Appreciating Paying the Bills

I recently saw a post on social media for what sounded like an amazing free event about having a different relationship with money, which was run by the charitable institution College of Universal Medicine. I would have loved to go to this event, though that wasn’t possible as it was in Australia, but I did manage to speak to a friend who went. Now I can’t tell you what the course was about as I wasn’t there, but one thing my friend shared that she took away from it, was appreciating paying her bills. What???? I nearly fell off my seat with that. Appreciating paying my bills! I had never ever considered this in my life.

I have been someone who is like, “Oh no, here’s another bill come in.” Someone who dreads paying bills. Never ever have I once considered appreciating what paying a bill offers me.

So this was a whole new and huge revelation to me. It left me pondering on and thinking about things such as what do I get to appreciate from paying my phone and internet bill? Well for starters, I wouldn’t be able to read these blogs, share lesson ideas and plans, talk to my partner who works overseas, FaceTime people, talk to and connect with people all over the world, pay bills, share photos, talk to my parents, be able to look up information at the drop of a hat, use Google maps, answer emails, watch webcasts of workshops, book holidays, hotels, message my brother on the other side of the world, work with groups, study courses, volunteer on projects, buy clothes and other items… and so much more.

When I thought about this I started to think about more bills, for example the car repair bills and petrol. I got to feel, realise and appreciate what paying this bill offers me: the ability to travel to see my family, to go to the shops, to not wait for a bus on a freezing cold day in the pouring rain, to travel to my partner’s; it allows me to work, to go to schools, to see people, to teach, to buy presents for Christmas, to make dinner for my folks, to spend time with my niece, to drive across beautiful Scotland and see amazing places; it allows me travel to courses, workshops, meetings, go to the doctor, the dentist, to hospital, plus so much more.

The list is end-less. I looked at food bills, rent, electricity and gas, plus lots more. What I am learning is this is a totally different relationship to have with money, one that is full of appreciation, and is deeply self-caring as I come to realise what I spend money on may or may not support me, and all the things I can appreciate, which paying every single bills allows me.

By Gyl Rae, Teacher, 40, Scotland

Related Reading:
Appreciation, Appreciation, Appreciation…..
Investments – Where are you Investing?
Peeling Back the Layers of Appreciation