The Land of Cockayne*

Life is great, we are doing well, individually and as a species but yes, every so often it’s time for time out, a relaxing break by the beach, in the mountains, the wilderness or wherever our fancy takes us.

Out come the glossy brochures, up come the internet pages, we lend our ear to the tales of adventure, freedom and happiness from family members, colleagues and friends. Even complete strangers are drawn into our musings as we are eager to disseminate our excitement, anticipation and pride – hey, we can afford it and we have deserved it, right?

As we eagerly progress with the planning, another and much subtler note makes its presence felt and takes us down a well-known albeit uncomfortable path, into the chambers of a long distant but never forgotten ancientness and slowly it dawns on us…

There was a brochure once, a glossy and supremely convincing one and it promised life, physical life – a break from the sameness of magnificence, incorporeality and evermore vastness and expansion. And hey, why not give it a go?

An adventure trip into the realm of three-dimensionality promised that life was going to be fantastic, exciting, happy, stimulating and full of a never-ending myriad of twists and turns.

But first we needed to be kitted out and get rid of our tedious splendour, this fifth-dimensional suit of ours; it took a while as we experimented with different outfits – the array was big after all and the choices endless as we excitedly crafted, donned and experimented with the various possibilities, from centaurs, gnomes, griffins and goblins to gargoyles; from unicorns, manticores, minotaurs, nymphs and ogres to sirens, werewolves, zombies and mermaids.

Preparing for the trip into the Land of Cockayne* was just as exhilarating as the trip itself while we revelled and delighted in our creations. The excitement was palpable and the sales pitch evermore convincing. Happiness was assured, delight a daily offering, bliss the icing on the cake and milk and honey, biscuits and bread, ice cream and raspberry, white fudge and chocolate peanut butter, not to mention beer, wine and spirts as well as coffee, prescription medicine and recreational drugs plus entertainment galore were guaranteed.

Our movements became heavier and then heavy; we set ourselves apart from one another and discovered the glee of individuality and its many rewards – standing out, being special, asserting ourselves, making a point or several, stomping our feet. The possibilities were endless and still are, trillions of years down the track into the Land of Cockayne*.

Admittedly, there are some things that need bettering; there are wars, abuse, vilification, hatred and violence but hey, our trophy is the fact that we are free to do as we please – are we not?

Forget immortality, forget energetic responsibility, forget evolution of the true and only kind – we have skyscrapers, modern medicine, iPhones, banquets and entertainment galore. And who can argue with that?

Now, remind me – where are we going again?

Painting by Pieter Bruegel the Elder 'The Land of Cockaigne'
The Land of Cockaigne (Painting by Pieter Bruegel the Elder)
For the inspiration, heartfelt thanks to Serge Benhayon, Esoteric Medicine, Vol II, The Expanded Understanding. Chapter 9, Pride and the preservation of pride. Part 2, To reject the energetic root cause leads to the creation of post-cause experts (unpublished at the time of writing, May 2019):

“We are free to do as we please, so declares the brochure that promotes human life. And this is not questioned. What is questioned is the fact that not all the cards are on the table for all to see. It may be that we are free to do as we please but that range of freedom may be different or at the very least otherwise considered if we knew how life truly operates, i.e. what actually causes life to occur. This is the point.”

By Gabriele Conrad, NSW, Australia

* The Land of Cockayne is also known as the Land of Cockaigne, Lotusland, Land of Milk and Honey and Schlaraffenland [in German].

Further Reading:
Countries in Comfort
Why we Should Not Hide in Comfort
A Philosopher’s Guide to Creation
The Better Life

113 thoughts on “The Land of Cockayne*

  1. this analogy is very interesting especially this part
    “Admittedly, there are some things that need bettering; there are wars, abuse, vilification, hatred and violence but hey, our trophy is the fact that we are free to do as we please – are we not?”
    Recently, I read yet another report on the amount of domestic abuse that happened during the European football matches. How many reports do we need before we actually admit to ourselves that something is seriously wrong with our society, where it is acceptable to promote football matches knowing that there will be a spike in domestic violence? If we allow this and we do then it show me that as a society we care more about the sport and having our fix of it than actually addressing the abusive behaviour which we are saying is acceptable because we allow it to happen without a care of the devastating effect it has on the families that experience this totally unacceptable abusive behaviour. All under the guise of so called free will

  2. Much the same as dancing with the wolves? or are we so ignorant to the lies that we will dance to any tune except the Loving❤ tune from God and the heavens.

  3. The way the world is locked down at the moment we are possibly at the zombie stage of life with many just going along for the ride and not really seeing the energetic Truth behind the lies.

    1. gregbarnes I agree with your comment, the governments and the media are currently being exposed in the duplicity of their actions, many have seen through the lies of the reasoning behind the lockdown, But still we want to believe the media and the governments on their stance of what is happening in the Ukraine, why is this when we know just how much they have deliberately lied to the world over the virus? It doesn’t make any sense to me.

  4. It’s up to us to consider if the promised happy life is so happy, maybe yes, but is it truly joyful and consistent? How could we ended up believing that a reality that leaves us exhausted is all that we could expected? To me feels like the standards built in this society are based on convenience, hiding, comfort, numbing and distracting to not feel the deep sadness we carry for not being in the fullness of who we are. We have denied the values we naturally bring, our preciousness that is within to be shared in exchange of a bit of entertainment, but it is really worth it?

    1. We deny, or cover up what we truly know and feel, ‘the standards built in this society are based on convenience, hiding, comfort, numbing and distracting to not feel the deep sadness we carry for not being in the fullness of who we are.’

      1. I agree with everything you have written Lorraine, There is an energy which we are choosing to use that purposefully keeps us in ignorance. So it is great that Serge Benhayon has reintroduced the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom so that we can reconnect back to the truth and regain the intimacy that awaits us with and to our soul

  5. As human-beings we consider ourselves to be very smart, after all we have put men on the moon, sent satellites out into the furthest parts of space that they can go to using their solar panel battery operated gadgets. We have found no other ‘life’ except the one we have fallen for ‘human’ life. We have not stopped to consider that may be there is life on other planets but that they vibrate at such a high level of frequency that in our dulled aware state we are unable to understand that this could possibly occur or be called ‘life’. Which bring me to your point Gabriele that not all the cards are on the table for all to see and because of this we have fallen for the glossy brochure that will give us a ‘life’ but not the true ‘life’ one of evolution so that we can raise our vibration break free of the casing called the human body and return back to the origins of where we should be in the first place before we were caught by the tempting brochure you have described so well.

    1. Could this be true, are we limiting what we truly know to this extent? ‘ that may be there is life on other planets but that they vibrate at such a high level of frequency that in our dulled aware state we are unable to understand that this could possibly occur or be called ‘life’’.

  6. The nonsense of our deviation from truth laid out for all to see. To choose to take ‘a break from the sameness of magnificence, incorporeality and evermore vastness and expansion’ is our madness.

      1. gregbarnes888 from where I’m standing it seems to me that humanity has become so lethargic they don’t care if they are controlled as long as they get their entertainment, drugs, numbing foods etc. they seem to ignore the fact that we are all totally controlled by the few.Too me the ‘dark ages’ have never gone away, I say this because the energy that ruled the dark ages hasn’t changed.

  7. We are caught in a spell of our own making, obliviously unaware that the master craftsman behind all the perfect pictures we are sold, is the one and same master craftsman of all that we recoil from. It only takes an opened eye to see (admit) that the tool of creation lays in our own hand alone as we meticulously craft the pictures that seduce us away from our universal intelligence and multidimensional awareness. In this compressed state we hungrily demand to be sold the ‘good’, blissfully unaware that is comes with the ‘bad’ and so we lose ourselves in the seemingly endless oscillation between these two points, the dance of time, the ultimate stalling that halts evolution and incarcerates us into a prison that lasts for many lifetimes until we arrive at that one moment where we afford ourselves the grace to open that one eye that allows us to hear the noise we have become. Only then can the sound of the One Song be restored within us as we draw true breath into our lungs once again and thus begin to resurrect that which we had let fall.

    1. We are ultimately responsible for what goes on in our life, and the world, ‘that the tool of creation lays in our own hand alone as we meticulously craft the pictures that seduce us away from our universal intelligence and multidimensional awareness.’

    2. Beautifully expressed Liane I agree we are all caught in a spell but I don’t believe it is of our own making. Is it possible we were born into a set of rules and regulations of how life is to be. We are then constantly saturated with all the pictures, ideals, etc., of how life is to be with no deviation. So that we accept the perfect pictures we are sold. Very few people have freed themselves from the blissful life we are saturated with, but these few people stand as powers of light to offer a way out of our created mess.

  8. When we look at what we have chosen here in Earth and get caught up in it we miss the fact that this is a destination that was chosen to go to rather than a place to be in the fullness of the love we all are. When we look around us and see the misery we see how we narrowly feel for what we wanted but chose not to see the picture in full.

    1. James is it possible earth was not the destination we were meant to go to, is it possible that some fell for the glossy brochure that was on offer and because they chose not to see the picture in full then became trapped in a world that was not meant to be.

  9. Thank you Gabriele, for offering the space to step back and see what we have chosen to enter in to, and expose the diminished view we live in our everyday lives that enables us to continue to accept separation, a lesser created version of ourselves and denial of where we truly come from.

    1. Well said Susan, on behalf of many that you have spoken here. Gabriele has indeed exposed much in this blog, and in this process, offered to us all the choice to explore this deeper and ask what we can work on to get out of the miasma of indulgence.

      1. The Miasma of indulgence that you speak of Henrierra Chang is that we are constantly pressured every moment of the day to acquiesce to the distractions that are served up in front of us. If we do not like or want one thing we are presented with something else. We are given everything as long as we are kept in the distraction. When we turn inwards back into ourselves and reconnect again to God then we are lost to the consciousness that feeds us the distractions. That’s why it is determined to keep us all in the constant distraction we call life.

  10. The Land of Cockayne, The Land of Milk and Honey, The Land Of the Lotus Eaters, can you feel the effect of those names in your body? For me Cockayne feels like over stimulation and excitement of creating more and more for a successful life, The Land of Milk and Honey draws me into sensations of delicious tastes that keep me seeking ever more comfort, and the Land of the Lotus Eaters overcomes me with the drowsiness, apathy, and oblivion of a totally drugged state. None of them are vital, alive, present, living in true prescence. Yet we choose them in many little ways in life. When we take charge and learn to choose the fire that will clear them from our bodies we are accused of being rigid, strange, kill joys, even dangerous, and so on. To release ourselves from the clutches of the old ideals of how life is and should be, we have to find that place of stillness within which is seldom connected to by humanity now, only then will all the particles of our bodies reveal the truth and bring about a change of our consciousness.

    1. Joan I love what you have shared here, I really do. Your descriptions of the different states is absolutely spot on and it is so obvious that they have come from the truth of your body.

    2. And so would I much rather walk the eternity we have left here in The Land of The Livingness.

    3. Joan it could be said that these lockdowns are affecting us in the way you are describing. ‘The Land of Milk and Honey draws me into sensations of delicious tastes that keep me seeking ever more comfort, and the Land of the Lotus Eaters overcomes me with the drowsiness, apathy, and oblivion of a totally drugged state. None of them are vital, alive, present, living in true presence.’
      Which I feel is why we have these lockdowns it’s got little to do with the virus and keeping us safe so says the government, but a way of controlling us so we are kept in separation by going into the drowsiness, apathy that you mention. It’s so insidious we are lulled into the apathy without realising it is happening. Are all governments across the world in collusion to keep humanity suppressed and drugged? And are we are allowing it? So is it possible we prefer the comfort of the checked out state over our natural way of being?

  11. It is all about feeling why we do the things we do and the purpose behind them.

  12. Until we all don’t let go every distraction we use to evade ourselves from what we created and the true purpose of our life, we won’t be free to live the glory is awaiting us. We are divine beings fighting the fact that we don’t have to do anything else but surrender to what we really are..

  13. This reminded me of an advert I saw recently. It was about this virtual reality fitness machine you can have at home. You wear this goggle like thing while you ride it and get to experience as if you are flying across the sky. It comes with a variety of visuals and body sensations to choose from – from wilderness to space combat, from slow and leisurely to extreme speed and ferocity – to meet the level and flavour of our appetite, and keep our senses stimulated. It’s a whole body experience. It offers another world within this reality. Amazing. It’s like we have been already on something like this for a seriously very long time and long ago decided to auto-subscribe to keep swapping the programme to keep us entertained. But we somehow forgot that we are on a ride so when we don’t like what we are experiencing we think that we have to invent something to take us away from it. All we ever need to do is just take off those goggles and we will see how we can turn off the machine and hop off. And we will realise we have never left home in the first place.

    1. Sounds awful …. or just not put the googles on in the first place! WOW the things we come up with so we can’t feel!

  14. “Our movements became heavier and then heavy; we set ourselves apart from one another and discovered the glee of individuality and its many rewards – standing out, being special, asserting ourselves, making a point or several, stomping our feet. ” A true wake up call for humanity. What do we really want?

    1. I know. When I read this bit of the article I could at once feel the enticement of those ‘rewards’ – the ‘standing out, being special, asserting ourselves etc’ whilst absolutely knowing them to be a deviation from the oneness that we truly yearn for.

      1. Whatever giddy heights we think we’re able to reach as individuals are absolutely nothing but paltry offerings compared to the unbridled splendour of us in the collective glory of our Oneness.

    2. When we chase being the one, how many others have we left behind that we consider less? It becomes a heavy rain on what was a still pond with the ripples created that affect everyone.

    3. Sueq21012 I have come to my own understanding that as our movements become heavier the denser we become the more control the Astral consciousness has over us because we have slowed down our particles to become dense and sluggish which gives them access into our bodies. Speed up our particles and the speed is too fast for the Astral consciousness to penetrate.

  15. “Forget immortality, forget energetic responsibility, forget evolution of the true and only kind – we have skyscrapers, modern medicine, iPhones, banquets and entertainment galore. ” And this is where we have ended up as society. Thanks to the presenters of the Ageless Wisdom over the years and currently in the form of Serge Benhayon, some of us are waking up from the slumber in the land of Cockayne.

  16. Brilliant Gabrielle. To clearly realise that everything we have created here is a diversion, from who we truly are is what humanity desperately needs. Thankfully God is constantly sending us leaflets reminding us everyday. Talk about Direct Marketing!

  17. Free to do as we please? The body can prove that every detail of so called freedom has a cost that we are not willing to see or admit to, hence the need for all of the distractions and outcomes here stated. Thank you Gabriele

    1. There is no such thing as freedom because none of us are built with the ability to either move, think or speak for ourselves. The truth is we align to one of two consciousnesses and then those consciousnesses supply us with a range of options of movement, speech and thought. Nothing is ‘ours’, everything comes through us, which when you consider how much we all like to ‘own’ what we do, say and think is, in itself evidence of just how deluded we’ve all become.

    2. What if there is no freedom as such, that we can choose what we align with, and we are vessels for that consciousness to come through.

  18. We are inundated with “post cause experts” and those who choice to feel the energy that is causing life, so we can Truly-evolve, are growing in numbers exposing those so called experts.

  19. What is the difference of Pinocchio being enticed to go to the Island where anything that you desire, is given to you? But then the bill comes to pay for it with being turned into donkeys to toil away to pay for it? Free will, always has a price and an outcome from our choices.

  20. Even with the enormous mess that the world is in today we still cling to ‘The Land of Cockayne’ defiant and arrogantly denying the simple truth of how far we have wandered from our divine origins.

    1. “Even with the enormous mess that the world is in today we still cling to ‘The Land of Cockayne’ defiant and arrogantly denying the simple truth of how far we have wandered from our divine origins” and Susan that’s because we all still believe that The Land of Cockayne will deliver, we’re not yet at the point where we’re prepared to see that The Land of Cockayne won’t ever deliver, it simply can’t. The only thing that will ever truly deliver is switching the consciousness that we align to, nothing else will ever satisfy our constant cravings.

    2. ‘The Land of Cockayne’, will not deliver us back to our grandness, magnificence, the brotherhood we all are a part of. We have to say ‘no’ to the mess of the world, and choose to align to the consciousness we all originally came from.

  21. Currently we are like the blind leading the blind up a dark ally and not feeling the energy they are so adapt at reading and being dismissive of the root cause and finding excuses because we can not see.

  22. We’re all staggering around drunk on prana, we’ve imbibed so much of the stuff that we’re all literally toxic. The only way to get clean is to change our fuel from prana to fire. It cleans out all and every one of our systems.

  23. How can we claim to have evolved or even to be the so called most advanced species, when there is still so much unrest, war, rape and murder in our world? Have we really reached the pinnacle of our evolution to celebrate this by beating each other up, using domestic violence and having the level of depression and anxiety that is hitting the roof?

    1. The same consciousness that impulses us to beat each other up is the same consciousness that enables us to think that we’re an evolved species. We align to that consciousness with our movements and then we get what we’re given. Done deal, you can’t negotiate with a consciousness, you are what it is.

    2. No, when you stand back and observe us as human beings, we are not intelligent at all, the world we live in is beyond terrible, and yet many people still choose to bury their heads in the sand.

  24. In essence we have chosen to reduce who we are in the search for something interesting to do and got so consumed by it that we now take it as reality and champion the little trinkets that we have created. I am wondering if we are as intelligent as we are leading ourselves to believe.

  25. What has been written here clearly exposes the fact that we did not read the small print of the contract we signed long ago. And once you sign the contract it seems to me near on impossible to get out of it, as there are clause within clauses along with sub clauses too that have to be re-imprinted in order to get out of the jail we have created. The positivity of this is that we are going no where but round in circles until we all get to see the cards that are not on the table as they are the key to unlocking the jail. This is when we are ready to admit we have been fooled. That for the spirit that resides in all of us is mega huge and why it is taking so long to admit we were fooled by the glossy brochures.

  26. Brilliantly illustrated article Gabriele, about the state of humanity. In a conversation with a young man today, he lamented the fact that his girlfriend spends so much time buried in her iPhone, scrolling endlessly on Pinterest or other online sites. With our smart technology
    we are losing connection with ourselves and each other, getting more and more lost, until we start asking is there another way? This is a great question to start on a path back to who we are, who we truly are.

    1. Yes it is such an addiction and takes us away from connecting with each other. I have been that person who forgets to look up and see the relationship right in front of me, and instead consumed by the bright lights of my phone. The hooks are designed very effectively but it is always our choice to pick up the distraction in the first place.

  27. Just how far away from our truth have we walked? …. time to walk back to it and live it ✨

  28. When life gives us the choice of path A or B and excludes the rest of the alphabet, it does not take many of these decisions to become lost from who we started as.

  29. To me this says it all ‘What is questioned is the fact that not all the cards are on the table for all to see.’ That everything was not known however if we are open to truth everything can be known and as you share we cannot be exempt from energetic responsibility .. even if we ‘think’ we can be!

  30. The world is standing in front of us wildly waving its right hand and then tells you to not take eyes off of your still left hand. And where do we continue to look?

  31. If we were to use the analogy of society being a cocaine addict then the amount of cocaine that we are all needing to get high is steadily increasing. Nothing is enough anymore, we have an insatiable appetite for more. Faster, bigger, tastier, more tantalising, louder, more explicit, more abusive, more stimulatory, more, more, more. We’re no longer getting high on our usual drugs, we’re having to ingest more of everything in order to get the numbed out result that we’re all so desperately craving.

    1. We are burning the candle at both ends and then putting it in the oven to remove the wax quicker. And then, we have modern medicine to replace the wick and inject more wax to prolong the process until we are just a melted mess.

      1. Oh heavens, how low do we have to go before we accept we are idolising the wrong ‘independence’ and freedom.

  32. I love how this analogy brings home to us the ridiculousness of the situation we have created, and continue to champion on so many different levels.

    1. We are blinded by how ridiculous we have been, and continue to be, we have lost our ability to discern what is true, and what is not true.

  33. Gabriele the painting that you’ve included feels very appropriate for where we’re at. It feels like we’re intoxicated by a consciousness. A consciousness that gives us an unlimited array of choice and emotion. A consciousness that never ever runs out of ‘the more, the different, the new’ to continually entice us and keep our eyes fixed firmly on the Horizon of Nowhere, Nowhere At All.

    1. We have indeed been intoxicated by something that was outside ourselves, now ‘It feels like we’re intoxicated by a consciousness’, that has entered us and it has quite a hold till we renounce this consciousness and keep saying ‘no’ to it, and ‘yes’ to Love and Truth.

  34. Just what have or are we buying into with every choice we make? Each one is either an opportunity to stay in the life long holiday from truth or instead to return and live a deeper purpose which we all feel when we let go of attachment to life’s comforts and distractions.

      1. This is a great question Michelle where are we still seeking comfort in the everyday of life. It seems we are so busy eating at the trough of desires that we haven’t realised that we are caught in and by an energy that ensures we do not lift our heads up to question anything. Should we dare to lift our heads up then there is yet a myriad of more distractions to keep us all occupied in the trough.
        Thankfully there are enough people who have seen through the lie of the comfort to show us all a way out should we lift our heads out of the trough enough to want to see another way to be.

  35. ‘There was a brochure once, a glossy and supremely convincing one and it promised life, physical life – a break from the sameness of magnificence, incorporeality and evermore vastness and expansion. And hey, why not give it a go?’ It has never made sense to me that we chose to give up and reject the all that we are from and yet I totally recognise the want to make creation work or make it better, since I have been and still am to a certain degree, very much caught up in it all. Learning to let go of my individuality and investment in self has still some way to go, but the return journey has begun.

  36. Something that is so much less than who we all originally are as souls can never work.

  37. Gabriele, what a fantastic exposure of the holiday we all have taken from who we are and where we come from, to consider on this wider, grander scale the choice we made and how we considered we needed “a break from the sameness of magnificence, incorporeality and evermore vastness and expansion”, and we fell for it and we still do for here we are in the lesser we have chosen. And so to come back to consider there is so much more beyond what we know and see and as we allow ourselves to again see, to peel back the layers we begin to understand that the choices we have are not truly those we think we do, it’s to come back to that splendor, to the truth of who we are, or to continue playing in our playpen with our choices failing to see it’s in fact a cage.

  38. ‘Forget immortality, forget energetic responsibility, forget evolution of the true and only kind – we have skyscrapers, modern medicine, iPhones, banquets and entertainment galore. And who can argue with that?’ Except that so many of us can feel the emptiness of it all. Pushing it down and denying it doesn’t stop us from feeling it and at some point when we have dulled our senses enough or numbed ourselves enough we will have to admit that this isn’t it and will begin to look at immortality, energetic responsibility and evolution of the true and only kind as the only way to live.

    1. Just reading the words ‘ skyscrapers, modern medicine, iPhones, banquets and entertainment galore” brings a kind of heavy congestion into my body, whereas reading the words ‘immortality, energetic responsibility and evolution of the true and only kind ‘ brings a lightness and ease into my body. It really is our bodies that will lead us out of this mess.

      1. The body really doesn’t lie – we only need pay attention to it. To trust it is incredibly empowering. When I have listened to my body it has never been wrong.

  39. I love the bigger picture this blog gives permission for us to see. When expressed in this way, life as we have accepted it simply doesn’t make sense, if it ever made sense at all..

    1. What we have mistakenly taken to be the ‘grandeur’ of life, i.e. the choice, the luxury, the unlimited array of experiences, the excitement, the pomp, the endless array of different details about this, that and the other are actually all one and the same thing, a walloping great lie. It’s all just different colours of the same thing and that one same thing is enticement away from God. There is not an ounce of true good in any of it, it’s all just a distraction conjured up with the intention of getting us to stay out in the wilderness of disconnection just a little bit longer.

  40. A screech to a halt moment to consider what is presented in this article. Our madness exposed and thirst for individuality and irresponsibility revealed. Sobering.

  41. Having been one of the first who made that choice long ago has made me question my judgement ever since, but now it has been exposed, the journey back home is clear.

    1. Once the truth is revealed it becomes clear what we have aligned to. It is then simply a matter of continuing to make the choice to connect and to be aware.

  42. This is no land of Milk and Honey that’s for sure and anyone who thinks it is in my opinion sadly disillusioned and there’s the rub as we did not read the small print of the travel brochure and now we are being used as playthings by the unseen forces that sold us the land of ‘Milk and Honey’ ideology in the first place. We are all responsible for the mess we have created for ourselves, we spilt the milk so to say so lets not argue amongst ourselves who split it and who is responsible lets clear it up and get the hell out of here together.

  43. If the barriers are there but unseen we assume we are free to do as we please. But just because we can’t see them doesn’t mean they are not there. The mind is a perfect example, I can think of any fantasy I want to without limits. However, it feels like being trapped in a cinema with no freedom to be aware of the energy all around me.

  44. I sense a temptation of jealousy and comparison in the enticement to create an individual existence away from the magnificence of being part of the All.

  45. The truth of life revealed….are we actually given the full choices or has it been rigged to keep us distracted away from the truth?

    1. Rigged. And we’re the riggers, it’s our movements that set up the limited range of choices that we’re given. And it’s us that keep choosing to move in the same way over and over again. Repeat choose repeat, start again, repeat, choose, repeat……………..

  46. Year after year and life after life we continue our indulgence in the distractions. Distractions that abound so that we never ask ‘remind me, where are we going again?’….what is the true purpose of our existence?

  47. Wow Gabriele, this is a very poignant blog that highlights what we have chosen as a human species and makes every person squirm in their seat knowing that not one, I repeat, not one, of us is free of not having been part of this mess called creation.

    1. We’re all in it up to our eyeballs because the world only exists as it is because of each and every choice that each and every one of us has ever made. It’s as simple as that. No one is exempt, we’re all responsible. Time to turn our accusational fingers around and point them (lovingly) at ourselves. Did I have a hand in creating this mess that we’re all in? Too right I did. Am I now choosing to do something about it? Too right I am. How do I know that what I am now doing is having an effect? Because I am no longer living in the illusion that I am an individual in ‘my own right’, I know that I’m not, I know that I am a living portal through which energy pours and that my movements dictate the particular energy that will enter my body. I choose to move in a way that keeps me aligned to a consciousness that comes from and leads back to the truth.

      1. Alexis this is what is missing from our education
        “I know that I am a living portal through which energy pours and that my movements dictate the particular energy that will enter my body.”
        If we were taught this and that energy matters because which energy we chose dictates our alignment and the moves we make. We know this it’s not rocket science we can move for example in anger or not. If we move in anger everyone feels it and its negative effect. People have a tendency to steer clear of people who move/walk in anger so why move in this way? Deal with the anger by choosing a different energy.

      2. Ah but the thing is Mary if we move in niceness then it’s just as disharmonious as moving in anger but the problem with niceness is that we allow ourselves to be fooled by it, whereas we register anger as being far more disharmonious than niceness but it’s not. They both come from a consciousness that is not it.

  48. We are so lost that we don’t recognise it… and we accept and revel in the normality of that lost-ness.

    Thank heavens a man called Serge Benhayon pointed out the startling truth of what life is truly about… he has opened my eyes to just how far we have strayed from truth.

    1. We are so lost we don’t even recognise it – sadly true. It’s now time to come back to the path of truth and love – and stay with it, unlike before…..

    2. Literally thank God for Serge Benhayon because without him we would all still be swimming in the foul mess of life that we have all had a hand in creating. Serge Benhayon has come along and said something like, ‘Isn’t it time you all cleared up this mess you have made and come home?’ Serge Benhayon has a way of pointing out the obvious that wasn’t obvious before he pointed it out. Nothing can be hidden from someone who sees and knows everything because of his alignment to the multidimensional energy we all come from.

  49. Reblogged this on and commented:
    I love this analogy and very true it is, relevant today more than ever. We are seeking to obliterate ourselves on food, drink and entertainment all to avoid the truth that we are so vastly much more than this that it’s laughable to consider the state we have become – at least it would be laughable if it were not so ludicrous.

  50. I love this analogy and very true it is, relevant today more than ever. We are seeking to obliterate ourselves on food, drink and entertainment all to avoid the truth that we are so vastly much more than this that it’s laughable to consider the state we have become – at least it would be laughable if it were not so ludicrous.

  51. What a crack-up, if there was ever a clear history of our species and the commentators on this blog shall have fun exploring and appreciating the way life Truly-operates as we all have become post cause experts!!!.

    1. Post cause experts indeed – another qualification to keep us from what we really need to be doing and the whole reason we came here…

    2. Very true Greg, ‘we all have become post cause experts!’ But seldom do we stop to consider and see the root of it all and why we chose it in the 1st place.

    3. Its funny in a way Greg ” To reject the energetic root cause leads to the creation of post-cause experts” . The post – cause experts are post – cause examining post-cause silly really.

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