate into a playful, experimental and joyful way for us to live.

  247. I love the clarity of your two approaches to life. They are poles apart and make a huge difference to the way we receive the world and understand it.

  248. Science isn’t something isolated from any other aspect of life. Science from a loving and contributing-towards-humanity approach can make a whole difference to the world. Through choices out of separation and greed in the ‘business’ Science, we’ve lost true confidence in science. For every belief there’s an opposite belief available. So who are we to trust. I love (adore!!) feeling people who’re claiming the true science back. Full of wonder, of curiosity, of innocence, yet with a mature knowing that there will be forever more to explore. Wow. Science is getting interesting:-).

  249. We all need a high level of open mindedness when looking at the possibilities of something new. No judgements or previous beliefs should come into play from past experiences because this would cloud our vision of what we observe. As Shakespeare once said , the more we know, the more we learn what we don’t know.

  250. That’s the interesting part about living in this cardio-centric way, people from around the world are experiencing the same kinds of things despite the country they live in, the culture they were born into, their gender, profession or any other external feature of their life. This in itself would make for an interesting study.

  251. Great Blog Joel, indeed so often do we ridicule the unknown only for it to later be proven as a fact. So why wait for physical proof of things when we know amd feel what is true.

  252. Science, as it is generally practiced today, plays follow-up to what we already know through from our feelings

  253. We are always playing catch up with the Universe, so it is wise to not dismiss what we don’t understand and much more exciting to embrace our future possibilities now. What are we going to find out next?

  254. We think scientific research is expensive and requires funding and it does for large pieces of research but we can be our own science, using our bodies as the instrument and we can learn a lot about life, about humanity, about ourselves and who we are. We can observe and feel and pay attention to what we feel, honouring it as a valid piece of evidence.

  255. A cardiocenrtric approach in science would be not controling nor diminishing what is possible but investigate with an open heart.

  256. Perhaps we need to understand and acknowledge that the Unknown is not so Unknown.

  257. We are wiser the more we acknowledge how much we do not know in our heads and accept the innate wisdom in our inner hearts that lets understanding endlessly unfold.

  258. This is an amazing article that has offered me the opportunity to explore our relationship with scientific evidence in a much more practical and accessible way and to see the limiting impact of being mind driven when we approach ‘new’ discoveries. The Layer 1 and Layer 2 of body awareness are so beautifully and clearly explained and make so much sense of the development of my relationship with life from mind influenced instinct (Layer 1) to heart led knowing (Layer 2). Thank you, Joel.

  259. ‘What is there to lose?’ – in truth, there is nothing to lose and EVERYTHING to gain. The collateral damage of bruised egos and a letting go of false beliefs is actually an enormous gift and it opens the door to more honesty, awareness, understanding and evolution.

  260. What a difference it would be if the test of a hypothesis is in how it feels rather than repeatable results in numerous different conditions.

  261. If we lived the cardio-centric approach we would become a scientist unto ourselves, would we not?

    1. Indeed we would and we would view life more in the way of reading situations and understanding what is going on rather than simple accepting that things just happen with no cause or effect.

  262. True science is about being open to possibilities and not about being closed and controlling and not allowing for things to unfold. There is a beauty in true science which is like a magic and when we tune into this, then we see science around us all of the time, from the timing of flower buds opening to the bounce of a raindrop on the ground, to the way that the DNA is formed and protected by histones…it is when we become too rigid in our thinking that we stand in the way of the magic unfolding, and hence the magic of science is no longer. Well actually the magic of science is always there, it is just us who refuse to see it and hence we deny its existence and hence we limit out own vision. So the question is – do you want to wear blinkers and work science in a limited paradigm, or do you want to clear your vision and allow science to show what it is really all about?

  263. “The reality is things have always existed outside the current understanding of science” and always will, for science has yet to connect to the Universal mind that will give all the answers and make sense of things that at present baffle scientists and doctors alike.

  264. Ridicule is a powerful tool, and science has used it to brutal effect. It makes people fearful of being deemed stupid, and ostracised from community. This is not in fact science. It is control over people’s thinking and their capacity for free-will. There is a profound truth to science, and it is the birthright of us all, equally so. This is the science that is forged in the knowing of ourselves, and in development of the sensitive awareness of our bodies through the inner heart. The doors to Universal intelligence are thrown open, putting paid to the sort of science that controls and dominates our world today. This is how we liberate ourselves from the problems that beset the thing that science has become. As with religion, the change comes from us reclaiming truth for ourselves, and not from the institution itself. We lead the way, and thus they will one day with wise humbleness and awareness of the disasters they have unleashed, follow.

    1. Hear hear Rachel Mascord.
      True science is the birthright of every person and is “forged in the knowing of ourselves, and in development of the sensitive awareness of our bodies through the inner heart” and it is available to be lived by every one of us. It is individuals who through blinkered outlook and personal agendas present science as a caricature of its true grandness. So it is us individuals, whether inside our outside the institution, who can start humanity’s reclaiming of our true innate connection to science.

      1. Love what you have shared Rachael and may I paraphrase? Through true connection there is a magnetic-pull of love to the truth of science, so science is simply known, and then we can reclaim ‘truth for ourselves’.

  265. Until we can measure it is, we often don’t really believe what we innately know that is true. Why do we choose to be dependent on the outside or other to prove that we’re magnificent beings. Being loving towards ourselves is nothing more than logical, isn’t it. It simply makes sense. We’re still to label it as science, yet it is science. An incredible science. Amazing how science is catching up on the cardio-centric way of living that we’re capable of.

  266. I like how you point out Joel, that, atoms existed ‘long before the discovery of the atom’, and there will be many things that science hasn’t yet discovered so it makes sense that ‘the truly scientific response . . . would be a willingness to explore any tools that would offer a deeper understanding of life’ instead of acknowledging as true only what science can prove and being skeptical about what it hasn’t proven to exist as yet.

  267. ‘Science is great at many things but it continues to fail when faced with aspects of life that it does not yet understand.’ – In my opinion what we consider mainstream science comes with a feeling of supremacy and arrogance.

  268. It is astonishing how it is possible to have so much evidence of all that we have ever wanted deep down in our face, yet there are those of us that choose to deny they even see it. Yet I have seen this mentality many times before.

    This mentality is widespread in all our systems that care more about ensuring the system works than looking after the people it was designed to serve. I have also seen it in those moments when I have been obsessed with keeping everything small lest I lose the tight grip of control.

  269. Our thinking is based on constructs whereas feeling our innate wisdom and allowing the inner heart to impulse our thoughts enables us to say and do exactly what is appropriate in every moment, because through the Inner-Heart we are all connected.

  270. Absence of proof is not a reason for dismissing anything, it simply means the proof has not been discovered yet. Anyone who lives life from the cardio-centric approach in life does not need the proof because the body has shown us what is felt before the mental interpretations of our beliefs kick in. In time, all will be revealed and science will catch up, it was ever thus for anyone proving something different.

  271. There are many very real things in life that science cannot prove or measure (so far) and yet they are the key ingredients to life, such as love and joy…certainly not to be dismissed!

  272. This morning I read about some break through work done in a UK hospital with women in labour to help reduce tearing during child birth – they are telling the women not to push, to take the birth slower and more in sync with the body and its natural contractions, not to pull the baby out and to support the surrounding area to ease the pressure that causes the tearing to occur. It is so effective the results and procedure has been published in a very high ranking journal and looks to be replicated on a wider scale. But as the person in the article commented, to many this won’t be a surprise or news be you a mother or midwife, because its just common sense – all the things described above sound like how a birth should be, allowing the woman body the space to naturally do what it is meant to do, to gently and in its own time birth the baby – of course if that is rushed, if we push and drive and literally pull the baby out rather than simply giving space, then injury is bound to occur. And yet, we had to wait for an incredible increase in women having the issue of tearing in child birth before we conduct a study and have it published, so in the end do what most would consider common sense. To me this is a perfect example of the extremes we go to, to ‘scientifically test’ life.

    1. Child birth is an area of life where women are given so much information, so many plans to make and considerations to give, that it really does pull her away from her own rhythm and asks her to look and plan around all kinds of things around and outside of her – taking the focus well away from her own rhythm (at least that was my own experience), a rhythm that could be developed over the 9 months if the focus were brought back to her and her growing baby. It makes absolute sense, and about time too, to bring the focus back to the woman, and what she feels is happening and is needed all in good time.

  273. Everyday we wake up with the expectation of knowing what is going to happen, a pre-determined result, but everyday holds the potential for the unexpected to occur taking us into the unknown, yet we don’t dismiss this out of hand because we didn’t think it could happen. True Science is no different, the ability to be aware of what our pre-determined outcomes are while always keeping the door open to the unknown, because it is a natural part of our evolution to be perpetually discovering things we didn’t know about or had not even considered, but which have always been in existence.

  274. The more we have knowledge in our life then it becomes more complex and the lesser we seem to be in the ancient wisdoms about how simple life can be when using the cardio-centric approach to life. I can feel the simplicity of walking, talking, breathing, exercising, eating, meditating and so much more when connected to my inner-heart.

  275. It’s a good point this. Science is continually attributing various discoveries to certain people – which is kinda absurd when it is all already known by all of us in our inner-hearts!

  276. When i read this blog, I can either connect to my mind that tries to interpret, dissect, challenge and question what is written…or I can connect to my inner-heart that expands and glows in the presence of truth. Not hard to feel which supports the body more.

  277. I love your question at the end “what is there to lose” – because how we answer that is the perfect living example of everything your blog is representing. Our minds and inner hearts would give two radically different answers to that question. Super

  278. Science wasn’t taught as something that you could live and experience, it was taught as something which is a set of knowledge, facts with progressive development. It’s no conincidence that I always gravitated to the practical experiments and enjoying the wonder when in science class.

  279. In medicine I find we often look for one outcome, one benefit that a certain percentage of people on the medication take. We applaud this and spend billions on the medication. What you’ve shared here in just one of the effects “The more you live with conscious presence the more energy and vitality you have because you are not driving your physiology from your mind’s ideas of what is happening or what might happen, but rather responding to what is happening.” is 100% success rate, at zero cost and many other benefits result. If you wanted to invest in something that is sound then clearly the results speak for themselves, there is no greater investment in life than the way of the livingness.

  280. The mental approach, as you have so eloquently explained it, Joel, keeps us locked inside the cave, the cardio-centric approach invites us to step outside the cave, to feel, experience and learn from the magnificence that surrounds us.

  281. ‘In the mental approach we develop beliefs about life through our experiences, then we start to filter our experiences through these beliefs to make choices about our response. It is the ultimate self-affirming cycle, of interpreting life to fit our internal picture of what we are seeing.’ – it feels suffocating to read this and to acknowledge that this is how I have lived my life for so many years, how we as a society have been, and largely still are, living together. No wonder we are in such a mess, repeating patterns and justifying what we are experiencing. With illness and disease sky rocketing to even higher levels each year, people presenting with multi symptomatic issues that do not fall into any one ‘disease’, it’s clear we need to change our approach, our bodies are screaming out to be listened to and it’s time for us to stop and listen.

    1. Yes our bodies cop our choice to be ignorant about the reality of our disconnect from ourselves, each other and life. This disconnect being our ongoing attempts to live from the limited and separative view of our minds. What I am touched by on a daily basis is our bodies’ willingness to flag this up in any way it can to get our true attention from Layer 2 – our inner hearts.

  282. I agree, Shirley-Ann, we make life so unnecessarily complicated and difficult for ourselves through our unwillingness to feel, see, be open to what is right before us and trust in our bodies to guide us.

  283. The bodies intelligence is a never ending pool of wisdom we can tap into if we so choose. Letting go of the age old patterns and behaviours of the mind and re-connecting to the true science of the world is the amazing capabilities we bestow from our bodies connection to the inner heart.

  284. We – as human being – have an enormous impact on each other. So if the mood / the energy has an impact on others, than it must have an impact on ourselves, on our body. I love it when science finds its way to examine that choices have an enormous impact on our health and well-being. We’re super sweet and super powerful being, we’re only to be taught how to connect to it. Science can (and will!) bring an enormous understanding to this.

  285. Very interesting Joel, it is true we do have 2 layers of awareness, and the deeper layer as you describe is one that science does not yet acknowledge for the most part. This is starting to change with research showing the heart responds faster than the mind to outside stimuli, supporting the fact we can know things from the heart before we can interpret them from the mind. Physics is a field of science that has always maintained a healthier attitude and approach to the unknown and is where the more interesting research takes place in my view.

  286. At times we may ask what or whom is science serving? If it is not in true service of people, beings, nature, life, to enhance the lived quality in terms of awareness, love, truthfulness, care of everyone equally we will need to question its motivation. In that sense, the body as the feeling instrument to measure ‘quality’ is very scientific and reliable; although it may need some training, ie the undoing of the mentally imposed ideals and beliefs, patterns and behaviours, emotional distortions and conditionings to re-tune it to its original and innate design and purpose.

  287. If this theory, as presented by Serge and other prophets and teachers throughout the ages, is true then here is the answer to how we can know the whole true truth about any and every thing…

    …this would end every argument between us, every illusion we have fallen for, every un-truth we entertain and every ill causing thing we perpetuate, thinking it is good, under the limited guidance of the linear mind which processes ‘information’ put into it but can not feel or discern energy/Truth.

    Because energy can not lie.

    Personally testing this theory has changed my life in many beautiful ways.
    Honoring the wisdom of the inner heart is something humanity has not tried as a whole; perhaps it’s time…

  288. Such a strong point about how we can interpret the world from a very mental state in comparison to what has happened before rather than how we truly feel. As you share ; ‘…The cardio-centric approach suggests that it is possible to learn to understand what is felt BEFORE the mental interpretations of our beliefs kick in…’ – this way of being with our bodies presents a great shift in the current security of the mind.

  289. Science is everything that supports us to understand the many aspects of life more deeply. Hence why it can never be reduced into an academic pursuit.

  290. This blog is so spot on Joel and offering something real and true that we can really get our teeth into, or in this case, inner hearts. And take it from a habitual mind user who is now a reformed inner heart user, the inner heart is way wiser than the mind and can actually feel, and, the inner heart is all encompassing in its wisdom.

  291. Evidence based medicine, science, research – what ever aspect we look at, it is a tightly controlled field of competition for funding, publishing and renown. In this kind of environment it is no wonder that true research in the sense of open enquiry and observation is a rare occurrence – the use of ‘outliers’ in research itself allows scientists to basically cut out any results that don’t fit into the trend they are expecting to see.

    1. This is a problem that few people have considered Rebecca when they quote the research. Who have the studies been conducted on?, Who has been excluded because their results have an adverse effect on the statistical analysis? And what an oddity is this, that a result is eliminated and called an ‘outlier” because it does not allow the pretty picture that suits the agenda.

    2. A brilliant insight into the machinations behind research and how important it is for us to discern and bring our awareness to the impetus (and funding) behind any research ‘findings’.

  292. As we know that science has to understand things that for a long time it didn’t, it does seem rather strange that it would get to a point where it is shut down to the openness of possibilities surrounding any aspect of life. maybe becoming professors of living with quality is the real next step for those involved in science, I would testify to the fact that ones thought processes are clearer based on living a clean life, perhaps such a process is in itself worthy of a scientific experiment. Suffice to say to really understand the world through science, there could be no better process than to address the ageless wisdom as taught by Serge Benhayon. It would be incredible to see the points raised in Universal Medicine and have them brought to the table for the world to consider through the lens of science.

  293. I have noticed that in discussions a far greater depth of purpose, understanding and awareness is reached when everyone is equally honoured and valued, and also when each takes the personal responsibility of connecting to and expressing from their heart.
    In equal measure I can see what you are sharing here Jane. What we are witnessing in science and research: competition, lack of transparency and keeping things hidden from others, is the absolute opposite to the power and evolution available when we all work together as one and in commitment to All.

  294. The True Test of Science is How it Faces the Unknown, yes, it is a test of its openness and willingness to explore what it cannot control.

    1. I feel the same could be said for all of us too … our own evolution depends on our willingness to be open to understanding and learning from what is presented to us in life.

  295. “The more you live with conscious presence, the less reactive you become to the world around you and the more connected you feel to yourself and others.” – and then when you do feel a reaction to something or someone, it is an opportunity to feel if there is a belief or a hurt underneath this.

  296. Our current form of conventional science became the prevalent source of answers to our questions when we lost trust in religion and the theories of the time – in living religion through something which can be known without the need for trust the true science it contains can provide much of the picture that we have been missing but searching for many years.

  297. I just started watching a series on Tv about Albert Einstein and although he passed all his exams he was considered a rouge, arrogant and couldn’t get a job after finishing University because he wanted to know more and asked too many questions and challenged the system that was in place. We all need to not settle for what science has on offer and start asking the questions that will advance us.

    1. Agreed. We would also do well to learn from the revelations of history – the fact that science in its limited mind driven form has made many mistakes (ridiculing, ostracising and endangering many people on the way).

  298. “What if we could learn to not react to what was felt but stayed with that feeling? ” this is something that I love to explore in my life, going from reaction central to feeling and responding. It shows me that it is how I live and the quality that I am in that means I think life is out of control or not.

  299. In order to learn something we need to become more aware, to become more in tune with the particles that make up our bodies, because they belong to the Universal order that knows everything. What a massive shift in scientific understanding this is, to see that our education does not lie in complicated scientific equations but in refining our inner awareness of all the information our body receives every single second of the day, a refinement that begins with the quality of our daily choices and our every movement.

    1. If we have all the tools then maybe we do not need a box? But if it is so, and we have built a box then with the right tools we can undo the screws that are loose first, which makes it easier to undo whatever else has configured the box. So I never consider myself boxed in just free to make a choice and change my soup box!

    1. ….and so much we do know but that gets blocked from our mind, gets frozen by our blind following of the normality we create around the absurd. We can see this in everyday life, and how little we question that which is patently untrue. What am I referring to, religion, culture, nationality, our levels of sickness in a world of greater healthcare than ever. Disease, cruelty, self sabotage, the list could go on and on. Where is science in all this, it is all around us yet its form of understanding is controlled to make it much diminished from the grandness that science is in all of us.

      1. Stephen unfortunately in answer to your question ‘where is science in all of this?’ I would say ‘often leading us up the garden path’.

  300. You describe what is called confirmation bias – we only focus via our mind on what suits our picture/s and everything outside of this comfort zone gets rejected, if not ridiculed.

    1. indeed confirmation bias is rife, along with something like 100 other biases we can fall victim to

  301. “The True Test of Science is How it Faces the Unknown” – and an unknown that is eternal.

    1. But when the truth is that we all know everything already because we are made from particles (a living intelligence) that are a part of everything that has ever been, then surely the only thing that science should be looking into is why it doesn’t already have all the answers to everything. If it cracked this one conundrum then it would crack the lot.

  302. Joel, what you are sharing here is absolutely ground breaking (in terms of our current ‘understanding’), divine wisdom, a true support for people to feel more empowered in their lives, to know that there is another way to live, a way that is in fact completely natural for us. It’s important for everyone to at least know about this and yet, to be taken seriously in our society, when there is a deviation from the accepted norm, it seems there needs to be a scientific seal of approval; but if science hasn’t got the ‘tools’ to keep up, where does that leave us – in the dark ages?

  303. I feel Science could have helped us further along our path of evolution if there wasn’t so much ownership, competition and ego involved in the research and discoveries.

  304. I’ve been brought up to consider and assume science strives to be at the forefront of discovery, pioneering development. In truth it is protectively conservative. When only accessing knowledge through the mind what is given to us is limited and biased. But when we feel our bodies and the science we innately know science isn’t reserved for the elite but open to us all. I may not know formulas but this is no reason to discredit what I do feel and know.

  305. I loved your analogy of the traveller who looks down on the locals, just because they do not understand the language. In history, some scientists have shown the most inspiring openness and willingness to explore what is yet to be conceived, often against ridicule, imprisonment, even death. Yet the overall feeling of science is one of arrogance, ownership and ‘nothing is true unless we say it is true’. Over time, science has repeatedly proven that previous theories or understandings were limited or completely incorrect. You would think this track record would bring a little humility and restore the wonder that science truly represents.

  306. To my mind exploration is most definitely at the heart of science, so to explore any tools that would offer a deeper understanding of life is paramount in revealing truth.

  307. Just because something cannot be proven or ‘seen’ by our current technology, does not mean it does not exist. But not everyone thinks that way – how many more times are we going to make these kinds of narrow minded assumptions? As many times as we will – till we learn to be more open minded. Today you don’t get jailed for saying the world is round and not flat, but you get ostracised and pushed aside and discredited. But this is not a reason to stay silent when we know a truth that the world has not yet accepted. We just keep standing by it till people are ready to see and accept. And then we tackle the next truth to be seen and accepted, and then the next one and the next.

  308. Science has not yet created an instrument to measure as accurately as the human body can, therefore, why does science not use the human body as its sensor?

    1. Hah! Carmel this completely debases the notion that it is in any way wise to dismiss what is so deeply and fundamentally felt and known through the body.
      I will repeat it for good measure: “Science has not yet created an instrument to measure as accurately as the human body can, therefore, why does science not use the human body as its sensor?”
      Hear hear.

    2. Indeed, we are all a living instrument by virtue of the bodies we all enhouse.

    3. Great point Carmel and Golnaz! The human body is one of the greatest tools and sensors we can use!

  309. There is so much gold in this article, becoming aware of my feelings has been an absolutely game changer, so not wallowing issues and emotions any more….”The more you live with conscious presence the more energy and vitality you have because you are not driving your physiology from your mind’s ideas of what is happening or what might happen, but rather responding to what is happening.” I live and respond as you have so beautifully expressed, from what is happening, not what might….so much less exhausting.

  310. When we view life through our minds life becomes complicated by our minds agenda, whereas our bodies live from a simplicity of feeling what is true and what is not… life is simple yet very profound and true.

    1. Beautifully said Paula – the body presents a simplicity for us all to connect to and live with.

  311. “…the truly scientific response to this difference would be a willingness to explore any tools that would offer a deeper understanding of life.” Indeed, what is there to lose if science were to respond in this way… only the arrogance of ownership would be lost, and so much more truth and understanding of life would be brought to humanity.

  312. We’re proud that we’ve defended many ‘old’ diseases such as the plague. And we should! But the rates of cancer, diabetes, kidney diseases and vascular diseases are enormous. Doesn’t this mean that there’s still a lot for us to reflect on? There’s little to no appreciation from people towards themselves or others. Could it be that this creates an empty world. And as we don’t like to admit this fact, we choose to ignore and deny it with many, many, many choices that actually contribute to the emptiness, rather than filling ourselves up with love once again. Thank you science for continuously telling us the truth. Even though this isn’t comfortable. We’re to be shaken to our bones before we’re choosing love and truth over arrogance and ignorance. How sad is this?

  313. It is ridiculous beyond words to claim that something does not exist because you do not understand or cannot measure it. We are perceiving the same arrogant thinking that insisted for so long that the Sun and the Universe rotates around the Earth.

  314. I wonder what the purpose of modern science is, when it criticises as not possible that which is not understood and seemingly unknown? When something is turned into business for the primary purpose of making money, it looses its way and looses its sense of wonder in the world and how everything works.

  315. It is most important for science and scientists to be open to all possibilities. Science is reduced when specific outcomes are the focus.

  316. There is always more to learn, a deeper understanding to surrender to. Corruption and power mean that areas of Science are manipulated to prove an agenda rather than discover new possibilities.

  317. Yes, Joel. The way we navigate through life changes dramatically when we finally admit that we all feel everything all of the time. I am really enjoying re-connecting to the sensitivity and awareness that I know I had as a child.

  318. Centuries ago, science, philosophy and religion were all considered integral. We have separated them and have forgotten the connections between them all.

  319. Science is not the open and inquisitive field it may once have been – now it is a place of power plays and corruption, where money and greed are the determining factors in what is deemed a scientific fact or not – for who is it that sets the tone for what gets funding and what doesn’t, what gets published and what doesn’t, what standard is acceptable and what isn’t – it is already known that many studies are proven false within 10 years of publication. This covert manipulation of the scientific research shows that there is an agenda rather than a true inquiry into the way life is.

  320. The human race is blessed by those that challenged & explore common theories and beliefs about life, those prepared to step out of the box and present alternative views, not only is it the job of science to be objective but equally humanity at large to be prepared to be wrong.

  321. Accepting the unknown is very humbling. How much of everything there is to know do we not know as a race of beings? When we consider this possibility there is an opening to a feeling of absolute innocence and I wonder – in this openness – whether we are able to access something much deeper, such as a source of wisdom. Perhaps the doorway to true wisdom is in admitting our ignorance first.

    1. Humbleness is a great starting point to explore anything. It guarantees openness and a willingness to accept the grandness of the universe and that there is always more to discover.

  322. I love science, its quite amazing what it can show but its the universal type of science that I love, the more I look at how science is today the more I relate to “Science prefers to ‘own’ and even control the path to understanding. ” which means just how amazing could science be if it was open to the all and part of the all in the way that it naturally is?

  323. The ‘owning factor’ is the downfall not just of science but everyone who wants to hold on to what they have, it can be knowledge, wealth, family, happiness, but also any kind of emotion, belief or ideal. The very need to own and hold on to something just the way we want it to be reduces us to less than who we are and thereby the world to what we need it to be for our lesser state of being to be confirmed and preserved.

  324. Your two layers of awareness reminded me of as you have described on having a picture of something you wanted to drink. You open the fridge open the bottle and swallow and your mind knows what is coming, but there is a confusion when you find someone has reused the bottle and put something completely different in it! Now the body and mind are momentarily confused. Images will never replace what we feel.

  325. The cardio-centric way of life has enabled me to drop so many barriers I had to life per se and especially towards the sciences, subjects that I felt very distanced from, but have now discovered just what a central part they play in my everyday life. When we learn how to observe our bodies, our daily choices and everyday life, then a whole world of science opens us before us, as we trial the effects of daily living on our bodies and realise that we run the most incredible scientific experiments all the time. What happens if we drink heaps of coffee? What happens when we stop? And so on and so forth, with all we choose to do, experiments that can produce the most amazing miracles. Who needs double blind tests when the true results of our daily choices are realised in how healthy, vibrant and well we feel each day.

  326. We can feel what is going on for another, in truth, even when they are saying something different. For example, recently a friend of mine said she was feeling really well, I could sense that was not the case and continued to connect with her on other subjects, eventually she let down and shared with me what was really going on. If I had just taken what she was saying at face value she would not have got the support she needed.

  327. Science is actually one of the three mail pilars of life, next to religion and phylosophy and together they provide us everything about life and the universe we live in. The problem comes when we separate the three pilars into separate entities as in our current society, then you also get only the separated information from it as it is used in isolation.

  328. I so enjoyed reading this article Joel, it is truly encompassing of the universal whole body intelligence that we can have access to when we do not reduce this awareness to fit a particular agenda.

  329. There is an intelligence that comes from the body that is known, before any scientific study may prove or disprove it so. We are multidimensional beings and we are scientists of our own making.

  330. Allowing the space to observe and feel, energetically, what is there for us to learn, supports us in deepening our relationship with our selves, with everyone else and with life.

  331. Joel, I just love the essence of what you are sharing in your article, it feels so expansive and open.
    ‘Science didn’t invent radiation, neither did it understand it for a long time… until it had the tools to measure it with’ …. what I’m feeling so deeply is the pull for us to always be open to possibility that there is so much more in each moment than we are currently aware of, to be open to the potential of what may be right before us. Whilst our mind may not be able to accurately ‘translate’ all that is before us, our bodies are very well equipped to feel and read exactly what is going on.

  332. ‘The more you live with conscious presence, the less reactive you become to the world around you and the more connected you feel to yourself and others.’ We tend to live in our emotional reactions and as a result have tension in all our relationships – at work, at home, in families, with friends, on the road, everywhere. Life becomes much simpler when we allow ourselves to feel what’s going on and to read situations. That reading enables us to develop our understanding of the world from a different perspective, to stop blaming everything outside of ourselves and to live in harmony with everything.

  333. If we got out of trying to own knowledge there would be more space to be humble and open to letting go of what isn’t true and discovering what is. We have associated knowledge with power and domination over others for too long (guns versus spears etc.)

  334. I wonder if the true test of science is to notice what is there …

  335. “It is fair to suggest there remains much in life that is unknown to science. So how does science approach the unknown? In all of the above cases, the default position was for Science to dismiss or even ridicule what was being proposed. Science is great at many things but it continues to fail when faced with aspects of life that it does not yet understand.” – our dismissal of things we do not fully understand or perhaps are not fully ready to accept is rife. And this extends beyond science itself – many times we do not want to change our diets as it feels too different from what we ‘normally’ eat, or perhaps we do not want to dress in a way that is different to our normal…the key in all this is to allow an openness and a flexibility – for no true science can be revealed to us when we are shut down in our old ways and habits and not open to exploring what lies beyond our own created small world.

  336. Science is driven by its own agenda having it’s own narrow view of life ignoring what does not fit its model “Surely what is important is not who owns the path to understanding but what might be learnt from it?” there is a wealth of wisdom to be learnt from the body giving us a different way to respond to life.

    1. I am not sure if it is science that behaves that way – it is definitely people who do science who behave that way.

  337. I love what you present here Joel, what is missing in science today is wonderment, this longing inside to understand the world and the universe and how it all works together, looking at it with the curious eyes of a child, willing to explore, without any concern about outcomes, recognition, finances, prestige, etc.

  338. In continuation of your scientific approach we will also find that there are two versions of what we call ‘common sense’; one made of the application and confirmation of what we already know and believe based on past experiences and interpretations (the mind version) and the other felt and understood by the body recognising the meaningfulness and congruity through direct perception, experience, awareness (the inner heart version).

    1. Sure Alex, and the last one will ony give us the full understanding and appreciation that we are part of a grander whole while coming from the mind we think we understand to know everything of life while fitting in the constrains of our limited mind.

    2. love this Alex, indeed we have two ‘senses’ from which to draw our common sense from…our sense of comfort or that which is sensed in the body.

  339. I’ve always seen a scientific test as something that needs to be ‘proved’. Rather than testing something our of curiosity. To wonder if anything ‘more’ would be possible. Without needing the answer to be a ‘yes’. Science doesn’t need to prove anything. What if we would use science in its true origin? Not to make profit or overwhelm people with dazzling statistics, but simply to offer expansion, a possibility to have a more loving world. What if this would be the common approach? This would change the world!

  340. If science approached study with openness rather than an agenda, we would have a very different relationship with the Universe.

  341. “…What if we could learn to not react to what was felt but stayed with that feeling?…” We tend to rush or hurry for an answer, which may only be a snippet of the whole truth of something, and then it gets laced with preconceived ideas, judgments or expectations… Learning the ability to ponder on something and not rush into a presumed answer is key to discovering the truth of something.

  342. By using different tools, talking to different people and gathering the widest scope possible, we can understand anything. When people and communities work together this is why magic happens; everyone brings something unique and new, and what can evolve from this brotherhood is truly incredible.

  343. I recall an expression growing up which was ‘mind over matter’ whereby it was suggested that you use your mind to overcome what was being felt in the body e.g. pain. But that now seems ludicrous. Why would you want to override what you’re feeling by using your mind when your body is telling you something that is worth listening to?

  344. It seems that scepticism goes hand in hand with Science rather than a curious exploration. Is the role of Science not to study and understand that which is not yet understood? And what a glorious study it would be to see what living a heart-centric life looks like when lived in full.

  345. ‘Science prefers to ‘own’ and even control the path to understanding.’ this is crazy, when science belongs to all of us, it is our understanding of the world and cannot be ‘owned’ by anyone.

  346. Joel, I love the way you have explained the difference between a cardio-centric and a mental approach to life. Superb.

  347. ‘The Universal Medicine hypothesis is that the dominant way of understanding the world is currently through our mind and that understanding can also be achieved through our body, more specifically our heart, and more specifically again our inner heart.’ This I know this as a truth and fact after i have been a student of Universal Medicine for ten years. Lived science.

  348. The arrogance of comvential science prevents the whole picture from being seen. Being open to other ‘dialects’ will reveal so much more than we currently wil allow ourselves to understand.

  349. No better time than now to relearn this language, one we innately knew as children in our joy of play and exploration, ‘what if I tried this?’ and discovery for ourselves. Feeling for ourselves and observing from a place of innocence is the most simple and honest form of science and we are all capable of doing this. One scientist who worked in this way was Leonardo da Vinci and look at all the amazing deductions and inventions he came up with.

  350. ‘Science didn’t invent bacteria.. Science didn’t invent radiation…” Interesting that in discovering these things we feel like we have ownership of them, We neatly put them in a box and congratulate ourselves in having advanced humanity. But we are only advancing humanity within the paradigms of the boxes we have laid out for ourselves, not able to see beyond the walls we have built. By allowing ourselves to feel beyond these parameters, to feel humble, to know that we don’t know it all (and never will if we continue to make life about linear thought and progression), we will be able to feel the magnitude of what we are a part of, with nothing hidden; understanding that we do know it all in truth, but are simply returning to that which we already knew. The Ancients knew about bacteria, they knew all about radiation, they knew about energy and where it comes from, they knew how to use it in brotherhood to build the pyramids, they knew about the constellations of the stars and the planets and what this meant. This science was lived equally alongside, and with, philosophy and religion, not compartmentalised, but spherical and whole. By letting go of our ‘deep enclaves of ideology’ we will indeed no longer have to filter what we see to fit it to what we believe we know, and actually see the truth for what it is.

  351. Reading this made me think more about the word ‘invention’ – do we have scientific inventions or would it be more apt to call them discoveries or even re-discoveries; knowledge and understanding that we are re-connecting with…

    1. Same here Fiona, just because something has not been ‘discovered’ as yet does not mean it has not been lived or known. Science is often playing catch up.

  352. I was recently doing some research on the growing foetus for my aqua natal class and was struck by a fact that i wanted to share; at 6 weeks an embryo is the size of a raisin; although not completely developed, all the major body organs and systems are formed. The heart is formed and begins to beat on the 25th day after conception – a heart beat can already be detected.
    How beautiful that our heart is not only formed but begins to pulse at this embryonic phase.

  353. “Indeed, science is not limited in what it offers humanity, its only limit is the tools they use to understand life.” that is an incredible way to look at how Science is today, what it offers and what its limitations are. I love the fact that it offers an incredible expansion for science in all its purpose and when science works without the limitations and constraints then anything is possible.

  354. ‘the true test of science is how it faces the unknown’ – and we are all scientists of ourselves and of life – so do we choose the easy route of preconceived ideals and beliefs or are we open to the possibility of a truth seemingly unknown yet faintly gleaned and resonating within. Are we open to feeling that truth with all of our being. and are we open to have all that has been falsely adopted as a convenient ‘truth’ exposed to clear the way for all that is of actual truth to be revealed..

  355. Science in its current form fails to be the science that the world is made of, because it seeks to control the method and shut the doors on new approaches and deep appreciations of age old understandings. If science is limited to a man in a white lab coat then we all lose, as if we measure science against the health of humanity we see the arrogant failure of our current evidence based science model in its full rot.

  356. Science sounds like it is becoming more about security and personal agendas, rather than the wonders of discovery and truly advancing mankind.

  357. To trust what we feel first and then use science to explore and deepen that understanding rather than drive an agenda would support humanity enormously. When we have seen how scientists who work humbly with this philosophy we have been able to change the world’s understanding of its existence.

    1. And it is their understanding that we seem to adopt and listen too long after they have gone. We often call them as being before their time yet perhaps they were and are with the time and it is the rest who are well behind including modern science.

    1. Indeed Steve it is and can be the source from which we grow and live, but not in its current unrelatable form.

  358. Learning to live once more from a cardio-centric perspective returns us to science in its most natural format, a constant observation of the world based on feeling first, thinking second and the knowing that all things already exist, we just need to become aware of them.

  359. Yes Joel, once there is ‘ownership’ of knowledge, with all its investments, attachments, identity seeking attributes, then the truth of any knowledge is lost. It is only through divesting ourselves of that, and living instead from a humbleness and openness are we truly able to connect to the knowledge and truth of the all.

  360. Super to understand how we can approach life from the heart first and in that the mind is guided to the thoughts and actions that will truly benefit all equally.

    1. Heart first then everything is revealed and makes sense.

  361. Living with conscious presence and from the body [not just an independent logical mind], and living from the heart to the best of my ability these past few years, has seen a sea-change every relationship in my life, how i work, interact, develop friendships, business, and deal with clients in my recruiting profession.. where the quality of relationships are truly real, purposeful, and hold a deeply caring style that’s appreciated, responded to and welcomed. Living cardio-centric injects a blast of natural warmth to touch and warm people’s hearts.. there’s no other way i’d choose to live, living from my inner-most.

  362. There will always be an understanding available that is greater than our minds can fathom and our sights see – there is forever more to re-discover, to unfold and to reveal itself and the key is in our openness and willingness to receive this learning and to remain humble for our current intelligence is but a speck when we consider the absolute grandness of Universal Science and Laws.

  363. Unfortunately, our arrogance is one of our greatest downfalls and severely holds us back in our evolution. We can take it very personally when we are ‘wrong’ because we are attached to what we think we know. We feel like we own the knowledge in our head and we identify with how much we ‘know’ and enjoy receiving recognition for it. However, as you share, Joel, what if true wisdom is there for everyone all of the time and the way we receive it is through feeling it first through the inner-heart.

  364. ‘There is a whole world of nuance and understanding that is lost when someone is not willing to admit the tools (in this case language) they have for understanding are limited.’ – the most important lesson I have learnt is, to be open to the fact that I can be wrong, not just about what time the train arrives, or someone’s birthday, but about everything that I had thought was true in my life. Only when I am open to this being a possibility am I truly open to understanding the truth.

  365. “Surely what is important is not who owns the path to understanding but what might be learnt from it?” It is only when the self and its arrogance are put aside, that the humility and openness to understand along the path will come to the fore.

  366. This is so true Joel… “The reality is things have always existed outside the current understanding of science. Yet somewhere, the assumption is made that because science does not understand something that this thing doesn’t exist or that it is folly to suggest that is does.” When you put it together like this, the reality and truth are exposed. It is quite incredible how insidiously these ideals and beliefs have so strongly permeated throughout society!

  367. The origins of science is linked closely with philosophy and religion. Together they provide a profound ever evolving awareness and relationship with life and the Universe. We have got into trouble when these were reduced to isolated fields of study and life became about control and security rather than love and expansion.

  368. ‘Society has tried and championed this mental approach for decades and the result is a more divided society than ever before. Through this approach we have created enclaves of ideology, fortified by the fact that we are able to filter what we see in the world and thus interpret everything to fit what we believe’. Absolutely Joel. Science is something that just is, and in order to explore the physics of the world and the universe we need a one-unified approach, not an approach divided by ideology and self-interest. With such filters what we can discover is hugely limited.

  369. Science is to me a metaphor for how we understand the world. Do we go with just what we see and nothing more? Do we eliminate, reduce and critique? Or do we open up, investigate and allow? Do we approach everything with an open heart and thus mind? You show here Joel how we all are Scientists this way, working on experiments every day.

  370. Being consciously present is living. It is being open to observing what is next and not going into the mind looking for ‘protection’ of predictability, the formulas of knowing what to expect and prepare. I’ve lived in this kind of ‘protection’ for years but what it does is create situations to fit my predictions. I am nervous about something, somehow me not being fully present allows other energies to come in and play. To this end it is not as protective. Whereas being consciously present allows for the possibility of whatever is there to unfold to unfold.

  371. I wonder how many children grow up wanting to be scientists – with the possibilities to explore and experiment with the wonders of life from the macro to the micro? And then to discover there might be a whole lot of restrictions imposed from the ‘traditions and requirements to keep to a formula’ on their innate inner connection and the natural scientist with-in. Where do these ‘natural scientists go’, do they give up, sell-out, or go undercover? This could be referring to anyone of us – who has ever had a natural curiosity and wonder of the world only to discover our approach didn’t or doesn’t match the accepted think of the times.

  372. Well said, Joel. The moment we try and own something, we are shutting ourselves down to the fact that there is always more.

  373. To understand that there is a different approach to life, other than the mental one we have been fed, is a huge one! However in learning that there is a different way, and in learning to slowly live it I can confirm that life has a totally different feeling and flavour – one that actually feels true as opposed to what feels familiar.

  374. “Who hasn’t walked into a room where other people are gathered and felt that something was happening, even though there are no verbal or non-verbal cues to suggest it?”.

    I’ve not heard a lot of people talking about the above as science. Yet it is! There’s a lot to discover. There’s a lot of Magic in how people move, how they change the mood in a room, how they contribute to life. Sometimes with words, sometimes with an eye-look or just simply by opening a door or a cupboard with conscious presence. Science has brought us a lot and if we choose to be wondrous, it will bring us so much more.

  375. ‘Surely what is important is not who owns the path to understanding but what might be learnt from it?’ – So true. Ownership and protection does not support true evolution.

    1. Taken a step further- we all own the path to understanding. This ends the divide between scientists and the rest of us. Are we not all scientists.

  376. “Yet somewhere, the assumption is made that because science does not understand something that this thing doesn’t exist or that it is folly to suggest that is does.” And yet everything that has been rediscovered by science until now has been unknown first, so, science might have to take notice of this fact and learn from it by being more open to what it does not understand yet, as it is its greatest source rediscovery.

  377. Thank you Joel for bringing a rounded understanding to science. I have found there is a place for science but only as a part of the whole. We are living in and with the biggest research project daily and that is our body which is giving feedback all the time so no having to wait for the latest research paper! The downfall though can be giving in to what our mind then tells us to overide the feedback. However over the last 10 years as I have lived more cardio centrically this starts to happen less as the images fall away and I make the choice to listen to my body.

  378. The massive separation we’ve determined between qualitative and quantitative data, where nowadays as you’ve shared Joel ‘subjective experiences’ are seen as much ‘weaker’ evidence, doesn’t actually make sense… How can you split statistics or numbers apart from people and their voice, when every number represents all of this and so much more than a digit?

  379. It’s great to embrace the fact of the unknown. It creates a sense of wonder and magic and awe that keeps us feeling alive.

  380. “Science is great at many things but it continues to fail when faced with aspects of life that it does not yet understand.” True science is an attitude that simply says ‘what next?’ so that we embrace the unknown with a totally open and very curious mind, un-affected by the filters that tell us that unless something is proven first it cannot exist. We cannot prove a new awareness via existing paradigms, discovering new things simply requires us to invent new ways of explaining their existence.

  381. It seems to me that there is what we might call ‘pure science’ – science that is open to ever evolving discovery of new things and is prepared to explore without preconception – and willing to be proven wrong. There is also what we might call ‘commercial science’, – science that has an agenda to prove a preconceived notion, supporting a venture of some kind – that seeks to prove itself right. In my view, the two should not be confused.

  382. If Science doesn’t understand something then it doesn’t exist is very limiting and holds us all back, as we tend to accept Science as being right and having all the answers.

  383. “Regardless of education, geography or religion, we all seem to have the capacity to feel what is going on around us. Not only feel, but accurately interpret as well.” This is true Joel, yet how often do we dismiss what we feel, and what children tell us they feel? Perhaps it is time that we really paid attention to what is going on in our bodies and act on that rather than what our minds are telling us to do.

    1. In truth we are all skilled scientists & our bodies the tool from which we can measure and choose.

  384. “Enter Universal Medicine, and their suggestion that more understanding can be achieved through the body than through mind. They are not the first outfit to suggest this, but nonetheless they are an organisation that has put a methodology behind this hypothesis and enabled people from across the world, across cultures and demographics, to test it for themselves.” Thats really interesting, we certainly hear before Universal Medicine the importance of the heart, of the whole body but its only after attending Universal Medicine presentations did I start to appreciate what this meant on a practical level and was able to start to integrate this into my life.

  385. From what I have observed often science will ridicule or reduce that which doesn’t fit within its realms. Today we have seen some areas of science move away from discovery into corruption- were scientific studies and outcomes can be influenced by major companies who want to scientific evidence to back up their agenda. This is not science- it is just greed and corruption. To be open to the unknown is and to be open to learning is where science needs to be coming back too.

  386. With so much intolerance, and in some instances hatred of how others live their lives, we have become silos of groups of people. But is it working? Not really. Along comes mother nature and gives us a natural disaster and suddently people come together despite their differences showing us how easy it is when we put aside our differences and focus on what is the same amongst us all.

  387. So basically science holds back science and that coupled with most religious organisations,no wonder we are in the mess we are in today. Imagine the advancements without them standing in the way. Maybe we could even figure out how to build another great pyramid.

    1. Yes we can! We just need to take responsibility and stop playing the game that we have all been part of for aeons. We all think we make our own desicions but fact is that we are being fed our thoughts. Like a real life Truman Show we play along with it….. until we choose not to.

    2. beautifully said kevmchardy. science retards and obscures science. religious organisations destroy religion, we could even add that education crushes true learning and nationalism divides our brothers. how did the world get it so the opposite of everything that we are.

      1. Yes it seems we have lost touch with the true science, living religion and intelligence that is our nature; not something that can ever be known from outside of us.

    1. This made me smile Steve, a living, walking, scientific experiment – to be visibly changing to pink or another colour, dependent upon our choices in the moment!
      ‘our body is the litmus paper we test the world we live in’ – changing to pink when we are being.

      1. There was a fad that that keeps coming back, like fashion, but I had not seen it for a while, Mood rings. They sold on the premise that they would show how you were feeling by the colour. There must be an App for it today.

      2. This is great Steve and Stephanie, ‘Our body is the litmus paper we test the world we live in’ and changing to pink when we are being. I love the simplicity of what this says and I wonder how often we would be pink!

    2. I agree Steve – so often however, we like to ignore what our bodies are showing us, or some how change the colour chart so that we can pretend like its not saying what it is.

  388. This blog describes how the sometimes rather elusive extra human senses we have can be the real, the practical and the everyday through a simple way of being which honours the body in its entirety.

  389. What a great science to explore and try out – be our own test case. So far the only thing for me to ‘loose has been attitudes and beliefs that where constricting my life, supporting me to feel miserable and un-well. We are precious beings from the inside out and very worth the quality of choice that supports this.

  390. In a way you can say that life is science and vice versa that science is life. Because we are all interconnected and part of the all, we do know every aspect of it up to the tiniest details. it is only about how open and transparent we allow ourselves to be to the grandness we are part of.

    1. We are magnificent grandness managing to pass as the most ordinary speck of dust. Hats off to us, as it does take constant commitment to pull off a stunt like that, lifetime after lifetime. Imagine what that same level of commitment would do of we were to put it into our evolution.

  391. The skeptical approach to life is good in theory to a point. However, there is a huge difference between being truly skeptical and being cynical, and too many fall in the latter category – just as there is a huge difference between being critical and condemning, and too many become condemning of that which they do not understand thinking they are being critical, and by doing so are limiting their ability to expand their horizons of awareness.

    1. If there is no real desire for understanding it is so easy to throw stones and poke holes in things. We see it in the political systems all around us, with opposition parties, doing simply that opposing, rather than bringing greater understanding to what is needed.

      1. So true Joel – bringing greater understanding and being prepared to see things from different angles leaves less room for disharmony, discontent and pointing the finger of blame at others in order to feel good about oneself.

  392. For Science to open to the wisdom offered by the body means it must relinquish its attachment to the power it has to control Humanity. Is there true brotherhood in ‘Science’ as it is practiced in society today and within the relationships of those working within this? This hightlights the responsibility for me to practice re-connecting to the wisdom within my body and to live this as a reflection of what is possible for humanity

  393. Our way of living as a race of beings is not so good, as you have shared Joel a cardio centric approach as has been taught for a long time may hold all the keys humanity is looking for. There is a student body The Students of The Livingness, who are already setting a platform for the world to see, so science has a tangible section of humanity to study.

  394. “…driving your physiology from your mind’s ideas of what is happening or what might happen…” This is key, as it is our perceptions, thoughts, beliefs, ideals, expectations, judgments, comparisons, assumptions and personal preferences (to name a few) that load and obscure our observations filtering truth to be felt. Its this filter that puts physiological demands on the body.

    1. Agree Johanne, what i find is if I leave emotional response at the door, I am much more able to determine what is really going on in any given situation. Quite a useful way to live in what has become a very intense and tense world to live in.

    2. Johanne we have made life into one of the those arcade driving games. We are careering down roads that don’t exist, we are dodging potential dangers that we have fabricated and we are limping away from car accidents that we have deliberately caused and all for the sake of individualism. What a sorry state of affairs.

  395. There is indeed always a greater science at play than our limited understanding allows and provides for. When we humbly approach life as a student open to learning the Universe, we will begin to tap into the very wisdom and understanding needed to support us all.

  396. Awesome read Joel… we have so, so much more to learn about our way of living within this world – and the best and most glorious tool we have to learn with is our body, especially our inner-heart.

  397. At the basis of true science there has to be an attitude or stance of humbleness – in the face of the Universe we are held in. Many of the greatest scientists such as Copernicus, Heisenberg and Einstein were so humble, so appreciative of the Universe’s magnificence, and so aware of God.

  398. I feel science is similar to religion as in it has lost its true meaning. It is no longer about supporting humanity to evolve and understand life but a majority of it has become more about proving something to be right or wrong.

  399. “This ability is called conscious presence and it is developed through the Gentle Breath Meditation™. Of course, like all skills, it is a process of development over time and not an on-off switch” – coming back to my breath, to breathing me, and focusing in making its quality gentle turned my life around and has become the ‘steadying and direction tool’ when things get intense and i loose my breath to a situation/stress for example. To loose one’s breath is to loose oneself, and to loose oneself in life too.

  400. If science is in everything as it surely is then it does make me question what and why we get taught such a limited version of science in our education settings. For my personal learning I was not engaged by science experiments on a bunsen burner, but were we to discuss and learn about our intelligence based on how we feel and our bodily reactions, that would have been captivating. Principally because it is so central to all our daily experiences, we are constantly making choices based on how we feel in our body, or how we are responding in our mind. Science that discusses these responses and determines the intelligence of the response would be something that would transform my view of what science is and could and should be.

  401. Not only does science only show us a teeny tiny portion of what there is to know but it also sends us off on wild goose chases by presenting so called ‘facts’ (which are not facts at all) about an array of different things. This in turn suits us because we can then continue our charade of not knowing anything, in order to avoid the truth. Oh the despicable games we play.

  402. ‘The more you live with conscious presence the more you notice the gap between what is felt and how our mind interprets these feelings’. This point alone undoes the stories, beliefs and pictures that we can run about ourselves, others and life – that are completely contra to what we actually feel and know to be true.

  403. ‘…more understanding can be achieved through the body than through mind.’ Not so long ago I found this hugely challenging. From lifetimes I took refuge in my mind, I shut off from my body and though I still resort to this form of ‘protection’ (aka abuse because I am not listening to what will support my body but actually seeking to numb out its voice because I’m still responding to images and mental thoughts first), I am appreciating the drop in arrogance that thinking the mind knows best facilitates. The energy of attempting to be superior in intellect feels quite repugnant!

  404. ‘So how does science approach the unknown?’ . . . ‘Science is great at many things but it continues to fail when faced with aspects of life that it does not yet understand.’
    It’s interesting on one hand, that the one thing that many people go to for explanations on things for the discovery of, is something that does not have an openness and falls down when it comes across things it does not understand. And on the other hand, this makes complete sense because before those who chose to be in organised science were there, they went through the lineal thinking education system which through the way it is structurally implemented and controlled, is rancid with suppressing true expression, freely thinking and having a wonder and awe about all that is unexplained in life. So is it any wonder that the way science approaches the unknown is so limited when it is just a perpetuation of the consciousness that has been lacing and filtrating our bodies and being throughout our whole educational years.

  405. We do all have the capacity to feel what is going on around us. “Not only feel, but accurately interpret as well.” About ten years ago I needed convincing of this, I would have sworn I couldn’t feel anything. Yet what I know now, from my own willingness to be more aware, is that it’s a choice to want to know more, which in itself has brought about changes to the very everyday choices around food, sleep, work and relationships.

  406. What an amazing piece Joel, I have always loved reading your blogs!

  407. Thanks Joel for explaining things so clearly. The difference between heart and inner heart make absolute sense.

  408. This makes so much sense Joel. The heart-centred approach leading the way and bringing with it, its own deep wisdom, philosophy and science as part of the universal rhythms that we all are.

    1. How much are we actually rejecting and not living when there is already a deep wisdom, philosophy and science rating in our inner heart just waiting to be connected to and with?

  409. Reading this again makes me realise just how much all these discoveries are and have always been there. Everything we know to date and everything we will discover in the future perpetually exists, just waiting to be found. So the question is, do we discover them or do we simply expand in awareness?

    1. Connect and expand I would say. And through this we can also feel we are all all part of this grandness and have a responsibility to every moment in our days to live expansion.

  410. Without the humbleness of admitting that regardless of the extent of our scientific knowledge we can not possibly know everything, we will stubbornly and arrogantly hold on to our blind spots.

  411. A wonderful article Joel and thanks for bringing this up. The arrogant approach adopted by science is driven by control and self gain and does not recognise or value that which truly serves and evolves humanity.

    1. An approach that stems from the educational consciousness we are all brought up in and through – one science perpetuates and one we all accept by giving our power away to it by the mere fact that it is hard to see something that has laced you and feels familiar. Perhaps when we debunk and let go of this we will see the truth of science and be more willing to be in understanding the unknown through connecting to the grandness within.

    2. I totally agree Peter, science certainly has become an arrogant approach. But I feel science is where it is currently at mainly due to what humanity have accepted and have allowed to happen in terms of its direction/path to be about control and not about evolving humanity. The responsibility is ours to redirect science back to its original path and use it for its true purpose for true evolution.

  412. ‘… we can’t override or dismiss something without feeling it first on some level.’ – This is very well put and so true. We are feeling all the time – it never stops and it is just a question of if we are willing to respond or react. If I am honest I know I can feel a lot – I can read a room – but how often to I truly acknowledge this with my whole body and embrace the fact that I know this level of wisdom.

  413. I love this blog, because it is something I used to question my science teachers about – that not that long ago, science was an exploration and inquiry into what we didn’t understand or know, and sometimes simply a coincidental discovery, where the more you thought outside of the box, the more likely you were to stumble across a major scientific break through – and yet now we seem to consider that we have explained everything that is important and now treat experiment with so much rigorous and controls that the natural and open potential to simply stumble across something or think outside the box is cut from the picture. Do you think that Issac Newton was mad to propose that the reason for an apple falling off a tree was not just part of life but caused by an unseen force acting on the apple? Sounds unlikely and yet this was the discovery of gravity.
    And again, we have a suggestion, that the things we observe in life can be explained by energy and that our choice of energy governs the end product of how we live – either cardio centric, living from a connection to our inner heart or from our heads and a very mental centric model. It may to some sound unlikely and yet there is evidence building to show this scientifically, although many will already attest to its truth from their own experience of the fact. But such is our current system that we cannot say that the sky is blue simply because everyone can see its blue, we have to run some tests first to confirm it and then it will be true.

  414. Our inner heart and our body knows all, it doesn’t wait for anything outside of itself to feel, read and process what is there and what is going on. It doesn’t own or control anything, it just is, it doesn’t need to justify or require confirmation from the outside to go that’s it. The constructs of science based learning is that it fosters delay, doubt and superiority, all opposite to the truth of what we have lived and live everyday. I say delay because Science waits for scientific proof and validation which is so far behind the intelligence of the inner heart. So what happens to the human body when we do hold it back and put the breaks on…. well from my experience, illness and disease, emotional issues, huge anxiety and nervousness and a lack of purpose. Thank you Joel for the depth of what you have shared here and to Universal Medicine for never holding back true science from the inner heart.

  415. With the world the way it is with its growing unrest in countries at war, gangs, domestic violence, illness rates on the rise, etc etc, science has nothing to lose by studying people and their way of life that is offering something that humanity is crying out for but doesn’t perhaps understand.

    1. Absolutely Sandra, like as a race when we wait until we are on our knees to make changes or really look at whats going on and how we are living, Science is missing the most important link which is lived experience and listening to our bodies.

  416. ‘The more you live with conscious presence the more energy and vitality you have because you are not driving your physiology from your mind’s ideas of what is happening or what might happen, but rather responding to what is happening.’ Driving our bodies from our mind can be exhausting.

  417. ‘The reality is things have always existed outside the current understanding of science. Yet somewhere, the assumption is made that because science does not understand something that this thing doesn’t exist or that it is folly to suggest that is does.’ Yes Joel we have a whole history of this kind of assumptionThe universe and life are far greater than lineal science can ever be. It is a very helpful ‘science’ in that it can take a detail, isolate it and use it for something ingenious to help us in our everyday lives. It is certainly not to be dismissed. But anything that dismisses something as folly that it doesn’t understand has to be partial and therefore limited. There is a science of energy that can be known through accessing the universe through the inner heart which knows the all – this is the true science, and there is not one of us that cannot be such a scientist.

  418. As humans we have to allow ourselves to be humble enough to admit that we do not know everything, and that there are still things that are yet to be discovered by science. We live in a vast universe. If we think about it too much it is mind blowing. We are obviously a part of a much greater whole, and contrary to what most people may want to believe, we are not the masters of the universe! We still have much to learn and much to understand. There needs to be a wonder behind science of being open to the unknown, rather than trying to own and control everything from some kind of arrogance.

  419. ‘Through this approach we have created enclaves of ideology, fortified by the fact that we are able to filter what we see in the world and thus interpret everything to fit what we believe.’ – ouch, that feels so restrictive and false. The thing is, deep down we all know the truth, we may avoid connecting with it, but we all know we are so much more than most of us are living, which is why we spend so much of our lives searching for the missing ingredient, which ironically resides deep inside each and every one of us. We are missing the connection to our inner heart. When we choose to live life from this place, everything makes sense, it’s like coming home.

  420. My understanding of something is that absence of proof does not mean whether it is true or not, but that it has not been proved yet. The truest test of proof comes from many avenues, and science needs to take all the quantitative, qualitative and case study methods into consideration to come to a conclusion.

  421. This is a grand topic, and one we really should explore as a human race. Science is shut down to such possibilities, in the mainstream at least. But the idea of us giving credibility to what we are constantly feeling is a life and world changing possibility were we to collectively explore it. It would rid us of the deceit we allow in politics, in media and advertising to name just three. For we would read beyond the words or images and feel the sentiment, the intention and the integrity or lack thereof in every single situation.

  422. Its true Science didn’t invent any of the things it explores, therefore it doesn’t make sense that science wouldn’t be open to new theories about how we see the world and how it works.

  423. When we stop and take a moment to feel we know that we are in touch with our sixth sense – that we can feel the energy (or atmosphere) in a room without anyone speaking a word. How else could we sense this if we were not connected to something far greater and grander that is taking place in the Universe around us. When we connect to the vibrations that are taking place around us we are feeling our connection and the impact that is taking place. As I come to terms with the wisdom that is freely available to everyone I am realising that I am not alone in how I feel.

  424. ‘Science didn’t invent bacteria’ – This is such a fundamental truth but something often overlooked, that science didn’t invent or design bacteria, Newton’s laws, cell structure, plants or the body, and perhaps we are celebrating the fact that we can now recognise these things and know what they are whilst missing the study into how they were first designed and why naturally there is a perfect flow of how the body functions and world/universe works.

  425. “Science is great at many things but it continues to fail when faced with aspects of life that it does not yet understand.” I absolutely agree Joel. I grew up in a family that were predominantly scientists and often came up against this as I used to feel so much but had no evidence or proof to back up what I was feeling so I was often dismissed. We cannot deny what we feel in our bodies but we can choose to numb ourselves to not feel when the overriding message that comes towards us is that there is no evidence so therefore it cannot be true.

  426. ‘…It is a bit like a traveller that wants to understand a foreign country but dismisses the locals as stupid because they speak a different language… but on a brief tangent, isn’t this what most colonising countries did!!’ So glad you went on this tangent Joel as it speaks volumes for the arrogance within the ignorance of the denial that we have collectively chosen. In not humbly seeing and being open to the potential of the enormity that is there for us connect to simply doesn’t make sense to me.

  427. Yes, it is with humbleness and surrender that we come to accept that there is so much more to life than what the mind can grasp.

  428. “The true test of Science is how it faces the unknown”. A great title Joel and as long as Science still wants to own knowledge it will always fall short of the truth because truth can not be owned.

  429. I have often felt that our pursuit of answers is based on a method which has missed some of the fundamental points at the beginning of the process and therefore that this then affects every process since then.

  430. “Long before the discovery of the atom, atoms existed” we so often forget this, its like we take for granted what Science has proven today but we don’t appreciate how much science has yet to prove that is true. If we only listen to science we miss out the large majority of the universe. Science in the way we approach it today seems to be limiting us and not evolving us.

  431. This is the best science experiment I have ever encountered! Understanding how we can feel through reactions of the mind and its pictures or through the openness of the body being connected to everything is life changing – why? Because knowing this difference allows us to be more equip to respond to life rather than react to it.

  432. Einstein had a discussion with a fellow physicist, that if you did not look at the moon, would it not exist? They concluded it was a conjecture that could not be proven or disproved. There are some things that even if science currently can’t prove, doesn’t mean they do don’t exist!

  433. I so love this article as in many ways it demystifies science. Anyone can be a scientist of life, what it takes is an openness to explore what is felt.

  434. This is where it is so very interesting when a cardio-centric scientist speaks about a subject and it’s not only interesting it’s actually understandable as well, and we can see that it is limitless not confined by rules, boundaries or false information.

  435. The difference between the inner heart and the mind is that all science is already known by the inner heart while it needs to be discovered by the mind

  436. The first three paragraphs you share here in this blog Joel are like a fluorescent sign exposing that the science we call science today is in fact something that is always playing catch up. And we have fallen for looking up to this as it giving us the answers.

  437. What you show here clearly is that all that we discover is nothing new, it has always been there, it is just that we haven’t seen it for what it is, or at all. So it is not for us to decide what is scientific or not but be open to all that there is and accept our part in it and live accordingly.

  438. It’s wise to be open to any possibilities through approach. Simply put, and how can it be denied, when we have a body and a mind with both interpreting its own way as clearly explained by Joel. This new way of discovering life and me again as recreated how I feel and see things and therefore what I already know. So science is discovering what we already know ..

  439. Joel, this is super and loved how you structure the methodology and results, … living from the inner-most heart is one giant unfolding experiment — of life, of love and of the inter-connectedness of the universe.

      1. Indeed it is Eva, we look to science to inform us and yet we all know everything already, we are just playing dumb, ridiculous really.

  440. One of the things that your article has highlighted for me Joel is how ridiculous the belief is that if science hasn’t proved it then it doesn’t exist. By having this belief we narrow life down to a mere speck of what it truly is, it’s the same as living in a shoebox and believing that the shoebox is the only thing that exists because it’s all you can see.

  441. As humans, we get so fixated on the end result we largely ignore the process that gets us there. Much like driving on autopilot and arriving at our destination with no memory of how we got there because we were so lost in our thoughts that were not in tune with the movement of our body. It is this collective amnesia (lack of conscious presence) that is preventing us from truly evolving (returning to the truth of who we are) as a species here on Earth.

    1. And in fact we are so distracted by our 5 senses when we only react to these from the mind, but when we add the 6th sense, the sense of the inner knowing,all our senses become aligned to the divine purpose that is to evolve back to Soul and will not distract us anymore.

  442. It’s true, how can we boast superior intelligence when there is so much to learn from life, nature and the simplest of sciences that we’re actually turning a blind eye on as a result of this arrogance?

    1. Yes Susie – our intelligence is so arrogant that it even has the capability to look up at the stars and vastness beyond and assume that there is no other intelligence out there or life in the universes. But, our bodies know otherwise.

  443. The exposure of what are essentially reductionist ways of thought is essential, if we are truly committed to a way of being – a cardio-centric way, as referred to here – that is founded in, and impulsed by the light and love of the soul, our connection to God and the All. There have been many who have sought to crush and obliterate this way, throughout the ages of mankind.
    In this, it feels important to exercise a ‘caution’ (that is, an awareness within ourselves) in the way that we ourselves address that which has sought to so limit this way of being – a way that by its very nature has us in touch with (with no perfection) a more encompassing and aware experience in life than the ‘mind’ itself will allow. A question to ask, is do we limit ourselves by addressing a reductionist viewpoint on its own terms, by appealing to its way of thinking in any way… or do we allow the fullness of what we know as a lived knowing (i.e. not regurgitated thought/knowledge…) to meet that which would say ‘the world is flat – end of story’?
    Essentially, it all requires exposing and reflection of that which we have agreed to in terms of any sliver of belief that would hold us less than the all we truly are. And then a deeply committed way of living all of that which we have re-found to be the actual truth, that we may not only expose, but embrace the ill path for what it is – i.e. hold it all in the greatness of our love, accept nothing less and express from the lived and embracing quality of the cardio-centric way when we address any sliver of it. Whether the grandness of such a way is accepted or not by those yet caught in the ensnare of reductionist thought, essentially matters nought, for it is the embodiment of the lived way that offers the fullness of its gift eternally, in the knowing that all will, in time, allow the bastions and fortresses of the mind to surrender their hold, and embrace once again this grandness – this love – from which we come.

  444. Beautiful expose of the top layer ‘science’ discovers from. In truth we are all scientist if we choose to feel below the top layer and rediscover our wisdom within.

  445. The is brilliant Joel, as you have shown how in fact limited science is, although science definitely plays a role in understanding the mechanisations of life, there is far greater understandings going on that we have not even conceived. Yet our connection to our inner heart, allows us to feel before any mental construct gets in the way, and in this very moment we have access to so much…if we but learnt to stay with this through conscious presence and awareness. We could be considered scientists of life, each one of us, as we explore a whole new depth of what we can access. But our mental constructs and reactions to what we feel limit us as it limits science.
    Or we could consider: ;Hypothesis: The cardio-centric approach offers a different way of understanding life.

  446. Dismissing, ignoring or making assumptions about what we do not know reminds me of the basis of prejudice and discrimination. Where we make behaviours, actions of others that we don’t understand or do not fit into our own understanding of the world wrong we reject the commonality that resides within us all, our essence.

  447. Science does face the unknown, in fact it relishes facing the unknown – but only under science’s own conditions and tools. If the unknown is not amenable to those tools then …

  448. There is a long history of Science approaching the unknown with disdain for those who would put forward an opposing theory to its own. Yet, time has shown the truth of those theories to be proven in due course. For those that dismiss the truth, here with Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, time will no doubt play all out for all and the truth will be recognised as it is for what it is.

  449. Exactly Joel, there is great merit in the cardo-centric view as presented by Universal Medicine, and illustrated perfectly in your example of walking into a room and feeling instantly something has happened, well before the mind can assess that something. Science has to reflect and be governed by what is true for us in life, and must be able to encompass the fact that we are energetic beings first and foremost. If it remains 3-dimensional and linear in the way it currently contains itself, then humanity will not ultimately benefit.

  450. Could it be that there are many miracles yet to discover? That by letting go of control and allowing people to share their inner Wisdom that together we will raise our intelligence to a level that is far beyond what we yet accept as the normal ‘level’ of intelligence. Our heart knows everything and with curiosity we will find out that science is much more than we currently accept.

  451. We have adopted science so much into our society that there is a prevailing belief we run with that if science can’t explain it, then it must be hocus pocus. Yet, when we look at history that simply exposes our arrogance and unwillingness to embrace life.

  452. It seems to come back to those running the ‘Science Show’ needing to have the ultimate authority of the power of the Universe, handing out what is with-in their realms of mental process. It’s a bit like the Churches thinking they own the ‘rights to God’ and telling us how we are supposed to see and think about God. These are all man made assumptions, conclusions and illusions.

    1. Yes, that feeling of being right is very intoxicating and, surprisingly, very blinding. Once you are certain in your mind, it takes a lot to shift that certainty.

      1. It is blinding isn’t it? This is a great awareness to ponder on: the more we use the mind to create, maintain and reinforce our thinking the less perspective, and overall objectivity there is.

  453. The tools that are offered to support living the science described are second to none. There really is very little lived example out side of Universal Medicine of people choosing to respond to how they feel, connecting to what is absolute truth without going through the imagery of their minds thoughts on what any aspect of life should look like. The mind is such a well trained tool it is so automatic, I know that I assume it is me. But when I do this and observe my body’s response I get a very different story to the one my mind created. Food is a classic example of this, my mind may justify a choice and my body will respond with what is true as it process the choice.

  454. How open are we, humanity in general, to true science, when it is being presented to us? How willing are we to test what is presented, by living it?

  455. There is much that we turn blind eyes to, and in that act we deliberately close of access to the highest form of intelligence possible – Universality.

  456. This blog is beautifully exposing sciences weakness. Not truly seeking for that’s what’s unknown but seeking for security of our existence and expanses of the mental realm. It takes true scientists like Einstein that takes truly all into account and uncovers in more depth that what we live in and are here for.

  457. Love this Joel, science is only looking for that which it comes to know through the tools they have. Not that which is felt through our body. It is very interesting to see this and know that our own body is worthy of a deeper than science. As it is what we feel and experience not what is presented from outside us.

  458. Surely the common sense approach to scientific research and discovery is to say, ‘with what we currently know, this appears to be the case – but we could make a discovery tomorrow that changes everything’. A little humbleness goes a long way.

  459. A beautiful example of a scientific research paper – questioning the current trend and offering an alternative. You raise a very important point about the history of science, that everything we know take for granted as a scientific fact was once unknown, and once a theory or suggestion, often dismissed until overwhelming evidence to the contrary – and yet science and society at large prefers to ignore this fact and arrogantly assume that that which is not scientifically proven is fiction, selecting to forget that that which we currently believe is science was once unproven.

  460. You have opened up a world of possibilities here Joel in how science can be further explored.

  461. We have a well established version of science where the hard “evidence” is recognised as the standing and true way, and yet even in medicine the best practice and newest scientific method is always being updated and changed. It is quite awesome to see that the universe is entirely ordered and precise, it is so functional and yet so grand and beyond amazing. So out want for exactness comes from somewhere, but tends to be hindered by the limiting forms of accepted science we have which creates divisiveness and an ownership on knowledge,

  462. When I respond to situations and no longer go into a reaction I feel this is to do with my Livingness or as you have shared Joel being consciously present so to react these days is not an option to the best of my ability.

  463. Living with conscious presence supports us to be so much more aware of what is actually happening with in our own bodies and all around us. This is a simple but deeply profound way to live.

  464. Very stilling read, one that brings our focus to how we truly feel in life and not how we think we should feel in life. A wide open door to the wisdom of the present moment we find ourselves in, a learning, understanding, acceptance of our life, with the known inner guidance moving us to the next Moment, if we wish to make life “cardio-centric.”

  465. Surely what is important is not who owns the path to understanding but what might be learnt from it? This is such a key to wider understanding for each person on the planet, but requires the scientific system to put aside it’s beliefs and need for control and become truly multi lingual, for the sake of everyone.

    1. Love this rosannabianchini “what is important is not who owns the path to understanding but what might be learnt from it? ” – any real scientist would have to read this and go ‘yes’…

    2. Imagine if everyone was multilingual, so that one day we will all talk the same language and science will become universal and not owned by those who call themselves scientists?

      1. I’ll just turn that into a statement Greg, it’s very powerful – “science will become universal and not owned by those who call themselves scientists”

      2. Love it Rosanna, when we get self out of the way, “science will become universal and not owned by those who call themselves scientists”

  466. This article is very practical and supportive. When I picture biting into a lemon for even a few seconds my whole body reacts as though it is actually happening. This makes me look at my worries and daydreams in a whole new way. The mind is not a place to ‘safely’ fantasise about what ‘could’ happen… once I’m thinking it my body is already going through the motions, emotions, trauma and/or indulgence these thoughts bring.

  467. ‘Science is not limited in what it offers humanity, its only limit is the tools they use to understand life’ … I feel that this applies equally to all of us. When we limit our understanding of life to only what we see, hear and smell we are only taking in a fraction of what is going on around us. True wisdom and insight comes when we allow ourselves to feel and read the energy of everything first.

  468. ‘It is a bit like a traveller that wants to understand a foreign country but dismisses the locals as stupid because they speak a different language…’ this is exactly how we treat our bodies. They hold so much wisdom, know and feel everything about us and love us unconditionally , always. Yet, we dismiss and abuse our body as though it holds no intelligence at all, when in fact the opposite is true.

  469. How arrogant are we as a human race that scientists feel they can own something that is God given and constantly changing, by trying to take ownership of something they are out of sync with the universe which has moved on to the next movement of expansion. Is it possible that we spend so much time effort and money getting degrees in science or any other subject that we feel that we have a right to own something we have spent years in attaining? But if we look back at history to those people who plotted the movement of the stars and knew that the earth revolved around the sun, did not have a degree from a university they seem to observe with an openness of what was before them. By ensuring that everyone today has to have a degree on any subject or they wont be taking seriously shows to me just how far we have stepped backwards and that science today is the new religion of control.

    1. The ‘new religion of control’, is definitely a step in the wrong direction, as you have rightly shared Mary. The global phenomena The Way of The Livingness as a science and a religion has been passed down from the Ageless Wisdom teachings and are just as relevant today as they always have been so lets ‘learn from the cardio-centric approach’.

  470. As mentioned so playfully here, our history is rich with examples that human ability to measure and prove the existence of something comes well after that thing already exists.

    In fact the above observation is a no brainer and I don’t understand why we would ever question it. Our inability to see or measure something is never ever a proof that it does not exist.

  471. Yes, there is so much science is yet to understand, yet to dismiss it precisely because it doesn’t understand it is nonsensical. If we look at the sheer magnitude and beauty of the universe we can see that there is an enormous richness and wealth of wisdom and understanding to be tapped into. It takes a humility and a humbleness to put the life of planet earth into the perspective of this bigger picture. This doesn’t mean we are insignificant, just that we are a part of a much grander and loving whole than we thought, but one that is ever present waiting for us to connect to it.

  472. Thanks, Joel. When we look up at the stars how can we possibly not be humbled by and open to the majesty of the heavens, about which man can only have speculative theories and cannot ‘own’.

  473. We all lose when scientists who were presumably attracted to this career because of their curiosity in life around them become caught up in fighting for funds for their research and therefore needing to own the results and dismissing anything that does not fit in with their hypothesis. A truly open curiosity would surely lead one to feel that the consistently replicable results being demonstrated by students of the The Way of The Livingness who are using their bodies as science experiments with amazing results with wide implications for health and welfare spending around the world would attract interest even from those caught up in the need for ‘evidence-based’ science as humanity faces the medical time bomb of obesity, diabetes and cancer rates inflicting an ever increasing burden on society.

  474. An open scientific approach would be to run a double blind randomised control trial investigate the differences of life from a cardio-centric way of living. Proof is not required for those who live it feel the benefits within themselves, but to bring it out into the wider world, people want to see evidence.

  475. It is such a fundamental thing how we are with what we don’t understand, are we open and willing to see the truth or are we closed off and wanting to attack what we don’t understand. It runs through every aspect of society and currently in our societies around the globe we are choosing to not understand and close off, the implications of this way of living will be far reaching and prolong the inevitable evolution. Evolution is all about being open to understanding what is in truth already known, if you stand in that knowing then evolution is guaranteed to be a fluid process rather than something to be resisted and feared.

  476. Joel this a brilliant article and expose of science. I particularly liked the analogy of going to a foreign country and not understanding the language. In my extensive experience of travelling the world, whenever I have been open to whatever was happening around me rather than reacting or judging it or trying to control it, I have had a much more richer and more enjoyable trip and have understood things on a deeper level including communication with others even without language. Science could learn a lot more, a lot faster if it took this approach as you suggest.

  477. The real scientists are those who are practicing this cardio centric approach to life, the wellbeing and vitality of these people is what shows us that we do not need to wait for sciences tick of approval.

  478. Joel this is a brilliant article. How you offer Science the opportunity to truly understand that there is much more to understand than it is generally willing to look at is worthy of printing in any Scientific journal as it is so open and comes with zero bias.

  479. The ownership of knowledge that you highlight, Joel, is truly significant. It is through this control and manipulation of information that has enabled a minority to dominate the masses throughout history. It is then no wonder that those owning knowledge do not wish the cardio-centric approach be the norm as to do so it enables everyone to know and access The Truth and then they would loose there position of supremacy.

  480. Changing the foundation of living from the mental approach to the cardio-centric is a paradigm shift no different than from believing the world was flat when in truth it is round or that the earth was the centre of the Universe when it fact it revolves around the sun. Furthermore throughout history there have always been people, and even societies, who have known the truth but were ridiculed and suppressed and as in past the truth regarding these facts has eventually been acknowledged so, too, will the fact of the cardio-centric view be accepted in the same way.

    1. like this link Jstewart51 between thinking the earth is flat and thinking the mind is the source of our intelligence and ultimate saviour to our problems.

  481. True science examines all that is found outside the scope of what can be measured by the vastly reduced form of intelligence we as humans have accepted as our ‘norm’. Therefore true science is a study requiring astute observation of that which is already there and thus does not need what it is observing to be ‘discovered,’ but simply revealed once more to a mind we have allowed to run renegade and thus in opposition to, the wisdom (love) impulsed from our inner heart.

  482. “Indeed, science is not limited in what it offers humanity, its only limit is the tools they use to understand life.” Scientists have great minds, but our mind is limited to what it can know. Listen to the body and the inner heart and these are the tools that will offer an understanding of life that science and medicine are at present spending billions of dollars trying to work out.

  483. Joel, great article, ‘The reality is things have always existed outside the current understanding of science. Yet somewhere, the assumption is made that because science does not understand something that this thing doesn’t exist or that it is folly to suggest that is does.’ What you are sharing feels so true, it makes sense of course that things exist outside science. I can feel how there is so much in life that is unknown and that we do not need to wait for science to catch up and ‘discover it’, that we can claim what feels true for us from our lived experience such a living from our inner heart, this for me has proved to be a loving, true way of living.

  484. It’s a great point that science does not create things, it only measures things in order to understand them. We often place so much importance on needing everything to be proved by science, but as you say, there are things that are yet to be measured and understood. We can feel and know things without having scientific proof. After all, we are made of the same stuff of the universe. Why wouldn’t we feel it?

  485. Could we also say that a scientist knows more than they are prepared to share with the world at any given time. I have a sense knowledge can be manipulated to maintain the existing status quo.

  486. Great blog to expose the arrogance of science – it is quite astounding to see that we are expected to accept the fact that something does not exist until science confirms that it does, and we have some great examples of this throughout history, but it would seem that we have not moved on from this stance.

  487. We hang so much importance on what our scientific professions tell us, but every experiment, every discovery always comes heavily laced with our own belief systems and limited understandings, which are so often later exposed in their inaccuracies, the world being flat is a classic example. The cardio-centric way of living returns to us the ability to know science as a personal living truth, as we learn to feel the world around us on a energetic level once more and feel the qualities and effects of all our choices, on our selves and on one another. True science is about keeping our minds open to all possibilities, even when we don’t intellectually understand them, because at some point our awareness, tools and ability to understand will deepen and hence what were previously mysteries to us gradually become accepted truths that are woven into our everyday lives.

  488. Joel your explanation here is simple, clear and spot on with the experience of myself and many others that I know. The cardio centric approach to life will one day be the standard in the same way as we now appreciate the earth is round and not flat.

  489. Science is only going to make leaps and bounds when it stops just being science and combines with religion and philosophy to form a super group to pull us out of this age old way that keeps us at a level of unknowing.

  490. Beautifully said Joel and great to have it presented in this way. The huge stumbling block that science has which limits its otherwise awesome usefulness, is this very ownership of knowledge. If this wasn’t there as a barrier science would be open to this amazing movement in the world called Universal Medicine. A friend and myself have written an article about this very topic which you might enjoy:

  491. Joel I feel that what you have shared here, is actually a true scientific paper. This is how science should be approached, with openness and a willingness to receive what is to be known rather than a contractedness that seeks to own what is known.

  492. There are actually many things I lost by giving this choice to connect with my inner-heart a go, but I would not want any of them in my life any more, and I am willing to let go even more.

  493. You illustrate so well how we get repelled by something we don’t understand and how that is related to the energy of supremacy, dismissing the subject as less, and we see this (non)scientific approach played out as separativeness and disconnection in the world over in various scales and levels.

  494. Amazing Joel, reading it I now understand what a true scientific approach is and how far our current science is from this – one thing you flagged for me highlighted a huge problem with our current science they want to own the ‘results’ and stop any inquiry which might question their owned results, and so it’s not about science at all, but someone owning a result, as far from genuine scientific inquiry as you can get.

  495. ‘Science is great at many things but it continues to fail when faced with aspects of life that it does not yet understand.’ … why is this? Surely the desire to expand our understanding of life is what inspires our scientific minds in their research? Maybe what really holds us back are all our preconceived ideals and beliefs that have formed the foundation for our whole life ….. so then the next question is, what is more important to us, our pride or our willingness to accept that maybe we have been fed a lie and everything we thought was true isn’t. Whilst no one enjoys eating humble pie, it is worth every bite when it allows us to break free from the shackles that have held us back for so many lifetimes and live life unconstrained, being impulsed from our inner heart in connection with the divinity of the Universe.

  496. Truth comes from the Heart. Thank you Joel, this is a great expose’ on the Scientific approach as opposed to the Cardio centric.

  497. When people talk about Science I always think of the visible spectrum of what we can see. Just with the limited investigation we have done, it’s clear there is so much more going on that just what meets our eye. You’ve put it here brilliantly Joel for us to consider, that Science is here not to tell us it knows all that is, but to gradually uncover and explore more of what we already feel.

  498. “Regardless of education, geography or religion, we all seem to have the capacity to feel what is going on around us. Therefore are we not all the same at that very sentient core, the inner-heart?

  499. To dismiss true science is to dismiss the entire purpose of our lives.

  500. Your last question is an interesting one, “What is there to lose?”. In some ways the million dollar question, because quite frankly it makes no sense why anyone would dismiss the possibility that we can live cardio-centrically by simply practicing feeling first. But maybe the answer is also simple – that we do indeed think we have something to lose – our individuality. So we end up ridiculing that which we know is true on a deep level in our bodies, but deny due to an unconscious war we are waging, to protect our separateness from everyone else. I have felt both, and although it still puzzles me why I often resist what I know and have felt to be true, I love how I feel, the flow and simplicity of life when I do choose to live from my inner-heart.

  501. Science today has been convoluted today to be mystical, complex, difficult to understand and hence exclusive to the few. This is not science, this is a supremacy abusing science for its own means.
    Science in truth is the understanding and simplicity of our universe and everything around us. It is cosmic, grand, magical, stupendous and simple – because it is in fact known by all, not the few. There is no ownership of science unless we bastardise it (which is what has happened) and make it what it is not.

  502. Brilliant blog Joel, you have beautifully uncovered what true science is about. Like many things in life we have misused tools (i.e science, religion, education etc.) that are gifted to humanity for control, power and greed. But if we were to use science for a different purpose, for supporting humanity to evolve, to learn and embrace the unknown then perhaps we would be seeing a very different scene on earth, one that is about truth, harmony and not control.

  503. There are a number of institutions that we have placed above and before our own experience and body communication. Science is one of these along side Education and Religion. Depending on how these institutions are used and the quality and purpose through which many people introduce and drive what they offer, the awareness you are offering Joel is important to consider – The person/people’s body response to what is happening around them and whether it is a cardio centric approach or whether it comes from the impositions of the mind first will influence all of what these huge constitutions offer – their influence is huge. This makes me aware and deepens my responsibility to come from my inner heart first in all the choices I make and to challenge what is felt that is not true.

  504. I feel I will need to read this a few times to take in what you have shared with us Joel, as you have offered the reader much to think 🙂 about.

    What did stand out for me is the ownership that science as on itself and us, but how little science actually understands about the vastness of life and the universe – and then the question naturally comes – how can you own something which is not really yours to own and especially where is so much that is unknown?

  505. Joel – I love these lines – brilliant!

    “The cardio-centric approach suggests that any choice to override, misinterpret or choose to be oblivious is a choice to NOT feel what is truly happening – or put simply, we are reacting to what we feel.” and…

    “What if we could learn to not react to what was felt but stayed with that feeling? What if we can understand what is going on through the body rather than dropping into the mind and following the interpretations offered by preconceived ideas?”

    Something more for me to ponder on and observe more and practice more…what a gift to have ti so well spelled out!

  506. Joel, this is a brilliant blog, and I love how you have deconstructed the fact that so much of our lives are in fact impacted and controlled by ideals and beliefs. We do filter so much through ideals and beliefs, and then as a result live our lives through these filters rather than with a clean fresh look. Thank you for this powerful insight and understanding of how it all is set up!

  507. Great article that really had me interested. It reminded me of a time of when this is how the newspaper read, the stories were all not only reporting something but also revealing or exposing of the way something had been. This article doesn’t put something to the sword to criticise or make it less but more holds everything in an equally way so we may choose to also accept and hold it in the same way. Like science currently does we do to people, if they are talking a different way in a landscape that doesn’t accept them, they are not only outcast but often ridiculed and criticised for simply questioning things from what they know. How do we truly move together as people if we don’t take the time to understand and accept others and how does science ever truly get the message of another way unless we are willing to live this message in our homes. I don’t currently agree with the scientific approach to things and it needs to open up, the way to bring this is to live it from where I stand. We have many things to offer each other no matter “dialect ” we use.

  508. I never liked the subject of science, I always had the belief that I was not smart enough to understand but that is not true, as I understand and feel a lot and Universal Medicine and yourself Joel make it easy to understand. Thank you.

  509. Such a brilliant sharing, not only supporting our understanding and living our life but expanding the quality of life in every possible way. There is nothing to lose by exploring these tools of life, plenty to discover which brings a deeper understanding, lightness and open heartedness to us all.

  510. Fabulous Joel – ‘ It is fair to suggest there remains much in life that is unknown to science.’ – Indeed. Question is, are we open and willing to see the part that is as yet unknown to science or are we fighting and dismissing it, fueled by old ideals and beliefs?

  511. Yes what if the answers we are seeking to our woes can only be measured by tools that haven’t been seen as tools in modern science? Like using the inner- heart to feel?

  512. As you say Joel, science has not discovered anything new – as it was already there. Much the same way as the new world was ‘discovered’.

  513. Could it be that we want to control what is happening in our lives make sense of it and so we make things up to fit a picture of what we think life should look like and be like. And could it be that is what the scientists do as well? They say something is xyz until they are proven wrong as they invariably are.

  514. Another superb blog, Joel, packed with gems such as – “The more you live with conscious presence the more energy and vitality you have because you are not driving your physiology from your mind’s ideas of what is happening”. This simple statement explains so much about why the majority of humanity is in a state of utter exhaustion.

  515. Dismissing the power that lays in the connection to our body and inner-heart is actually dismissing the fact that we’re all very precious and delicate beings that deserve to be connected to the love that they are and are living.

  516. ‘The reality is things have always existed outside the current understanding of science”
    This point you make here Joel is very exposing of the fact that basically our whole reality and consciousness we mostly run our lives from in society is one that is always on the back foot of waiting for ‘organised science’ to catch up to or dictate what the ‘scientific truth’ is when we All have the ability to feel, listen to our bodies and the particles within that are in fact connected to our multidimensional way of being – for us to know what does and does not feel true in life. By us waiting for the current understanding of science we are living, giving our power away seeming quite content to not to discern for ourselves.

  517. Yes, completely agree, just because something is not understood it doesn’t mean it should be discounted. In fact research says that, so those who hide behind science when they don’t understand something are not representing the potential and actually, the responsibility of being a scientist. I have been my own scientist testing your hypothesis for about the last 14 years and have been very impressed with the findings. I don’t need anyone to confirm the results for me – they are conclusive and entirely replicable!

  518. Thank you thank you thank you, Joel Levin, on behalf of someone whose every cell lights up when reflecting on and considering the immensity and the intricate harmony and flow of the universe we are part of – whether it is the minutest particle in our body or the farthest solar system. Yet I witness again and again the limitations our scientific approach puts on the possibility of our connection, awareness and appreciation of most of it. The whole set up is as if we are only allowed to look through a key hole in the direction prescribed by the rules. Loved reading your blog.

  519. Superb article with so much to ponder on – I’m especially inspired to reflect upon when I respond to images and not what I feel first. But what is struck me is how science has indeed taken itself very personally. This is something I found jarred when studying 20 years ago, how protective and invested scientists have historically been about their discoveries or even, how societies are protective about their understandings and not wanting to change them. And am I any different?

    Growing up I wanted to be recognised as insightful and clever so it’s been a work in progress as I begin to appreciate my innate qualities rather than what I do. As too is being understanding of myself and loving so as to be open to letting go of the harmful ways that I once believed protected me – the letting go of the drive to protect my identity and way of thinking; allowing myself to appreciate and welcome the beauty in what others bring to the table. This what is brings joy (and way more to open up to) – more than any praise for what I do when really, the amazing things weren’t my doing – I do not own what I am impulsed to do or say, I just choose what quality it comes from.

  520. The detail in this well mapped out blog is suburb. We tend to use the word science as a badge of proof and it has an undertone that screams, anything that is outside its small umbrella is weird or not real. Luckily through out time we have had many great minds or should I say hearts like yourself that never back down from truth and are not shy about stating it publicly, a modern hero of mine, Joel Levin, as with all your writings – I love this, brilliant!.

    1. Hear hear Sarah – a true modern hero, who does not back away from truth.

  521. i can see how powerfully my heart wants to be open – it knows its the only way to be in life. i have had so many patterns in life where i have shut people out and hardened, and i am starting to understand how much this harms me and of course others. I am developing a true sense from my own body of how this impacts me, and I am working on not having openings for this to keep occurring. I deserve to feel nothing less than the pure love that I am.

  522. How often in my lifetime have I recognised that some hypothesis put forward by an “alternative” scientist which has been dismissed as airy fairy and unfounded by the mainstream scientific community, then becomes accepted and embraced about twenty to fifty years later. That makes it so clear that the information received is being filtered through the mind, and what is known and believed to be true continues to be adhered to, contributing to further narrowing, rather than expanding into new possibilities and truths. Serge Benhayon offers something that appears new to many but is really very, very ancient, and brings the opportunity for complete change in the way we live our lives. How many are listening with an unfiltered feeling approach that allows them to feel before they think. and so expand their consciousness as well as everyone else’s. The “quantum leap”, as it is called is what happens in that letting go of the thought out activity and feeling the energy, and so we have The Theory of Relativity that now everyone accepts. Thank you Joel for such a clear explanation.

  523. I like the openness you introduce to todays approach of science. We have learned to rely so much on our head that we have lost touch with our part in the world. We can not put ourselves separately to the world and the universe, as we are part of it, and thus we are part of its science and so it makes sense that science is experienced with our whole body and not just a part – the brain, or more so just thoughts and pictures.

  524. Awesome Joel and so true. I don’t have to be a PhD scientist to have taken the dismissive stance to understand life more, we all do at times. But life has expanded so much and continues to do so the more I explore and experiment, using the tools of Universal Medicine to understand life deeper and wider beyond what my mind can or only wants to understand.

  525. Living in connection with our heart is truly fulfilling and develops such a profound simplicity in life.

  526. A scientifically amazing blog Joel. There is something that all of the great and renkowned scientists have in common, and that is that they were connected to an other-worldliness, something beyond this world and made sense of the things which are on this world… way beyond their time.

  527. Another awesome blog Joel. I love how you have used the analogy of different languages as to how ignorant we can choose to be when we dismiss what they are offering through the way they express and do things differently, to that which science has reduced itself in this era. How limiting and truly unscientific when there are so many things that already exist and yet until science can validate it we are left questioning what we can feel because there is no scientific proof. I wonder when science will become more open to taking a spherical approach to understanding the universe and life.

  528. True science is about exploring the sense of wonderment, rather than necessarily getting answers or results. In that willingness to explore without attachment or expectation the world literally opens up.

  529. “The more you live with conscious presence the more you notice the gap between what is felt and how our mind interprets these feelings.” Well said Joel, and very very true. The mind doesn’t come anywhere near to the wisdom and understanding of the inner heart.

  530. If scientists had a more open approach and were willing to relinquish their control of the path to our understanding, I imagine they would start to uncover the meaning to many of the unexplained phenomena we live with on a daily basis.

  531. Indeed Joel, common sense says everyone would want to explore other tools that may offer a deeper understanding of life. This strangely is not the case though. People have agendas that are protecting their investments in methods that provide solutions to parts of our issues but do not take into account the whole.

  532. I do find it interesting how some ‘scientists’ can dismiss with scorn, derision and ridicule things that haven’t been ‘proven’ to be true without really questioning their approach to what constitutes proof…

  533. Perhaps there is a difference between Science and those that bastardise and misinterpret it just as there is between Religion and those that bastardise and misinterpret it. That is why these days we have to put True before a word and say True Science and True Religion which are very different to the current every day models.

  534. When we turn off the importance of science in our lives from reacting to how it is currently being enactioned in our world we are turning off a very significant and crucial understanding of how life is and how God communicates His love in our physical world.

    1. True Joshua. It’s a complete denial of God and the communication we receive from our universal multidimensionality.

  535. A brilliant article written by a true man of science. I love how you have brought things back to the simple truth that whether we can measure something or not does not determine whether it exists. A true scientist is someone who is open to life and all it can reveal to us.

    1. Perfectly said Elizabeth and it would be of note for ‘science’ and everyone in this world to really understand this point of what true science is and in fact everyone has access the reveals of the world through their connectedness and openness, just as Joel beautifully does.

    2. Very well said, Elizabeth – ‘A true scientist is someone who is open to life and all it can reveal to us.” The likes of Einstein had great humility and a perpetual sense of wonder about life and the universe.

  536. Great exposure of how science is currently used to control, own, manipulate and dismiss findings which will grow humanity.

    1. And when we look at things that science has told us to believe in the past then this control is obvious.

  537. When we try to own something we are completely lost, similarly when we make it about ourselves and that we are the ‘higher’ intelligence we are completely lost. Isn’t the whole ethos of science to be curious and be willing to feel and see the unknown? Being humble here is the only way to go as from this space the truth can then be felt and known.

  538. May this way of living be studied by science so it becomes fact not just subjective fact. It is only a matter of time as the living proof is the quality of our lives that are being lived daily all around the world in lots of different places, there is no commune and therefore falsely controlled environment. The students of The Way of The Livingness live and work in their communities, just like everyone else and because of the use of the tools presented to reconnected to their inner hearts, are living in a way that is very beautiful compared to what is considered the normal of society currently.

    1. Well said vanessahawthorne, there is no controlled environment, there is living proof out there if anyone chooses to study it and it could change the trajectory for health and most importantly our understanding of what true health is.

  539. A very important distinction to make concerning the quality of scientific exploration that is actually happening in the public sphere….if it is not confirmed or understood in the scientific community is something not valid….science is not there to tell us all what is and is not true,as you say there is much that continues to exist regardless of whether a scientist says it does or not. science is there to explore the universe and life, it is not only about validating in a narrow field of perception.

  540. You had my full attention with the heading Joel and what followed kept holding that attention right to the end. For most of my life science and I did not have a great relationship and when I read the words that “Science prefers to ‘own’ and even control the path to understanding.” I could really see why. Attending several Universal Medicine presentations on science has totally changed this relationship to one that I am loving to be part of and as a result I am finally understanding the importance of true science in this world.

  541. Joel, the way you have broken down science’s approach and how science has been so far away from true answers – not because the answers were not there but because science simply didn’t know how to find them.

  542. The pictures we create from our life experiences, to suit the outcomes we want or need get shattered as they never marry up to the reality of a situation.

  543. ‘It is a bit like a traveller that wants to understand a foreign country but dismisses the locals as stupid because they speak a different language..’ Joel, I love how you have put Science’s current thinking about life into to this context. It exposes where we are at. The language of Universal Medicine is a different dialect, but once understood makes a whole heap of sense.

  544. Joel, I love how simply you explain the concept of how science has not yet been ready to see that there might be a different approach to life, and that as such our understanding of life has been very narrow – rather than the vast richness it could be with what is available for us.

  545. Your clear explanation of the cardio centric approach to life literally blows my mind Joel. I was one of the dismissive skeptics a few years ago, living in layer 1, driven with my mind. A part of me must have remembered being connected to the inner heart sometime in the past because I was fascinated by Universal Medicine teachings to feel the body first, and this sentence sums it up for me today..”The more you live with conscious presence the more you notice the gap between what is felt and how our mind interprets these feelings.”

  546. An excellent blog Joel, thank you for sharing. Science does indeed wear it’s white coat as if it’s taller than the rest of us, in this case ‘us’ being the senses, our feelings and anyone who suggests that there could be an alternative to what’s written in a text book or that there is significant evidence for. It has always amazed me that in school you learn theories such as the big bang in depth because although there is evidence backing this, it hasn’t actually been ‘proven’… Would it not make sense to include this disclaimer and offer students and potential future scientists, mathematicians and researchers or even shop assistants and cleaners the opportunity to consider that science is an ever evolving, open field that they could add to with their wisdom because not everything is ‘known’ yet.

  547. I love the way you write Joel. You have a way of breaking through prejudice and assumptions. Your writing is an invitation to open our level of understanding.

  548. Love your blog Joel because it exposes where we are going wrong with science and how it is limited by the mind that does not have the knowing and wisdom of the inner heart, The cardio centric view is open to all possibilities it can’t be owned, and if we try it is because it is coming from the mind.The ownership of science is long and very old, yet how can we own something so stupendous as the Universe and Nature, it is there for us to learn from not to have ownership over.

  549. Joel what you have shared is definitely worth pondering on, there is so much for us to consider. I completely agree about the conscious presence, when we are with ourselves we can connect to the inner heart through that level of feeling. It makes so much difference with that level of connection as you know the mind on its own can fool you.

  550. Over the past 10 years i have been measuring this cardio centric approach to life through the remarkable tool that is my body, it is clear as day that our default mode is to filter our life experiences through the mind in order to make sense of them, and as Joel has stated this sense is a mass of identified beliefs, opinions and hurts that influence and shape our response. The gentle breath meditation has re-opened the doorway to an alternative sense & filter, a re-connection with my body, its sensitivity and awareness, and its incredible ability to feel and discern everything first, and as the trust in this presence builds so too does a sound confidence in knowing that this response is the one that consistently supports me.

  551. One of the factors that science must always consider is its own ignorance. How important it is to take account of the fact that ‘we don’t know what we don’t know’. If we limit our understanding to what we can see with our eyes, we discount anything that we can smell, taste, hear or touch. Similarly, if we only consider that which we can physically measure, we discount that which we can all innately feel or sense. Yes, science has made some amazing discoveries but it is limited by its own tools. What Joel brings to us all here is crucially important – and highlights why we must always be aware and willing to be humbled, so we can open up to the next evolution of our understanding.

  552. Thank you, Joel, another truly awesome blog. You have delineated a complex concept clearly and simply.

  553. Thank you Joel for exposing our narrow approach to our scientific studies and all the wonders of the world and the Universe that are yet to be unveiled. I once heard someone say that Science advances funeral by funeral! We have a tendency to want to own what we discover, as if we have somehow had a hand in its creation, rather than seeing that we are simply uncovering an awareness that already exists and one that can never be owned. When we develop as babies, our hearts sit at the end of our nervous system and then fold down into our chest cavities, protected by the warm enclave of our ribcage. To learn to read our world from our inner hearts as opposed to our mental and emotional filters in the brain restores a simplicity to life and one that many students of Universal Medicine are re-discovering for our selves, as we scientifically trial the effects of how we live each day with this new understanding. These teachings have taught us how to open up our vocabulary and speak a new language, the sensory language of the inner heart, a language that one day our Scientific world will be fluent in too.

    1. Beautiful sharing rowenakstewart. I love what you say here about our tendency to try to own what we discover. How true.

  554. It is sad that science and many other areas in life create their own language and are resistant to other dialects. In this arrogance we all lose because it is only when we are open and enquiring that we can expand our understanding of why things happen.

  555. “Long before the discovery of the atom, atoms existed, as did the solar system that we inhabit,” now I am not a qualified scientist nor did I study the subject science at school or university but every single cell of my body not my mind absolutely knows and pulses at the truth at how ancient the solar system is.

  556. Joel, what you are sharing here is really interesting, reading it I can feel how we can either react and misinterpret what is happening or stay with what we are feeling and the truth of the situation, not react and instead respond, from my experience the latter is a simple and enjoyable way to live without the constant reaction, tension and judgements that can be there when we have gone into our minds, ‘The more you live with conscious presence, the less reactive you become to the world around you and the more connected you feel to yourself and others.’

    1. This is what I have started to learn Rebecca, to be less reactive towards life and people. I have noticed a massive shift in my life since committing to connecting more to my body and being in conscious presence. I can feel the difference in my body and my relationship with people has taken on a beautiful quality that was previously absent due to living in constant reaction.

    1. i too enjoyed how simply and masterfully Joel has explained the livingness of the ageless wisdom in the context of the modern world’s scientific obsession.

  557. The established scientific community could learn a great deal from listening to the language of the inner-heart.

  558. Joel I love what you have shared here, it seems obvious yet we don’t align to the obvious rather pick the complex. For example as you’ve shared “The reality is things have always existed outside the current understanding of science. Yet somewhere, the assumption is made that because science does not understand something that this thing doesn’t exist or that it is folly to suggest that it does. It is a bit like a traveller that wants to understand a foreign country but dismisses the locals as stupid because they speak a different language… but on a brief tangent, isn’t this what most colonising countries did!!” This to me sums so much up, we rely on science as everything without appreciating that the type of science we rely on is always catching up with the universe and what is already there but just can’t be measured at this moment.

  559. “In fact, we can’t override or dismiss something without feeling it first on some level” As we become more aware we recognise these feelings and /or the habitual ways we escape from them. We all have our ‘go to’s’ whether it is eating or drinking, shopping, entertainment , sport, music, in fact it can be anything. Not that the ‘go to’ in itself is unhealthy necessarily but that we are using it to avoid feeling and staying with what is really going on, and, in truth, needs to be addressed.

  560. Science in a lot of ways has a lot to answer for in holding back the evolution of the human race, it has had some massive achievements but needs to be far more open and not a closed shop when it comes to advancements outside its little club of scientists, who’s mind driven pursuits have, and continue to hold us back from real advancments inspired by the inner heart.

    1. Absolutely kevmchardy Science does have a lot to answer for in holding back the evolution of the human race, but equally so does the human race for sitting back and allowing ‘Science’ to set the pace of our evolution.

  561. ‘Any choice to override, misinterpret or choose to be oblivious is a choice not to feel what is happening’ – so true – when we shut down and go into arrogance mode, it’s so as not to feel something that we don’t want to deal with. If we’ve been doing this for long enough it’s quite easy to pretend to ourselves that we’re not even reacting. Developing awareness through conscious presence helps us to stay with what we’re feeling, and deal with it, rather than running away from it.

  562. ‘The true test of science is how it faces the unknown’ – yet we want the beliefs that we hold dear – with scientists as with many of us – to not get rocked by new ideas. We hold onto old ways, hence forward thinkers get attacked. Then one day science eventually catches up – as with the heliocentric view of the universe compared with the geocentric view – just one example of many. One day the cardiocentric view of humanity will be recognized as being of value. The current focus on the mind isn’t solving humanity’s problems, despite high ‘intelligence.’

  563. This blog makes so much sense. Listening to my heart and my body – and honouring those messages – has resulted in a much healthier lifestyle than listening to the ‘beliefs’ that my mind held for so long. Being open to explore new ways of being and doing – that have offered me a deeper understanding of life – is the ‘truly scientific response’.

  564. Since its inception, science has been an activity that aims to shed light on life and its behind the scenes movements. Thanks to scientists who were able to honour their own feelings about movement and truth, much has been revealed. The problem with science in our contemporary world is that it has also become a guardian of movement of those who are willing to shed light on life and its movement for all of us. Detaching from the prevailing way of moving to feel the truth was and still is the way.

  565. Thank you for making these two approaches to understanding the world so easy to understand. I feel as though I’ve been given the key to truly understanding life.

  566. If the cardio-centric approach is our natural dialect to speak with, it becomes equally wondrous to learn that there are many other dialects that humanity communicates with, each and everyone of these dialects would be fascinating to know. When the cardio-centric approach is used, all dialects in the world will be embraced, no dialect will be shunned, the core issue thus is for us to feel that the cardio-centric approach is not anything new, but that it is so ancient and an ability that we all have if we re-connected with it.

  567. Pure brilliance – this blog is amazing and I love it. Look forward to commenting more on it.

  568. I agree Joel there is nothing to lose . . . accept the exhaustion that come from mentally going over and over things, projecting with our mind into the future and worrying about the past. Living the cardio-centric approach to life does completely away with all the energy wastage this takes setting us free to live fully moment to moment.

  569. ‘Surely what is important is not who owns the path to understanding but what might be learnt from it?’ Absolutely, competition is rife within the Scientific field for people to have their name linked to new scientific discoveries. However, everything that is there for us to discover within our Universe and beyond, and is there for everyone equally. We all contribute to life in our own way, just as someone gets up at 3am to clean our streets, another works in a lab pushing the boundaries of our current understanding. The ‘greatest’ minds are those that understand they don’t own anything, rather, they are, as are we all, potential receivers of infinite wisdom.

  570. Another brilliant blog, Joel. Thank you for opening such an important and evolving discussion.
    ‘Yet somewhere, the assumption is made that because science does not understand something that this thing doesn’t exist or that it is folly to suggest that is does’ …. this is so true! You have exposed, so eloquently, how crazy it is to use ‘lack of scientific evidence’ as a reason to dismiss something. It is a very arrogant approach to need proof and therefore, understanding, before considering something may be true, it suggests that we have superior intelligence to anything else around us, which, is very foolish indeed and reflects how unintelligent we actually are, when we allow this approach.

  571. Science is indeed limited by the tools they use to understand life and sometimes by the minds of those using them not willing to step outside of the known construct of what they already believe is true. However as with all things in life, the truth will surface and it is through articles like this that people start to consider that we may have it wrong when others are experiencing such life changing results from what lies outside what is science believes it knows.

  572. Stand-out brilliant article Joel. One day this inspiring piece of writing that lifts the heavy fog of limitation and reductionism on mankind will be shared in schools with children that will simply be confirmed in their innate knowing and wonder of life and all things science can offer when it – science- approaches life with that same wonder and innocence.
    That’s our eventual yet inevitable future.

  573. One interesting point about science is in clinical trials that the influence of the medical practitioners on the outcome is not investigated very thoroughly even though that seems quite important.

  574. The fundamentals of life can be understood via our connection to our bodies. That connection then offers us many wonderful tools to observe, read and express from what we feel first and foremost and that is an amazing relationship we all have if we choose to stop, connect and share in it’s offerings. Thank you Joel.

  575. Great article demonstrating how narrow and linear the prevailing scientific paradigm has become – is it possible that some science might be operating from a posture of supremacy rather than service to humankind?

  576. The good news is subjective experiences are the bread and butter of many studies in the social sciences, in research that utilises a qualitative approach. This is often based on obtaining the views of individuals and groups. It’s interesting though that pure science rejects this type of data – especially since as humans we are constantly experiencing the world and everything in it, including science itself. Yet somehow to the reductionist mind, this does not count as evidence of anything. The other good news is the phenomena science avoids is not going anywhere, nor are those who are keen to bring it light. Just like the atom, one day we’ll be researching the inner heart – and more.

    1. Yes Victoria Lister the rejecting of what seems the natural form of evidence collated through the qualitative approach is ridiculed as it calls on an understanding of ALL that is often not brought into the open when pushing for grants and public gains for marketing of certain products. It begs to questions whether science is about discovering or uncovering what we already know?

  577. ‘Science is great at many things but it continues to fail when faced with aspects of life that it does not yet understand.’ So it seems – yet surely the first premise of science is curiosity and an open mind.

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