Meeting Serge Benhayon… only the Beginning

When I first heard the name ‘Serge Benhayon’ I was on a weekend workshop learning another modality called Kinesiology. Early on in the workshop I felt my endless search for truth had been thwarted yet again, and that this modality offered me little or no truth or anything of value I could take into my life.

I had spent many years searching for truth, travelling the world doing yoga retreats and seeking out anyone that may provide some much needed truth and wisdom. I had read every Spiritual New Age book and had done workshops with Anthony Robbins, the Angel card reader, the man who has conversations with God, and had spent time dabbling with psychics, hoping they could provide some answers for me.

Then someone mentioned Serge Benhayon’s name in passing and I enquired about who he was and what he did. I often travelled to Byron Bay as part of my many spiritual journeys to that date, so I was surprised that I had never heard of this man’s name considering I was constantly in touch with any new person that entered the Spiritual New Age scene.

It seemed strange to me that Serge Benhayon didn’t advertise in the local paper or have any pamphlets lying around in the large array of health food shops and healthy restaurants, as there was never a shortage of new healers advertising themselves and promising further enlightenment of some sort.

It took me a while to track down his phone number and I called to check out what he could tell me about the services he provided. I got a call from him at the end of his very busy workday: I was at first hesitant about this man who sounded so different to every other healer or presenter I was used to engaging with. What was different is that he was not trying to promise me or convince me he was going to fix anything, there were no fancy words trying to hook me, only a very steady and calm voice that connected with me in a very real way. I realised that in the past I had become so accustomed to healers enticing me with their magic cures, but what this man was offering felt very different and a lot more true than I had ever felt before, so of course I was naturally curious to meet this man in person.

I planned a trip to Byron Bay and made an appointment to see Serge. I went to his clinic in a town called Goonellabah, which I had never heard of before. His clinic was simple and humble but I could feel a stillness and solidness in there that was different to any place I had been before – there was nothing flaky about this man.

When I met him I was pleasantly surprised to feel an instant warmth from him; it was quite unusual to meet someone you feel a definite connection and affinity with so quickly. This actual session left me with an impression that has stayed with me to this day and over time my love and admiration for Serge Benhayon has only grown.

Headshot of Serge Benhayon standing alonside a brick paved wall
Serge Benhayon | Founder of Universal Medicine

There is a quality and integrity to how he lives every aspect of his life – a consistent commitment to live and walk the harmony and truth of what he presents whether it be in business, his rich family life or with his many, many friends – which has been deeply inspiring and has supported me to strengthen and commit to every area of my life, including my relationships, my work, my parenting, finances and deepening the relationship with myself. Too often we are caught up in ‘giving more’ to family and less to work or vice versa, and this has been a big change for me to commit to being consistent in all parts of my life.

In this very first session I got to feel for the first time what it was to be truly met and accepted for who I was in essence. I had never been in the presence of anyone, either man or woman, who was so honouring and respectful towards me without needing or wanting anything in return; my body was able to relax and be open to experiencing a quality of love that I felt ready to embrace. This felt so natural that I knew it was not something new, but simply something I was returning to within my being. At the same time, this feeling was very familiar to me –it was awakening something inside of me that had always been present. It was an incredibly beautiful feeling and I knew that my search was finally over; all my so called ‘issues’ or life’s dilemmas seemed to not exist in this warm and deep connection.

I had come home to my own inner wisdom and truth and every cell of my body felt the fact that Serge Benhayon was the ‘real deal’; there were no bells or whistles or any super high feelings after the session, just a steadiness and stillness within that allowed me to feel my own power and grace that I held as a woman but had hidden from the world.

Having experienced so many healers and searching for truth for eons and being hooked by their promises of further enlightenment, this was a pivotal moment in my life. I had now found the missing piece in the puzzle, and everything I had ever felt but had often dismissed was suddenly beginning to make perfect sense –– this was the ultimate gift I had been waiting for my whole life.

What struck me the most (and still does to this day) is that Serge treated me with absolute equality. This was something I had never experienced with any other healers I had seen: often they acted with a superiority and wanted their followers to treat them as a guru. This always irked me and felt imposing, so naturally I was always suspicious when someone displayed that type of behaviour.

However in all the years I have known Serge Benhayon, I have never seen him impose on another in any way. He has always been very clear in supporting others to never give their power away to him in any way, shape or form; in fact, he treats everyone with the same equality and will always ask another to feel what is true for them, never holding any judgment whatsoever for any choices they make.

Serge’s true love and care for humanity is so expansive that he is always confirming that we all have access to the same truth and wisdom he has, and that he is not special in any way, for we are all equal. After meeting Serge I was left feeling that I also had within this immense love and truth, my problem was that I had been hiding for so long. But it was not until seeing that someone like Serge Benhayon could live this, that it offered me a different way to live and express in the world that until that point, I had been too scared to live myself. It took me a while to heal my deep hurts and to resurrect my true self again, but slowly over time I have peeled back the many layers that have kept me protected and safe.

To simply attend one session with this man or one Universal Medicine presentation can be life changing in itself, but I have had the joy of working with this man Serge Benhayon for many years at his courses and presentations at Universal Medicine. The consistency and absolute gold is an inspiration to all of humanity and has supported me to stop hiding away and to live more of my essence.

The great thing about what Serge delivers is that the focus is never just to better your life. The deep healing is important but its purpose is to more fully live that love to then support and reflect back to others that it is possible.

I can now feel all the other Spiritual New Age courses and healers kept me in a constant search and spin – I was chasing my tail and never ended up with something I could sustain. In fact, when I looked more deeply at their whole lives, and not just what they presented, they were not living that same quality of love I have rediscovered. So their words may have been good, but they were just that – words.

From my first meeting with Serge Benhayon, everything he said made complete sense and has been able to be applied practically to my life, so that I can see for myself, outside of sessions or workshops, how I can be in the world. Through Serge Benhayon’s support I have transformed my life enormously from being quite low and miserable to experiencing greater joy, vitality and more commitment and zest for life and relationships. I have been able to say ‘no’ to abuse that I had accepted from myself and others and now have more fulfilling and true relationships in my life – and the best part is this is only the beginning.

Anna Douglass - woman smiling joyfully
Anna Douglass

The fact that this is only the beginning is what I love the most. This magic that is my life continues to unfold the more I say yes to what I am discovering about myself. This would never have been possible if I hadn’t made the choice to meet Serge Benhayon and to be blessed with everything this man lives and expresses in a truly loving way… and yes, this is only the beginning.

By Anna Douglass, International Flight Attendant, Mother, dedicated student of the Ageless Wisdom, Australia

 Headshot of Anna Douglass smiling Anna Douglass has been working as an International Flight Attendant for over 25 years. She enjoys her job connecting with people from all over the world and noticing the shared similarities no matter what walk of life we are from.

You can follow Anna Douglass on Twitter @annadouglass3

Serge Benhayon Serge Benhayon is an author and presenter and the founder of Universal Medicine. You can learn more about Serge Benhayon at his personal website

Related Reading:
Appreciation for Serge Benhayon
What a Man – Serge Benhayon
Judith McIntyre on Meeting Serge Benhayon – A Meeting on the Edge of Eternity